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2024-08-29 13:41:431593瀏覽

The False Son is the all-new boss in Risk of Rain 2 introduced with the Seekers of The Storm DLC expansion. This, as usual, is a fantastic addition to the game, and beating the boss under the right conditions will actually award it as a playable character.

How to reach The False Son in Risk of Rain 2

Reaching The False Son is a complicated process that must be figured out by divine divination or by using this guide. It takes a few steps, but with a few friends and some patience, it’s more than doable. It will require a few items and a boss to be beaten.

How to beat The False Son boss in Risk of Rain 2 Seekers of The Storm

Here are the steps you need to take to get to The False Son in Risk of Rain 2:

  1. Defeat the Aurelionite – This boss can be found in the Guilded Coast. To get there, you must first find a Gold Altar and pay 200 coins or enter via the Bazaar Between Time. The latter is a much easier and more common option, as the Altar has a low spawn chance.
  2. Pick up the Halcyon Seed – The Aurelionite boss will drop this seed. You will need it in your inventory for the False Son boss fight in Risk of Rain: Seekers of The Storm.
  3. Open a Green Portal – Now, once you have returned to the run, open a green portal. This can be done by finding one of the new green Halcyon Shrines. These spawn at every loop, so on stage 1, stage 6, and stage 11. Activate it, and wait for the option to activate again to appear. This will spawn a mini-boss who must be defeated to open up the green portal in Risk of Rain Seekers of The Storm.
  4. Head Through the Portals – You must now head through two regular stages. Completing these will put you into the Prime Meridian stage, where you can finally fight The False Son in Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of The Storm.

How to beat The False Son in Risk of Rain 2

Scale the mountain to get to the top and begin The False Son boss fight. There are gold pillars on the way that will give barrier. Try to avoid the meteors and enemies. I found that using the new Seeker survivor in the DLC will let you just fly straight up the mountain using your Special ability.

How to beat The False Son boss in Risk of Rain 2 Seekers of The Storm

The secret is to keep moving. The large laser attack of The False Son can do some pretty big damage. Use the pillars around the map for cover if you need it. Hopefully, by this point in the run, you will have been lucky enough to have some pretty good items. You should be able to heal and hand out the damage.

Survive until stage three, and Aurelionite will arrive to fight alongside The False Son. Find the golden pillar and break it to get your skills back and defeat the two of them.

Stay on your toes, and you will eventually be able to beat The False Son in Risk of Rain 2: Seekers of The Storm. Ensure you do this with the Halcyon Seed in your inventory. This will allow you to unlock the False Son survivor as a playable character.

