首頁 >硬體教學 >硬體新聞 >Garmin Fenix 8 新聞稿洩露,顯示新 AMOLED 顯示器選項的升級、最新功能和官方電池壽命估計

Garmin Fenix 8 新聞稿洩露,顯示新 AMOLED 顯示器選項的升級、最新功能和官方電池壽命估計

2024-08-27 06:38:36577瀏覽

Garmin Fenix 8 press release leaks showing upgrades, latest features and official battery life estimates for new AMOLED display option

當談到 Garmin 的下一款智慧手錶發佈時,這個秘密就已經完全公開了。今年到目前為止,該公司已經推出了 Lily 2 和 Forerunner 165,後者是 Forerunner 265 和 Forerunner 965(亞馬遜售價 499.99 美元)的更便宜的替代品。然而,最近的大量證據表明,在第一批 Fenix 7 型號上市兩年半後,Garmin 已準備好推出新款 Fenix 智慧手錶。

現在,the5krunner 聲稱已經掌握了完整的官方新聞稿菲尼克斯8系列。雖然沒有提及發布日期,但 Garmin 目前預計將於 8 月 27 日推出新款 Fenix 智慧手錶。此外,新聞稿中不包含任何設備圖像,這些圖像是本月初洩露的。

為此,最近的拆箱視頻已發布證實了下麵包含的一些信息,以及由 FitnessTrackerTest 提供的有關電池壽命估計和連接選項的其他謠言。順便說一句,Garmin 現已確認了官方未知的產品發布活動的日期和時間,我們已單獨介紹了其完整細節。請參閱下面 Garmin 所謂的新聞稿,以了解更多詳細資訊。

終極多運動智慧手錶有各種尺寸,提供明亮的 AMOLED 或 MIP 太陽能顯示器、先進的戶外、多運動和健康功能以及揚聲器、麥克風、和一個明亮的 LED 手電筒。

多年來,fēnix系列以其創新功能、高品質材質和獨特設計而享譽盛名,成為過去十年多運動腕錶的標竿。現在,Garmin 推出了最新一代:fēnix 8。這款新型號首次配備令人驚嘆的 AMOLED 顯示屏,還配備增強型 MIP 太陽能充電鏡頭,以延長電池壽命。憑藉高級力量訓練功能、潛水配置、內建揚聲器和麥克風以及 Garmin Share 等升級,它是迄今為止功能最強大的 fēnix - 專為那些想要突破運動極限的人而設計。

51 毫米 AMOLED 型號在智慧手錶模式下的電池續航時間長達 29 天,而具有常亮顯示器的 51 毫米太陽能型號則可持續長達 48 天。


  • Displays and Sizes: Choose between models with a brilliant AMOLED display or a power-saving MIP display with a solar-charging lens. The fēnix 8, in its 51 mm version, delivers 50% more solar power than its predecessor. The AMOLED models are available in three sizes: 43 mm (1.3-inch), 47 mm (1.4-inch), or 51 mm (1.4-inch), while the MIP versions come in 47 mm (1.3-inch) or 51 mm (1.4-inch).
  • Durable Design: All models feature waterproof metal buttons, a new side-mounted sensor guard, and have been tested to U.S. military standards for heat, shock, and water resistance. High-end materials such as titanium or stainless steel bezels and scratch-resistant sapphire or Gorilla Glass withstand even the toughest conditions.
  • Speaker and Microphone: Paired with a smartphone, you can make calls directly from the watch. Even without a phone connection, voice commands like 'Start a strength training," 'Set a timer for 5 minutes," or 'Save waypoint" activate important and frequently used functions.
  • LED Flashlight: The flashlight's brightness can be easily adjusted via the display. Different intensities, a red light, and a strobe mode help improve visibility in dark environments, whether during a training run, finding your phone in a backpack, or navigating a dormitory at a hut.
  • Sport-Specific Training Plans: Numerous training plans tailored to various sports, such as trail running, help improve strength and endurance while reducing the risk of injury.
  • Diving Functions: Supports recreational diving (single gas) and freediving up to 40 meters deep, thanks to official diving certification and waterproof, inductive buttons.
  • Garmin Messenger App: This free communication app allows you to send text messages directly from the smartwatch to friends and family.
  • Premium Maps and Dynamic RoundTrip Routing: Stay on track with pre-installed topo maps for Europe, as well as Golf and SkiView maps with piste and cross-country skiing information. Additional maps can be easily downloaded via Wi-Fi. Enter your desired distance during training or exploration, and the watch will guide you there and back within the set time. If you stray from the originally planned route, it will automatically recalculate, considering the target distance to the starting point.
  • Garmin Share: The new function allows easy and quick sharing of planned routes, workouts, and locations with other compatible Garmin products.

以上是Garmin Fenix 8 新聞稿洩露,顯示新 AMOLED 顯示器選項的升級、最新功能和官方電池壽命估計的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
