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雲鯨 J5的「黑神話」:用科學,破內捲!

2024-08-22 07:33:36544瀏覽




在 2023 年 8 月,雲鯨發布了雲鯨 J4 掃拖機器人,同時也首次提出了「科學清潔」的概念,即用最科學的清潔方式,給用戶最好的清潔效果。






而雲鯨 J5,就是雲鯨科學清潔概念的最佳體現。

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!





為了實現出色的清潔能力,雲鯨在J5 上設計了一整套完整的清潔流程,同時也對「掃地-拖地-自清潔-免維護」的全使用流程進行了系統性的最佳化,讓使用者能夠真正放心地將地面交給雲鯨J5打理。

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!


雲鯨J5將吸力提升至15000Pa,但考慮到高吸力往往伴隨著更大的噪音,鯨魚同時也針對一個聲音了物理降噪處理。在 J5 中,雲鯨使用了自研的風機系統,風機葉片更是採用了航空級鋁鎂合金製作。而風機葉輪、馬達則採用雙面平衡工藝,加上整機配備硬體級智慧降噪技術,能夠實現馬達降噪、吸塵降噪、烘乾降噪。在標準測試檔位下,雲鯨J5 的清掃噪音低至56dB.

在針對掃地過程中容易出現的毛髮纏繞問題,雲鯨J5 採用了一套全新的整機防纏繞技術來避免這種情況的發生:

雲鯨J5 的邊刷採用了可活動的結構,當頭髮因邊刷旋轉而纏繞在兩支刷臂時,其中一支刷臂會主動反轉,將邊刷“併攏”,讓纏繞的毛髮得以鬆開,並被機器人前進時產生的氣流帶到滾刷口,最終被滾刷吸入而實現主動解纏繞。

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!


云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!


而另一個纏繞大戶——滾刷,雲鯨J5也採用了特有的單懸臂微錐形結構的氣旋導流式零纏繞滾刷。在特殊的幾何設計下,毛髮會自然隨著錐體滾動而脫離滾刷。搭配四層螺旋膠條和雙層植毛導流設計,可以最大限度地減少頭髮的纏繞。在15000Pa 的大吸力下,滾刷上的毛髮會「自動」滑入塵倉,不會影響邊刷和滾刷。



云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

雲鯨J5也首次搭載顆粒物感測器,新增顆粒物判斷系統,機器人能夠識別智慧地面顆粒物的大小針對性地調整移動速度和滾刷、邊刷的旋轉速度,主動調節吸力,避免邊角灰塵遺漏。如果地面沒有清掃乾淨,雲鯨 J5 也會主動復掃,確保地面乾淨。


云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

針對拖地的環節,雲鯨 J5 也做了不少的創新。

傳統的圓形拖布中間有無法覆蓋的縫隙,且隨著使用時間越來越長,縫隙會變得越來越大,但雲鯨J5 的勒洛三角形拖布,讓兩個拖布有10mm 的重疊工作區域,消除了兩片拖布中間的清潔盲區,拖地不留尾巴。例如地面上殘留的可樂,雲鯨 J5 一次就能拖乾淨。


云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!




云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

為了保障邊角清潔效果,雲鯨J5 創新搭載了仿生人手擦地系統,不同於市面上其他產品的拖布側移、外擴的設計,雲鯨J5 的拖布盤採用整合式的機械結構,實現了拖布抬升和側移這兩種功能,首創拖布動態外擴加壓技術,拖佈在伸縮的同時依舊能夠保持8N的下壓力。換句話說,即使拖布正在“外擴清潔”,雲鯨 J5 同樣可以保證清潔全程有恆定 8N 的壓力,確保拖地的清潔品質。


云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

考慮到大家家裡不可能是一片空地,總有些桌椅櫃子和轉角,雲鯨J5 也採用了全新的動態動態方案機器人可依家中環境狀況,動態調整對應的沿邊清潔策略。例如,除了直線場景的極限貼邊,若遇到櫃底、床底時,會在外伸的同時進行「扭一扭」清潔,確保最大程度覆蓋髒污。在越障、導航時則會收回拖布,防止磕碰家具。


云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

In the past, sweeping and mopping robots required “someone to watch”, mainly because of their limited obstacle avoidance capabilities. However, the IPS4.0 Whale sensing system adopted by Cloud Whale J5 is equipped with two-way (forward + side) 3D structured light technology and has millimeter-level obstacle avoidance capabilities. In addition to avoiding large furniture, it can also avoid wires and wires on the ground. Common obstacles such as electronic scales and fan bases.

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

Picture source: Lei Technology

In the self-cleaning process, Cloud Whale J5 also embodies the philosophy of "scientific cleaning" in every aspect. In order to prolong the cleaning cycle of dust bags, general sweeping and mopping robots will simply increase the volume of dust bags, but they ignore the hygienic conditions of dust bags that have not been replaced for a long time.

Cloud Whale J5 continues the robot light dust collection solution and is equipped with a 1L integrated antibacterial dust bag. The equipped hair compression technology can automatically compress the dust bag after each cleaning task, saving more than 20% of dust. Bag space, no need to replace dust bags for up to 90 days. In addition, a temperature and humidity sensor is added to the dust bin, which can detect the internal temperature and humidity, and automatically dry and adjust the drying time according to the detection situation until the dust bag is dry, so that the problem can be solved before the user discovers the problem. .

As for the mop cleaning issue that everyone is worried about, Cloud Whale J5 also adopts a more scientific three-stage cleaning process: in the first stage, the base will use 45°C hot water to soak the mop to dissolve oil stains in advance. In the second stage, Dirtsense 3.0 can identify specific stain types. For regular stains, J5 will continue to use 45°C hot water to avoid gelatinization of washed starch stains. If the stain is non-starch, it will be cleaned with hot water at 60°C to remove heavy oil stains.

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!Image source: Lei Technology

Even in the finishing process, Cloud Whale J5 has its own pursuit: the drying speed of general sweeping and mopping robots is only 40°C, which can dry mops but is easy to breed Bacteria cause odor. Cloud Whale J5 will also use 75°C pasteurized water temperature for sterilization before drying. The mop is sterilized before the drying process, and subsequent drying will not easily produce odor.

Generally speaking, a sweeping and mopping robot that can perform sweeping, mopping, self-cleaning and other aspects like the Cloud Whale J5 is already very satisfactory. But for J5, making every link easy to use is only the first step of "scientific cleaning". The real problem that Cloud Whale J5 needs to solve is not that users take out their mobile phones and set the cleaning mode when the ground is dirty, but that Users can safely “host” the ground to Cloud Whale.

In order to achieve "hosting", Cloud Whale has upgraded the Whale Hosting 2.0 Pro system: Based on the big data of millions of Chinese family scenes, Cloud Whale J5 can automatically select single scan, single drag, scan first and then drag according to the actual situation , sweeping and mopping, four cleaning modes can be started with one click, automatic identification of dirt, and intelligent configuration of cleaning parameters. Even when there are stubborn stains on the floor that cannot be mopped in one go, the J5 can actively wash and mop again, a completely active closed-loop that takes into account both cleaning and self-cleaning.

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

Here is an interesting little detail: some sweeping and mopping robots insist on using gray mops because they cannot completely self-clean. The white silver ion antibacterial mop used by Cloud Whale J5 remains clean after self-cleaning even if it has been mopped through soy sauce.

Cloud Whale J5’s efforts in the field of sterilization go beyond that. In addition to the silver ion antibacterial mop, integrated antibacterial dust bag, dust bag drying technology, intelligent hot water washing mop and hot air drying just introduced, Cloud Whale J5 is also equipped with a silver ion antibacterial module and sterilizing cleaner. From use to The self-cleaning full-link product has created a 7-layer antibacterial solution and has obtained China's maternal and infant grade home appliance certification.

In actual experience, CloudWhale J5 has indeed fulfilled CloudWhale’s “hosting” promise. Whether it is a kitchen area with heavy oil stains and gaps, a small area under the sofa, or even deliberately placed cola and soy sauce stains, Cloud Whale J5 can easily solve it.

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!

Image source: Lei Technology

With such cleaning ability, it’s no wonder that Cloud Whale regards Cloud Whale J5 as a benchmark product for scientific cleaning. Unlike inward cleaning, scientific cleaning does not focus on wasted efforts, and it also eliminates innovations like "self-destruction of 800". From the beginning to the end, Cloud Whale J5 insists on focusing its technology on areas that are useful and users care about, and solve existing technical problems without introducing new problems. As a consumer, I have to admit that compared to the purely “digital” inner-roll cleaning products, the Cloud Whale J5, which focuses on scientific cleaning, is more popular with me.

Leading the industry to a new step with scientific cleaning concepts

In the first half of 2024, Cloud Whale has achieved the "double championship" in sales and sales on all platforms with the J series. Every upgrade of it uses outstanding performance. The product strength leads the development of the industry. What we see with the Cloud Whale J5 is that whether it is cleaning capabilities, maintenance experience, or intelligence, its functions are more comprehensive and easier to use, making people more and more lazy.

It is undeniable that Cloud Whale J5 actually implements the "scientific cleaning" concept advocated by Cloud Whale, and is also promoting changes in consumer lifestyles. The popularization of scientific cleaning concepts may not only liberate people's hands and change our traditional concepts of household cleaning, but also point out a new development direction for the industry and propose new product strategies.

云鲸 J5的「黑神话」:用科学,破内卷!Image source: Lei Technology

It is certain that the focus of competition in the smart cleaning market in the future will no longer be the extreme competition of a single technology or parameter, but how to create greater value for users . By continuously optimizing user experience and improving actual use effects, Cloud Whale's "scientific cleaning values" may provide a reference for the entire industry to develop towards a more user-centered development: scientific cleaning is not only an upgrade of technology, but also a profound understanding of user needs. Insight and response.

And Cloud Whale J5 is the best preview of the era of scientific cleaning.

以上是雲鯨 J5的「黑神話」:用科學,破內捲!的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
