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2024-08-20 15:37:40713瀏覽

《西遊記》作為中國古典文學四大名著之一,在全球擁有廣泛的知名度和影響力,其衍生作品層出不窮。即將問世的國內首款3A級動作遊戲《黑神話:悟空》,以西遊為背景,勢必將進一步擴展這經典題材的深度與廣度。在此背景下,一線顯示卡品牌七彩虹攜手英偉達,共同推出「iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Advanced 黑色神話:悟空」定製版顯示卡。這款顯示卡裝備不僅體現出國創新生代高階硬體品牌iGame的實力,同時與《黑神話:悟空》遊戲深度融合,力求為玩家帶來「我遊自在‧玩創齊天」的絕佳體驗。利用先進的全景光線追蹤以及DLSS 3技術,將為玩家在遊戲中享受到前所未有的高幀率畫面,以4K 60幀流暢遨遊在真實光影的西遊世界中,產品已於8月19日16:00正式開啟預售,即刻起至8月31日在「七彩虹京東自營旗艦店」購買該顯示卡的用戶曬單返圖將有機會贏取價值100元京東E卡!

「iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Advanced 黑色神話:悟空」定製版顯示卡售價9199元:https://item.com/100136875774.html  🎜🎜#


「iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Advanced 黑悟為基礎進行全新的設計,它巧妙地將《黑神話:悟空》遊戲中的壁畫元素融入其中,以「仿古」作為設計主題,展現出一種獨特的韻味。散熱外甲部分,更是經過無數次的調色與打磨,以及多道工序的精心打造,才最終呈現出如上古法寶般的視覺觀感。它如同意金箍棒般,帶有久經沙場的滄桑感,散發出強大而神秘的氣息,令人嘆為觀止。這款顯示卡是目前DIY硬體當中唯一實現「仿古」量產化的硬體裝備。這項創新突破不僅體現了DIY硬體在工藝上的新高度,也為玩家帶來了前所未有的使用體驗。


外甲之外,「iGame GeForce RTX 408 🎜🎜#SUPER外甲之外,「iGame GeForce RTX 408顯示卡背板的製作過程堪稱一場藝術的盛宴。它歷經多道精細工藝的打磨與鍛造,包括噴漆、烤製以及仿古等傳統中國手工藝的深入探索與改良。這些工序使得悟空身著戰甲的圖案不僅呈現出千年壁畫的歷史韻味,更在變幻的光影中展現出若隱若現的美感,令人陶醉。仔細觀察,你會發現它如同瓷器般精緻的蟬翼紋絡,脈絡紋理的獨特之處可遇而不可求。這種設計不僅體現了匠人對傳統文化的尊重與傳承,也展現了他們對細節的極致追求與用心。每一塊背板都彷彿是獨一無二的藝術品,讓玩家愛不釋手。


到iGame Advancedd圈”,在RTX 40系列產品當中我們將它命名為“引力之環”,而在融入了《黑神話:悟空》的元素後,圓環經過多次的打磨及調色,最終進化成為“金剛圓環」,靈感來源法寶“金剛琢”,其質地堅硬如鱘鋼,經過精心鑄造。點亮之後與RGB光環形成「雙環」設計,可展現無與倫比的光影效果。當它與iGame Center的多元光效調控技術結合,即被賦予了生命的韻律,展現出令人著迷的靈動氣息。同時,金剛圓環的設計也巧妙地融入了中間半透聚風扇葉,打造出一種「視覺停留」的效果,呈現以靜制動的美感。


60GameGameTForce V0599983 月 207070 月版:2070Game VSUGameGamePt”不僅有著堪稱「藝術品」級的外觀,更延續了強大的散熱能力,它所搭載的「寶扇」散熱裝置由三架聚風扇葉,7根8mm+2根6mm豪華熱管,大面積鰭片在真空冰片以及回流焊接技術的加持下所組成,提供卓越的冷卻效果。

Three of the fan blades are indestructible, especially the "Samadhi True Fire" fan logos on the left and right fans. It echoes the mural on the front of the radiator, just like the sacred fire burning in the Bagua furnace, among which the white fire represents "Wen Yan", while Black Fire represents "Martial Flame". While creating powerful GPU hardware, it will also dissipate all heat sources. With the support of a powerful cooling system, the graphics card's temperature stabilized at around 62 degrees during Furmark's temperature stress test (1080P anti-aliasing fully turned on), which shows the true heat dissipation level of flagship products, showing extremely powerful capabilities that can cope with various This 3A game masterpiece blows out the heat source under high load like a "banana fan", achieving worry-free heat dissipation and bringing players a smooth and stable gaming experience.


Battle for "Black Myth: Wukong"

The excellent cooling system will undoubtedly bring players a stable and immersive gaming experience. In order to comprehensively evaluate the performance of this new product, we specially used the "Black Myth: Wukong" test tool for testing, and conducted detailed tests at 2K and 4K resolutions. We adjusted the game quality settings to "film and television level" and enabled panoramic ray tracing technology. As shown in the figure below, in the case of DLSS ON, the frame rates of 2K and 4K are 76 and 47 FPS. Turning on the panoramic ray tracing option puts a certain amount of pressure on the hardware. When we turn on DLSS (the parameter is adjusted to 50), the frame rate performance will be reversed, with 112 and 75 FPS in 2K and 4K. This result clearly shows that with the help of DLSS technology, the game frame rate has been greatly improved. Even at the more demanding 4K resolution, it can easily reach a smooth level of 75 frames, bringing players for a seamless and smooth gaming experience.


"Indestructible King Kong Drive" and metal bracket

Behind the powerful hardware, Colorful's "Black Myth: Wukong" custom version graphics card has a solid metal middle frame, which provides solid protection for the PCB. Ensure it remains intact in all harsh conditions. It's like having an indestructible body, its sturdiness is amazing. What's even more considerate is that a metal stand is included in the product packaging. This bracket not only shares the weight of the graphics card itself, effectively protects the gold finger, but also ensures that the PCIE interface of the motherboard will not be damaged in any way. This all-round protection allows you to enjoy a high-performance gaming experience while also being assured of the safety and stability of your graphics card.


Colorful's "iGame GeForce RTX 4080 SUPER Advanced Black Myth: Wukong" customized graphics card cleverly incorporates Chinese mythological elements into it, and is polished with exquisite craftsmanship to show a deep historical charm and unique beauty. This is not only the first major breakthrough in the mass production of antique craftsmanship in the field of DIY hardware, but also an outstanding demonstration of the perfect combination of tradition and modernity. The powerful performance brings players an unprecedented gaming experience. They can play "Black Myth: Wukong" with panoramic ray tracing at 4K resolution, and with the support of DLSS 3.5 technology, they can play Black Myth smoothly at high frames. In addition to games, as a productivity tool, it can also inject new vitality into AIGC and the creative field. The outstanding performance and unique design of this graphics card make it an ideal choice for designers, artists, and game developers. They can use the powerful functions of this graphics card to easily handle various high-load tasks and turn their creativity into reality.

