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2024-08-19 04:42:02298瀏覽

Although Apple has been criticized for lack of innovation in recent years, Apple has not always stood still. At least in terms of hardware design, with the support of the high unit prices of Apple products, its engineers can easily try some new technologies without having to consider too much cost issues.

For example, iPad Pro, as Apple's favorite "display technology" test field, iPad Pro has been at the forefront of display technology for portable smart devices from miniLED in 2021 to tandem OLED in 2024. Although the iPad Pro is not the first portable smart device equipped with a miniLED screen (MSI released a miniLED laptop a year earlier than Apple), when you compare the parameters of the two, you will quickly realize that they are not products of the same level.

However, there are not many display technologies that can be "converted" from the iPad Pro. At least miniLED has been abandoned by Apple. It generates too much heat and still cannot be called perfect halo control. In addition, it is too high The manufacturing costs eventually led Apple to give up its plan to promote this technology to MacBook, iMac and other platforms.

The new generation of tandem OLED technology is Apple’s latest choice. This is a display panel made by superimposing two layers of OLED panels. Compared with traditional OLED panels, it has significant improvements in many aspects. . This technology has quickly attracted market attention since the release of iPad Pro. It is reported that many mobile phone manufacturers are in contact with screen manufacturers, prompting screen manufacturers to accelerate their mass production plans for series OLEDs.


Source: aibangled

Why are tandem OLEDs more popular than miniLEDs? What devices will we see this new technology on next?

Tandem OLED, or the best choice for mobile devices

What are the advantages of tandem OLED? To put it simply, compared with traditional OLED panels, tandem OLEDs have higher brightness and longer service life, and their thickness and weight are reduced, making them more suitable for portable mobile devices.


Source: Apple

Seeing this, you may have a doubt, why is a double-layer OLED panel lighter than a single-layer OLED panel? The reason is not complicated. Compared with traditional OLED panels, series OLED panels achieve high brightness by superimposing light-emitting layers, allowing the driving components and power supply circuits to be simplified during the design process, and some optical components used to increase brightness can be deleted. .

In addition, the power consumption of series OLED is actually lower than that of traditional OLED, which also allows engineers to further reduce the thickness and weight of the heat dissipation module. Are double-layer OLEDs more energy efficient than single-layer OLEDs? Although it seems a bit counterintuitive, it is true. Double-layer OLEDs are combined with special stacking technology. When displaying content with the same brightness, double-layer OLEDs have higher efficiency, which significantly reduces power consumption.


Source: MDPI

Let us briefly summarize the advantages of tandem OLED: high brightness, long life, low power consumption, low weight, almost everything needed for portable devices Advantages: Apple’s choice to abandon miniLED and switch to tandem OLED is indeed a wise choice.

And in theory, series OLEDs can continue to be superimposed. At the SID 2024 (International Display Exhibition) that ended some time ago, Hehui Optoelectronics demonstrated an OLED display panel manufactured with three layers of OLEDs in series. The brightness is as high as 6,000 nits, and it has a service life of more than 4 times that of traditional OELD screens, and the power consumption is reduced by 30% at the same brightness.


Source: Hehui Optoelectronics

So is it possible to achieve four or even more layers of stacking? It is feasible in theory, but in actual production, the more layers are stacked, the lower the yield rate, and the corresponding production cost will increase significantly. Considering the balance between cost and yield, double-layer OLED will be the best choice for some time in the future.

So there are no disadvantages to series OLED? Obviously not. The biggest disadvantage of this thing is that it is expensive. For a simple comparison, the 2022 iPad Pro with miniLED, the 256GB version is priced at 10,999 yuan, while the 2024 iPad Pro with tandem OLED is priced at 11,499 yuan, and the cost is even Higher than Apple’s customized miniLED screen.

It seems that the price has only increased by 500 yuan, but considering the impact of Apple’s adjustment of starting memory and other factors, it actually spreads the cost of the screen to the hardware premium of other parts to maintain the overall iPad Pro The pricing will not exceed the user's affordability.

根據外媒TechRadar的通報,iPad Pro的串聯OLED成本在270美元-350美元(11吋-12.9吋),而傳統OLED面板的成本僅為100-150美元。即使將iPad Pro的尺寸更大等因素考慮進去,手機尺寸的串聯OLED面板成本預估也在200美元以上。













基本上可以確定,串聯OLED在未來一兩年裡,大概率只會在行動裝置上使用,而且還是會率先在手機上普及,有著榮耀Magic6 RSR的珠玉在前,想必小米、OPPO 、vivo等廠商的跟進速度應該不會慢多少。

個人猜測,2025年應該就能看到更多採用串聯OLED面板的旗艦手機面世,而蘋果也有可能會在iPhone 17或者18上,考慮採用串聯OLED屏幕。實際上,隨著處理器性能的增加,即使有更先進的製程工藝支持,手機也在面臨更為嚴苛的續航考驗,這也在迫使手機廠商尋找更低功耗的顯示面板,而串聯OLED恰恰滿足這個需求。
















