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全新岚图梦想家亮相 华为乾崑智驾+鸿蒙座舱首次搭载MPV

2024-08-16 06:36:39583瀏覽

在8月15日的「鴻嵐攜手 乾圖無限」直播活動上,嵐圖汽車CEO盧放與華為智慧汽車解決方案事業部CEO靳玉志共同為首款合作車型-全新嵐圖夢想家揭幕。這也是繼4月嵐圖、華為官宣合作後,雙方智慧成果日前正式落實。

全新岚图梦想家亮相 华为乾崑智驾+鸿蒙座舱首次搭载MPV



全新岚图梦想家亮相 华为乾崑智驾+鸿蒙座舱首次搭载MPV


全新岚图梦想家亮相 华为乾崑智驾+鸿蒙座舱首次搭载MPV

更安全 主被動防護成就全維安全


幹昆智駕ADS 3.0的引入,讓全新嵐圖夢想家的安全性能再上台階。 27個智慧感知硬體全天候即時感知道路環境,辨識各類異型障礙物,超20項主動安全功能全方位保障行車安全。全新端對端大模型架構和獨創的本能安全網絡,在面對緊急情況時反應更快。全向防碰撞系統CAS3.0前向AEB煞車停速度可達120km/h,遠超業界平均60km/h煞車停速度;首發路面自適應AEB功能,遇到雨雪濕滑路面能夠提前預判、舒適煞車停。側向主動安全方面,新增避讓彎道成排水馬的場景,遇到道路施工時的避障能力大幅提升。

全新岚图梦想家亮相 华为乾崑智驾+鸿蒙座舱首次搭载MPV

更好開 軟硬體協同破解駕駛焦慮



家族一脈相承的優良機械素質結合乾昆智駕ADS 3.0,帶來更容易上手的駕駛控制體驗。乾昆智駕ADS 3.0的智慧泊車功能支援160多種泊車場景,輕鬆應付極窄車位、無劃線車位。針對倒車泊入時的行李拿放難題,嵐圖、華為協同開發MPV車頭泊入功能,解決MPV用車焦慮。此外,全新嵐圖夢想家還搭載遙控泊車、離車即走、代客泊車、泊車代駕等功能。城市與高速NOA方面,乾昆智駕ADS 3.0不依賴高精地圖,進一步拓寬全新嵐圖夢想家的智駕應用場景。

更豪華 以座艙科技重新定義高階

More frequent multi-person rides and long-distance travel scenarios accelerate the evolution of MPVs into luxury. The new Lantu Dreamer is equipped with a high-standard "refrigerator, color TV, large sofa", and an intelligent heating and cooling refrigerator with a large capacity that can be shared by the entire car. With the addition of three rows of electric slide rails, the maximum leg space is increased by 10%, allowing for a more spacious semi-reclining sitting position; the height of the backrest is increased to improve the support for the passengers' shoulders; the seat backrest is made of steel plates that refer to luxury car standards Reinforced design to protect the third row from intrusion damage.

Huawei’s latest generation Hongmeng cockpit adds technology and convenience to the luxury of the new Lantu Dreamer. The HarmonyOS system has a massive application ecology, with mainstream office APPs covering 99% of work scenarios; the super desktop connects the mobile phone ecology and the car ecology, and navigation, music, and calendar memos can all be seamlessly transferred; multi-person multi-screen entertainment with independent sound zone interactive functions , giving users a silky interactive experience.

全新岚图梦想家亮相 华为乾崑智驾+鸿蒙座舱首次搭载MPV

Since its launch, Lantu Dreamer has continued to lead the upgrading of the MPV industry with its hard-core product strength. The in-depth cooperation with Huawei is a strong alliance between the new energy "national team" and world-class technology manufacturers. Both parties We will create the most intelligent MPV with breakthrough technological innovation, provide users with greater safety redundancy, higher driving ease and a more comfortable and respectful car experience, and promote the MPV industry to achieve intergenerational change and enter the A new era of intelligence.

以上是全新岚图梦想家亮相 华为乾崑智驾+鸿蒙座舱首次搭载MPV的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
