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斷臂求生還是套現離場? DeFi衍生性商品龍頭dYdX V3遭攻擊後尋求出售

2024-07-25 19:45:341286瀏覽

7月24日ChainCatcher消息,去中心化衍生品交易龍頭dYdX被曝出,正計劃出售dYdX V3交易軟體。

但該消息被傳出不到1小時內,dYdX V3網站(dydx.exchange)就遭遇了黑客的攻擊,黑客先是接管了該網站,又植入了冒充釣魚網站鏈接,用戶一旦授權信息就會遭遇資產或資訊被竊的可能。


dYdX的出售和安全風波引發了一系列連鎖反應,用戶和投資者表現出明顯的擔憂情緒, DYDX代幣價格對這一消息的反應迅速下跌,從1.45美元跌至最低點1.23美元,日內跌幅超15%,發稿時幣價在1.27美元震盪。

為何要賣V3? dYdX團隊是要套現離場嗎?駭客為何選擇這個時間節點攻擊? DYDX代幣還能持有嘛?等等一系列問題充斥著社群聊天頁面。

有意出售dYdX V3,與dYdX Chain無關

彭博社報道,dYdX正在就出售其部分衍生性商品交易軟體(dYdX V3)與潛在買家進行談判。據悉,Wintermute Trading和Selini Capital是dYdX V3軟體的潛在買家之一,具體金額並未透露。

作為DeFi賽道的衍生性商品龍頭,dYdX出售V3傳聞消息一便引起了加密社群的廣泛關注。而多數社群用戶更加關心,出售的V3僅是交易軟體還是把dYdX整個品牌打包賣了?難道是dYdX團隊要完全退出了嘛,要知道去年推出的V4版本dYdX Chain是由DAO社群管理的?該事件對dYdX整體生態有何影響?對DYDX幣價會有何影響?

針對出售V3的新聞,dYdX官方在社交媒體發文回复,dYdX Trading正探索與V3技術相關的策略代替方案,並不包括由DYDX代幣管理的以太坊智能合約或其他技術,且這一過程與dYdX Chain無關,dYdX Chain才是未來發展的重點。

断臂求生还是套现离场?DeFi衍生品龙头dYdX V3遭攻击后寻求出售

它補充解釋道,dYdX V3交易所是由運營實體組織dYdX Trading支持的交易引擎,V3上的所有資金和結算都發生在由DYDX代幣持有者治理控制的智能合約上,而V3的交易費用也都歸屬於dYdX Trading。

隨著V4推出dYdX Chain,最終dYdX的所有交易都會遷移至該鏈上,並在該鏈上支付的所有交易費用均歸驗證者和DYDX質押者所有。

並強調道,dYdX Chain代碼是開源的、完全去中心化的,更符合DeFi產品的發展理念,未來將重點圍繞dYdX Chain構建產品。

對於dYdX官方發表的這一言論,社群用戶Bobo對ChainCatcher總結道,看來,dYdX出售V3的傳聞是真的,但出售的僅是V3交易軟體,對dYdX Chain影響並不大,且dYdX現在主要的業務重心也是dYdX Chain,DYDX的幣價也與dYdX Chain的手續費收入直接相關。

用戶@atg1688也表示,dYdX出售的僅是V3交易軟體,該軟體由組織dYdX Trading所有,而dYdX Chain是由dYdX Foundation負責運作的,影響並不大。


不過,就在dYdX V3被爆出正在洽談出售後不到1小時內,V3域名被發現遭遇了黑客地攻擊。

7月24日,dYdX官方發文提醒,dYdX v3網站域名(dYdX.exchange)已被入侵,請不要訪問該網站或點擊任何鏈接,不過dYdX v4並未受到影響。

断臂求生还是套现离场?DeFi衍生品龙头dYdX V3遭攻击后寻求出售

駭客利用漏洞成功入侵,篡改了域名的DNS記錄,導致用戶在訪問dYdX V3時被重定向至惡意網站,用戶在訪問惡意網站時遭遇了釣魚攻擊,部分用戶的私鑰和資產將很大可能會被盜。

所幸的是這次駭客攻擊,只有網路域名成為攻擊目標,底層智慧合約並未受到攻擊,dYdX平台上的用戶資金並未受到影響,現dYdX V3域名漏洞已被修復,網站也已恢復正常運行,dYdX表示,dYdX Chain、dydx.trade網站和V3協議均未受到攻擊。



断臂求生还是套现离场?DeFi衍生品龙头dYdX V3遭攻击后寻求出售断臂求生还是套现离场?DeFi衍生品龙头dYdX V3遭攻击后寻求出售

Therefore, some users regard this hacker attack as a warning against dYdX’s omissions.

However, the perfect coincidence between the time when the hacker chose to attack the dYdX V3 domain name and when the news of the sale of V3 was revealed made community users have to wonder whether it was premeditated.

Some users said that when dYdX V3 was compromised by hackers while negotiating the sale of software, dYdX had to deal with both a security crisis and a potential business transaction. dYdX simply killed two birds with one stone.

DYdX is selling V3 to “cash out” or for ecological development?

Compared with this security attack, users are even more confused about dYdX’s intention to sell V3. According to dYdX’s original plan, after the V4 version of dYdX Chain went online last year, all transactions will be fully transitioned to V4, and V3 will be slowly abandoned. However, now dYdX is trying to sell V3.

In the DeFi field, overall project buying and selling transactions are rare because most projects use open source software, which means that others can use, modify, and rebuild it without purchasing it at all.

A DeFi OG player lamented to ChainCatcher that in the DeFi industry for so long, he has seen platforms shut down, people selling coins to destroy the market, and people running away. dYdX is the first person to directly sell a trading platform.

Although dYdX V3 is an old version of the product, the platform’s transaction data performance is still impressive. According to DeFiLlama statistics, the V3 platform is expected to generate approximately US$18.67 million in revenue this year.

VanEck estimated in a report last March that the V3 platform would generate $137 million in fees in 2022.

DeFiance Capital also publicly stated last year that although the dYdX V3 product has basically not had new trading pairs and features launched for more than a year, its market share still exceeds 50%.

According to DeFiLlama data, the weekly derivatives trading volume of dYdX V3 still averages US$1.5 billion, and the weekly trading volume on V4 dYdX Chain is approximately US$5 billion.

断臂求生还是套现离场?DeFi衍生品龙头dYdX V3遭攻击后寻求出售

CoinMarketCap data shows that currently in the decentralized derivatives track, dYdX V3 still ranks among the top two in terms of trading volume.

断臂求生还是套现离场?DeFi衍生品龙头dYdX V3遭攻击后寻求出售

According to analysis by crypto risk firm Gauntlet, the V3 platform remains attractive to traders due to the higher liquidity of certain tokens on the platform on V3 and the slippage that traders face on large trades. Also less.

User Bobo also mentioned to ChainCatcher that the V3 version he uses most is still the V3 version, and he rarely uses V4 because the asset trading volume and liquidity of this version seem to be very low.

From this point of view, dYdX V3 is still a continuous cash cow. It is reported that the business transaction of this V3 sale will reach hundreds of millions of dollars.

Since its launch on the Ethereum network in 2017, under the liquidity mining incentive policy during the DeFi Summer period, the business has grown wildly, and the dYdX product has also undergone numerous major changes. The product has been upgraded from the initial V1 to today's V5 version, after escaping from Ethereum, dYdXChain was launched and became a king.

However, the business development of dYdX is quite different from the trend of DYDX currency price. The price of DYDX currency has plummeted from the high of US$27 in 2021, with the lowest point falling to around US$1.005 many times. Now it fluctuates up and down at US$1.25. Compared with the currency price It has fallen 95% from its high point.

Although after the launch of V4 dYdX Chain, all on-chain transaction fee income will belong to DYDX token pledge users, etc., giving more empowerment, but it will have no impact on the currency price.

There are two main views on dYdX’s sale of V3. One is a negative view that the project party wants to cash out, and the other is a positive view that the funds obtained by the project party from this sale will be beneficial to the overall development of dYdX.

Bobo said that if dYdX invests its sale funds into the dYdX ecosystem, it will undoubtedly be a good thing.

He explained that as a rapidly growing DeFi company, dYdX needs a large amount of funds to support its technology research and development and market expansion. Selling the V3 platform can raise a large amount of funds for it, helping it concentrate its energy and resources and improve its overall competitiveness. .

In the long term, the sale of the V3 platform may also have a positive impact on the value of the DYDX token. By obtaining a large amount of funds, dYdX can further improve its technology and services and enhance market competitiveness, thus increasing the long-term value of the DYDX token. .

He also reminded that for the current sale of dYdX V3, the official has not said whether the funds obtained after the sale will be pocketed by the team itself or used for other purposes.

以上是斷臂求生還是套現離場? DeFi衍生性商品龍頭dYdX V3遭攻擊後尋求出售的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
