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2024-07-25 14:30:31422瀏覽


2023年下半年,未發先售的華為Mate60 Pro,帶著衛星通話功能炸翻了整個手機市場。隨後,手機產業中掀起了一陣衛星通訊功能落地熱潮,榮耀、OPPO、小米、中興等手機大廠,均陸續推出了支援衛星通話功能的產品。最近,隨著努比亞Z60S Pro的發布,支援衛星通話手機的價格,來到了3,000元以內。這項「捅破天」技術的普及速度,的確遠超乎我們的想像。











當然,在手機用戶看來,領航者相控陣的核心功能似乎與衛星通訊旗艦手機沒有什麼不同。畢竟,目前的華為Mate60 Pro也好,小米14 Ultra也罷,它們都支援衛星通話和衛星簡訊。








At the launch of the Navigator Phased Array, China Unicom officials spent a lot of space introducing the advantages of this product, including technical solutions, functions and applicable scenarios. But as ordinary consumers, we must still grasp the parts that are not officially promoted or mentioned.

The first and most important thing is the price. The recommended retail price of the Navigator phased array is 59,800 yuan, with a special launch price of 39,800 yuan. This price is not cheap by any means, but for professional satellite equipment, it is quite reasonable. However, the use of satellite equipment has never been a one-time charge. In addition to the equipment itself, there is also an additional fee for using related satellite communication services.

However, at this press conference, China Unicom did not announce specific information. It only said that the first 100 devices launched will be given 1GB of traffic, valid for 6 months; starting from the seventh month, 3GB of traffic will be given, and the validity is also 6 months. If you have the idea of ​​​​purchasing this product, you must definitely clarify the specific tariff before making a decision.

The second is the usage scenario. As mentioned before, its main scenarios are car off-roading, wilderness grazing, etc. In fact, it is far from ordinary users. After all, the domestic communication infrastructure is quite complete. In daily life, 4G and 5G signals are fully covered, and there are very few dead spots where there is no signal at all.

Of course, if you are hiking cross-country, there are indeed places in the mountains and forests that cannot be covered by ground signals. But in this scenario, the satellite communication function of the mobile phone is enough for emergency use. For most people, there is basically no need to use satellite communication functions for a long time.


(Source: China Unicom)

The other is the actual network speed. It is worth noting that officials say that the Navigator phased array supports high-orbit and low-orbit satellites, but the latter requires subsequent OTA updates. Currently, it is connected to the high-orbit satellite Asia Pacific 6D, and the network rate is limited. If this device cannot stably maintain a high Internet speed, then the scenes of watching videos and browsing Weibo using the satellite network shown in the official promotional video will not exist.

In general, although the Navigator phased array is officially defined as civilian equipment, this does not mean that it is a mass product. In Xiao Lei's view, the group of people it is applicable to is still relatively narrow. If you are a car off-road enthusiast or a professional rescue team, they can indeed maximize the role of this satellite product. But for the majority of ordinary consumers, it is just an expensive and slightly novel new device.

Satellite communication is not a pain point for users, but an itch for users

As we said at the beginning, satellite communication has become a popular feature on smartphones in recent years, and has a tendency to gradually become a standard feature of high-end flagships. Satellite text messages and satellite calls are aimed at emergency scenarios that users may face and provide key "life-saving" services. However, this scenario is too extreme, and it is difficult for satellite communications to become an urgent need for mass users.

In Xiaolei’s view, satellite communication functions are unlikely to be a key factor in users’ decision-making process when purchasing smartphones. As a function that most people don’t use most of the time, satellite communication can hardly be called a pain point for users, but more an itch for users.

However, there is still fierce infighting between different brands in the current mobile phone market, and how to create differentiated selling points has become a common problem faced by them. Looking at it now, telling the story of satellite communications well can indeed enhance the competitiveness of the product, increase the discussion of the topic, and thus attract some users.


(Photo source: Photographed by Lei Technology)

Xiao Lei believes that the main factor hindering the further popularization of satellite communication functions is cost. At present, when other configurations are the same, the price difference between the satellite communication version and the non-satellite communication version of the mobile phone is about 1,000 yuan, and mainstream users are not willing to pay for it.

Of course, in the future, with the advancement of related satellite communication technology and cost reduction, it is only a matter of time before satellite communication becomes popular. Looking back at the development history of smartphones, it is a general rule that we can develop flagship features and decentralize them. In the early years, high-power fast charging, high-refresh screens, high-pixel cameras, etc. that were exclusive to flagship phones are now slowly being used on mid-range and even low-end phones. universal.

And if the cost of the satellite communication module can be reduced to a level where users are insensitive, then it will most likely become a standard smartphone feature that "I can do without, but you can't live without".

Moreover, in the future, the coverage of satellite communication functions will not only be limited to smartphones, but will gradually become popular on many smart devices such as smart watches, tablets, notebooks, and cars. Although the Navigator phased array released by China Unicom focuses on the civilian market, its relatively high pricing and too hard-core usage scenarios make it too far away from ordinary users.

However, judging from the general trend, satellite communication technology will be widely implemented and popularized in the future, and low-orbit satellites and ground base stations will jointly build more comprehensive and three-dimensional network signal coverage. At that time, "satellite routers" created by China Unicom or other brands will open up a larger market.

In the first half of 2024, the technology world is turbulent.

Large models are accelerating, AI mobile phones, AI PCs, AI home appliances, AI search, AI e-commerce...AI applications are emerging in endlessly;

Vision Pro is on sale and launched in the Chinese market, setting off another wave of XR space computing;

HarmonyOS NEXT Officially released, the mobile OS ecology has changed;

Cars have fully entered the "second half", and intelligence has become a top priority;

E-commerce competition is becoming increasingly fierce, with lower prices and higher services;

The wave of going overseas is surging, and Chinese brands are embarking on the journey of globalization ;


In July, Lei Technology·Mid-year review topic is online, summarizing the brands, technologies and products worth recording in the first half of 2024 in the technology industry, recording the past and looking forward to the future, so stay tuned.


