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AI 智慧體驗、6100mAh 大電池、輕薄耐摔機身,麥芒 30 5G 正式發布

2024-07-19 13:39:08826瀏覽

On July 18, 2024, "Super battery life, great resistance, true color" - Maimang 30 5G was officially released. The new machine continues the powerful genes of Maimang series' super battery life and reliable quality, and is also equipped with AI intelligence and convenience The experience, ultimate large screen, aesthetic design and other aspects continue to improve, bringing users a wonderful experience that combines technology and fashion.

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

As China Telecom’s first self-branded AI mobile phone terminal, Maimang 30 5G is equipped with a large star model for the first time, bringing users an unprecedented smart experience; the convenient X key makes daily use easy to operate, and multiple functions are one step faster . Maimang 30 5G adopts a sparkling star ring design and uses the iconic central axis symmetry aesthetic to create a sense of harmony and order; equipped with a 6100mAh high-density massive battery, the battery life can be achieved "from time to day"; equipped with the Maimang series' first 3D hyperbolic The screen brings an immersive visual experience; the use of a thin, light and drop-resistant body improves the reliability of the whole machine, and it also received the first double five-star drop-resistant rating evaluation. Maimang 30 5G is also equipped with a 50 million ultra-clear imaging system to record your "beautiful" side at all times.

The star ring shines, the thin design interprets fashion and elegance

The ingenious design shows a fashionable atmosphere. Maimang 30 5G brings a new iconic shining star ring design. Its rear camera and flash are cleverly embedded in the deep "star ring". Through refined craftsmanship and exquisite proportion design, it effectively avoids the thickness of the lens module. feel. At the same time, combined with the 3D hyperbolic screen and the 189g weight and 7.98mm thickness body, it achieves the dual experience of thin and light visuals and light feel.

In terms of color matching, Maimang 30 5G is available in three natural colors: ice crystal blue, obsidian black, and snowy white. Its back panel adopts advanced star-shine technology, which visually presents a low-key and deep luster, and brings a silky-smooth matte experience to the touch. Whether fresh, low-key, or elegant, no matter what style you like, it can be a fashion choice to show your personality.

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

AI empowerment, intelligent interaction, understanding what you need

Maimang 30 5G is equipped with the star large model for the first time, showing higher-level intelligent features in terms of language understanding, image and text recognition, voice interaction, etc. .

Maimang 30 5G is connected to "Xingchen Intelligence" for the first time to realize copywriting, voice transcription, image generation and other functions. At the same time, through the innovative and convenient X key design, one-click jump to this function is realized, which greatly improves user experience. ease of use. The smart Xiaoyi of Maimang 30 5G has strong natural language understanding ability. If you say "Please help to recharge the phone bill of 99 yuan", Xiaoyi can respond quickly and jump directly to "China Telecom" to provide services, which greatly improves operational efficiency. .

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

Maimang 30 5G also brings AI smart camera, AI screen recognition and other functions. By extracting its key information, it can realize document scanning, test paper restoration, ID scanning, smart text recognition, smart object recognition and other functions to provide users with Bringing great convenience and smart experience. In addition, Maimang 30 5G also has a built-in Tianyi Cloud App and a newly launched "AI Assistant", which realizes four major AI functions such as intelligent question and answer, intelligent image search, intelligent drawing and intelligent cloud notes, providing users with accurate function introduction and Convenient unified entrance experience.

Maimang 30 5G is equipped with the convenient X key for the first time, which can jump to APP or frequently used functions with one click, realizing direct access to AI with one click. The convenient X key also supports one-click wake-up of commonly used functions. When the screen is unlocked and the screen is turned on, one click can bring up the commonly used apps. You can also double-click or long press the convenient X key to open applications, providing users with an efficient and convenient experience.

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

High-density and massive battery, long-lasting battery life, worry-free at all times

Large battery with long battery life is always the foundation and core guarantee of mobile phones. Maimang 30 5G adopts a more compact optimized architecture design and built-in a more energy-efficient 6100mAh (typical value) high-density and massive battery, achieving both a thin and light grip and long battery life.

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

In terms of reliability and safety, the battery can still maintain good battery life under extreme conditions such as -20 ℃ low temperature and 40 ℃ high temperature. At the same time, the battery has been carefully developed and rigorously tested and can withstand up to 1,000 times. Cyclic charge and discharge, long-lasting and reliable for daily use. The Maimang 30 5G battery uses VC heat dissipation for the first time, which has a faster heat dissipation rate and a more even heat dissipation effect. Maimang 30 5G also has a 22-layer charging safety protection design and has passed safety certifications in many countries around the world, making it safer to use.

麥芒 30 5G 最大支援 40W 超級快充,充電 30 分鐘,可滿足日常使用一天電量,打消用戶的低電量焦慮。在此基礎上,更擁有 AI 節電技術、智慧充電管理等多重智慧充電技術,為用戶提供便利、高效的充電體驗。


麥芒30 5G 搭載輕薄耐摔機身,猶如一款" 隱身手機殼",不僅實現整機輕薄,更實現了360 ° 無死角的耐摔抗跌保護,防摔抗跌能力提升100%。無論是兩面、四邊或四角,均能承受日常使用中的意外跌落與磕碰,可靠性得到全面提升。

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

麥芒 30 5G 擁有優異的耐用性和可靠性,耐摔高度測試通過 1.8m,遠超業界標準。值得一提的是,產品通過中國品質認證中心(CQC)整機耐摔五星等級,以及瑞士 SGS 五星金標認證。即使手機在遭受意外跌倒時,也能夠有效地保護內部元件不受損害,為使用者提供了更堅實的保障。

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

首搭 3D 雙曲屏,沉浸護眼,流暢體驗

重塑視覺盛宴,開啟臻彩視界。麥芒 30 5G 配備麥芒系列首款 3D 雙曲 OLED 螢幕,為使用者帶來視覺與觸覺全新體驗。擁有 2700*1224 的超視網膜級分辨率,呈現 1.5K 臻彩高清顯示,讓每個細節都躍然眼前。同時實現 100% P3 廣色域全覆蓋,帶來真實自然畫質,AI HDR 技術更添生動,讓視覺體驗栩栩如生。

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

護眼方面,麥芒30 5G 螢幕採用軟硬體結合低藍光,支援護眼模式,減少視覺疲勞,舒適用眼更護眼;螢幕也支援AI 仿生自適應調光,擁有最高1200nit 峰值亮度,最低至1.8nit,可自適應調整螢幕亮度,搭配2160Hz PWM 調光,帶來更舒適的閱覽體驗。

觸控方面,麥芒 30 5G 不僅支援螢幕邊緣防誤觸,更支援濕手觸控。無論是在濕手狀態,或是在螢幕沾水的狀態下點亮螢幕,都可以實現如絲般順滑的操作,在雨天、泳池、戶外運動、露營探險等複雜環境下,也能從容應對。

5000 萬超清影像系統,美好一拍即得

麥芒 30 5G 搭載 5000 萬高清影像系統,配備一顆 5000 萬像素的高清主攝像頭,一顆景深攝像頭。主相機擁有 F1.8 大光圈,輕鬆拍攝出清晰明亮的質感影像。無論是自然景觀或人文風情,都能以卓越的質感和大片級表現輕鬆捕捉,讓每幅畫面都充滿震撼與美感。


麥芒 30 5G 搭載 800 萬像素的前置鏡頭,支援人像美顏功能,AI 演算法可以根據不同的用戶提供差異化的美膚效果,讓自拍更出色。

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布


AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

AI 智慧体验、6100mAh 大电池、轻薄耐摔机身,麦芒 30 5G 正式发布

價格方面,麥芒 30 5G 8GB 內存 +256GB 儲存版本售價 1999 元。 12GB 記憶體 +256GB 儲存版本售價 2,199 元。 7 月 18 日 15:30 分,正式開啟預售,7 月 25 日全面開賣。

以上是AI 智慧體驗、6100mAh 大電池、輕薄耐摔機身,麥芒 30 5G 正式發布的詳細內容。更多資訊請關注PHP中文網其他相關文章!
