首頁 >科技週邊 >人工智慧 >如何利用人工智慧增強API和微服務的雲端安全


2024-06-10 17:09:201203瀏覽

譯者| 李睿

#審校| 重樓



#API 是一組指導方針和協議,用於促進軟體應用程式之間的溝通。它概述了軟體元件互動的方法,簡化了開發和整合系統的過程。





















#########(2)發現異常:人工智慧演算法可以識別API請求和微服務活動中的行為,為活動、潛在攻擊或未經授權的訪問嘗試發出警報。 ##################(3)行為分析:人工智慧對與API和微服務互動的使用者和應用程式進行分析,識別正常的行為模式和可能表明安全風險的偏差。 ############








  • #即時網路流量掃描:人工智慧工具能夠持續觀察網路流量、API請求和微服務之間的交互,及時查明任何違規行為、可疑活動或未經授權的存取企圖。
  • 機器學習模型:利用人工智慧增強的機器學習模型可以透過仔細檢查資料集來檢測建議採取行動的模式,從而識別網路威脅,主動識別和回應威脅。
  • 自動事件回應:能夠透過觸發預先定義的操作來回應安全事件,例如隔離受感染的服務阻止流量或隔離受影響的系統,從而自動執行事件響應過程。
  • 取證分析:人工智慧工具可以幫助在事件發生後進行分析,透過審查日誌、審計追蹤和網路活動來重建事件序列,找出安全漏洞的原因,並指導補救工作。
  • 自適應安全措施:人工智慧有能力調整安全控制和設置,以應對不斷變化的威脅,使基於雲端運算的API和微服務能夠適應不斷變化的風險和漏洞。












  • Google Analytics:除了用於網路分析,Google Analytics還可以追蹤API和微服務中的使用者行為,提供使用者參與度、互動和轉換率的見解。
  • Mixpanel:專門從事事件追蹤的分析平台,Mixpanel允許組織監控用戶行為,例如API和微服務中的功能使用、保留率和用戶路徑。
  • Amplitude:另一個專注於產品分析和行為分析的工具,Amplitude幫助組織透過佇列分析和追蹤應用程式和服務的使用者旅程來了解使用者行為。
  • Hotjar:提供用於分析目的的熱圖、會話記錄和使用者回饋工具,Hotjar直觀地展示了使用者如何使用API​​和微服務。
  • Kibana:作為Elastic Stack的一部分,Kibana是資料視覺化工具,用於分析日誌數據,以識別API和微服務中的使用者行為模式、異常和趨勢。




  • 監控API閘道:這些閘道作為API的入口點,並提供對傳入和傳出流量的洞察。 Kong、APIgee或AWS API Gateway等工具可以監控請求率、回應時間和錯誤率等指標。
  • 日誌記錄和追蹤:在API和微服務中結合日誌記錄和追蹤機制,可以擷取有關API流量的詳細資訊。
  • API監控工具:因為Elasticsearch#,Logstash和Kibana (ELK堆疊)等工具在系統中移動它們能夠分析日誌並追蹤請求。對於監控API,可以使用Postman、Insomnia或Paw等工具來觀察API端點、發送試用請求和評估回應時間。事實證明,這些工具對於從使用者的角度深入了解API行為很有價值。
  • 即時監控解決方案:為了實現對API和微服務的即時監控,Prometheus、Grafana或Datadog等解決方案提供了一些功能,使組織能夠即時可視化指標、建立警報並及時分析效能。
  • 流量分析工具:當涉及分析網路流量和檢查API通訊中的有效負載時,Wireshark、Fiddler或Charles Proxy等工具可以提供有用的見解。
  • 安全監控解決方案:為了增強圍繞API流量的安全措施,可以利用OWASP ZAP、Burp Suite或AWS WAF等安全解決方案來有效監控安全威脅、例外和漏洞。



  • Token-based authentication: Employ token-based authentication mechanisms such as OAuth 2.0 or JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate and authorize access to APIs and microservices; used to issue commands Automated process for acquiring and validating tokens. Revoking them helps increase security.
  • Security policy as code: Use tools like Open Policy Agent (OPA) or HashiCorp Sentinel to define security policy as code. By converting security policies into code format, organizations can automate their implementation throughout the software development lifecycle.
  • Behavioral analysis tools: Using analytical tools such as Splunk, Elastic Security, or IBM QRadar, you can monitor and evaluate user behavior to identify violations and maintain API and Security protocols for activities within microservices.
  • Access Control List (ACL): Implementing access control lists helps limit access to API endpoints and microservices according to established regulations and ensures through automated management Only authorized users or services can access resources.
  • Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP): Use runtime (Runtime) application self-protection (RASP) solutions, such as Contrast Security or Veracode, involve embedding security policies into the API runtime environment to enforce measures against common threats such as injection attacks and data exposure.

6. Vulnerability Management

Effective vulnerability management is through identification, Assessing, mitigating, and monitoring vulnerabilities to protect systems from potential security risks and breaches plays an important role in protecting AI-driven APIs and microservices.

Here are some important strategies and tools for managing vulnerabilities in AI-powered APIs and microservices:

  • Regular vulnerability scanning: Use scanning tools such as Nessus, Qualys or OpenVAS to check APIs and microservices for known vulnerabilities. Consistent scanning helps pinpoint weaknesses that attackers could exploit.
  • Security patching: Establish a process for managing patches to ensure software components and dependencies are kept up to date with security patches. Timely patching can solve known vulnerabilities and reduce the risk of attacks.
  • Secure Code Review: Regularly review code for security issues to address unsafe practices and vulnerabilities. Tools like SonarQube, Checkmarx or Fortify can automate code analysis to detect security flaws in your code base.
  • API Security Practices: Follow API development practices including authentication, authorization, encryption, input validation, and error handling. Adhering to these practices can reduce the attack surface and enhance the security of APIs and microservices.
  • #Integrate threat intelligence: Integrate threat intelligence to provide timely updates on emerging security threats and vulnerabilities related to AI-driven APIs and microservices. Tools like ThreatConnect or Recorded Future can help detect and respond to threats.
  • Incident response plan: Develop a plan to respond to incidents involving API and microservice vulnerabilitiesHandling process. The plan should outline the process for handling a security incident, including steps to patch vulnerabilities, communications strategies, and recovery procedures.

7. Integrate threat intelligence

Integrate threat intelligence into artificial intelligence It is critical to implement intelligence-driven APIs and microservices to enforce security measures, identify threats and effectively manage risks. By leveraging threat intelligence resources, organizations can stay informed of threats, vulnerabilities, and malicious activity that may pose a risk to their APIs and microservices.

Here are some important strategies and tools for integrating threat intelligence in an AI-driven environment:

  • Threat IntelligenceFeedback Sources: Stay current by subscribing to threat intelligence from trusted sources such as CERT, ISAC and commercial providers. These feeds provide real-time insights into known threats, indicators of compromise (IOCs), and attack patterns related to APIs and microservices.
  • Integrated Security Information and Event Management (SIEM): Integrate threat intelligence feeds into a SIEM solution such as Splunk, ArcSight or logrhym. This integration helps correlate security events, analyze logs, and identify threats based on indicators provided by threat intelligence.
  • Monitoring
  • IntrusionsIndicators (IOCs): In logs of API and microservice traffic data and system activity , monitor monitoring Indicators of Compromise (IOC) matches from the threat intelligence feed. Tools like MISP (Malware Information Sharing Platform) or OpenCTI are valuable for managing and correlating monitoring indicators of compromise (IOCs). Enable Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR): Deploy a SOAR platform such as Demisto, Phantom, or Swimlane to automate tasks related to managing threat intelligence. These platforms streamline incident response processes and remediation workflows designed specifically for APIs and microservices. Leverage machine learning algorithms to analyze data from threat intelligence, identify patterns, and predict security incidents in AI-driven APIs and microservices. Machine learning models can enhance the ability to detect threats and effectively automate response measures.
  • Conclusion

Detect and respond to cloud-based APIs by integrating artificial intelligence-based technologies and threats in a microservices environment, organizations can strengthen their cybersecurity defenses, improve incident response capabilities, and protect their assets from cyber threats.

Original title:

##Leveraging AI to Bolster Cloud Security for APIs and Microservices By Nilesh Charankar

