XSL-FO Tutoriallogin
XSL-FO Tutorial
author:php.cn  update time:2022-04-21 16:29:33

XSL-FO list

XSL-FO uses the <fo:list-block> element to define lists.

XSL-FO List Blocks

There are four XSL-FO objects that can be used to create lists:

  • fo: list-block (contains the whole list)

  • fo:list-item (contains each item in the list)

  • fo:list-item-label (contains the label for the list-item - typically, a <fo:block> containing a number or character)

  • fo:list-item-body (contains the content/body of the list-item - typically, one or more <fo:block> objects)

a XSL-FO list example:


<fo :block>Volvo</fo:block>

<fo :list-item-body>


The output of the above code is as follows:

##* Volvo