back button
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Solution to the unavailable JavaScript back button In daily web development, we often encounter situations where we need to disable the back button of the page. This prevents users from using the browser's back function on web pages, thus protecting the security and stability of web pages. When using JavaScript to implement this function, we may encounter a situation where the back button is unavailable. Next, we'll explain how to solve this problem. 1. The cause of the problem is disabling the browser’s back button in JavaScript.
Handle Back Button Like Home Button: Exploring Three OptionsThe back button typically exits an application. However, it's possible to override...
Clearing the back button in JavaScript Website visit history is a very useful feature that can help us better understand user behavior and website usage. To achieve this function, most people will choose to use the browser's back button. However, the back button can be problematic in certain situations and needs to be cleared using JavaScript. In this article we will introduce how to use JavaScript
Override Back Button Behavior: Emulating Home Button FunctionalityAndroid applications typically transition to the destroyed state when the user...
Let’s take a look at the effect first, directly above the picture. In the first case, when the page is at the top, the back to top button will not appear. In the second case, when the page is a certain distance away from the top, the return to top button appears. Next is the analysis of the code: If we want to use scrolling here...
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