<?php class sqlsafe { private $getfilter = "'|(and|or)\b.+?(>|<|=|in|like)|\/\*.+?\*\/|<\s*script\b|\bEXEC\b|UNION.+?SELECT|UPDATE.+?SET|INSERT\s+INTO.+?VALUES|(SELECT|DELETE).+?FROM|(CREATE|ALTER|DROP|TRUNCATE)\s+(TABLE|DATABASE)"; private $postfilter = "\b(and|or)\b.{1,6}?(=|>|<|\bin\b|\blike\b)|\/\*.+?\*\/|<\s*script\b|\bEXEC\b|UNION.+?SELECT|UPDATE.+?SET|INSERT\s+INTO.+?VALUES|(SELECT|DELETE).+?FROM|(CREATE|ALTER|DROP|TRUNCATE)\s+(TABLE|DATABASE)"; private $cookiefilter = "\b(and|or)\b.{1,6}?(=|>|<|\bin\b|\blike\b)|\/\*.+?\*\/|<\s*script\b|\bEXEC\b|UNION.+?SELECT|UPDATE.+?SET|INSERT\s+INTO.+?VALUES|(SELECT|DELETE).+?FROM|(CREATE|ALTER|DROP|TRUNCATE)\s+(TABLE|DATABASE)"; public function __construct() { foreach($_GET as $key=>$value){$this->stopattack($key,$value,$this->getfilter);} foreach($_POST as $key=>$value){$this->stopattack($key,$value,$this->postfilter);} foreach($_COOKIE as $key=>$value){$this->stopattack($key,$value,$this->cookiefilter);} } public function stopattack($StrFiltKey, $StrFiltValue, $ArrFiltReq){ if(is_array($StrFiltValue))$StrFiltValue = implode($StrFiltValue); if (preg_match("/".$ArrFiltReq."/is",$StrFiltValue) == 1){ $this->writeslog($_SERVER["REMOTE_ADDR"]." ".strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")." ".$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"]." ".$_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"]." ".$StrFiltKey." ".$StrFiltValue); showmsg('您提交的参数非法,系统已记录您的本次操作!','',0,1); } } public function writeslog($log){ $log_path = CACHE_PATH.'logs'.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'sql_log.txt'; $ts = fopen($log_path,"a+"); fputs($ts,$log."\r\n"); fclose($ts); } }
This class library first constructs the function parameters, then checks and writes the log, and finally checks the SQL injection log. It is a very useful PHP class library to prevent SQL injection
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