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  • php-eclipse-configuration

    Install and configure wamp2.5 to run WAMP. Enter localhost in the browser (take the firefox browser as an example). If the following page is displayed successfully, it means that WAMP is installed successfully<br /> Download Eclipse for PHP (http://mirror.bit.edu.cn/eclipse/technology/epp/downloads/release/luna/SR1/eclipse-php-luna-SR1-win32.zip) and extract it to your chosen location (it is recommended not to include Chinese characters in the path), run eclipse.exe. <br /> Configure Eclipse for PHP. <br /> Configure character encoding. <br /> Configure XDebug. <br /> Configuring PHP Executables <br /> 6. Just create a php file, put a breakpoint, and then select like this:<br /> Right-click the php file-&gt;Debug As-&gt;Php Web Page, eclipse will automatically open the php in the browser, and run until the breakpoint appears<br />

    php e-book28717702018-02-09
  • "Empire Website Management System" tutorial

    Operating environment description: local installation, operating system winXP, PHP5, MYSQL5, APACHE2.2 version<br /> Step 1: Preparations before installation <br /> 1. Download and unzip<br /> Download the "Empire Website Management System v4.7" program and unzip the compressed package: <br /> 2. Upload<br /> Copy all files and directory structures in the upload directory of the installation package to the website root directory:<br /> <br /> <br /> Step 2: Set directory attributes<br /> * This machine uses Windows operating system, you can skip this step<br /> <br /> Step 3: Execute the installation script <br /> Run http://localhost/installation directory/e/install/index.php,<br /> in the browser Enter the Imperial website management system installation interface and read the user terms of use:<br />

    php e-book28719072018-02-09
  • Most commonly used regular expressions

    <p> 1. Expression of check digits </p> <p> ​ </p> <p> 1 Number: ^[0-9]*$<br /> 2 n-digit number: ^\d{n}$<br /> 3 A number of at least n digits: ^\d{n,}$<br /> 4 m-n digit number: ^\d{m,n}$<br /> 5 Numbers starting with zero and non-zero: ^(0|[1-9][0-9]*)$<br /> 6 Numbers starting with non-zero and with up to two decimal places: ^([1-9][0-9]*)+(.[0-9]{1,2})?$<br /> 7 Positive or negative numbers with 1-2 decimal places: ^(\-)?\d+(\.\d{1,2})?$<br /> 8 Positive numbers, negative numbers, and decimals: ^(\-|\+)?\d+(\.\d+)?$<br /> 9 Positive real numbers with two decimal places: ^[0-9]+(.[0-9]{2})?$<br /> 10 Positive real numbers with 1~3 decimal places: ^[0-9]+(.[0-9]{1,3})?$<br /> 11 Non-zero positive integer: ^[1-9]\d*$ or ^([1-9][0-9]*){1,3}$ or ^\+?[1-9][0 -9]*$<br /> 12 Non-zero negative integers: ^\-[1-9][]0-9"*$ or ^-[1-9]\d*$<br /> 13 Non-negative integers: ^\d+$ or ^[1-9]\d*|0$<br /> 14 Non-positive integers: ^-[1-9]\d*|0$ or ^((-\d+)|(0+))$<br /> 15 Non-negative floating point number: ^\d+(\.\d+)?$ or ^[1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*|0? \.0+|0$<br /> 16 Non-positive floating point number: ^((-\d+(\.\d+)?)|(0+(\.0+)?))$ or ^(-([1-9]\d*\.\ d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*))|0?\.0+|0$<br /> 17 Positive floating point number: ^[1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*$ or ^(([0-9]+\.[0- 9]*[1-9][0-9]*)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|([0-9] *[1-9][0-9]*))$<br /> 18 Negative floating point number: ^-([1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\d*)$ or ^(-(([0-9]+ \.[0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)|([0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+)|( [0-9]*[1-9][0-9]*)))$<br /> 19 Floating point number: ^(-?\d+)(\.\d+)?$ or ^-?([1-9]\d*\.\d*|0\.\d*[1-9]\ d*|0?\.0+|0)$ </p>

    Web page production28753092018-02-08
  • Regular Expressions-Pocket Edition (First Edition)

    This concise and easy-to-use reference puts a very powerful tool for manipulating text and data right at your fingertips. Composed of a mixture of symbols and text, regular expressions can be an outlet for creativity, for brilliant programming, and for the elegant solution. Regular Expression Pocket Reference offers an introduction to regular expressions, pattern matching, metacharacters, modes and constructs, and then provides separate sections for each of the language APIs, with complete regex listings including: <br /> Supported metacharacters for each language API <br /> Regular expression classes and interfaces for Ruby, Java, .NET, and C# <br /> Regular expression operators for Perl 5.8 <br /> Regular expression module objects and functions for Python <br /> Pattern-matching functions for PHP and the vi editor <br /> Pattern-matching methods and objects for JavaScript <br /> Unicode Support for each of the languages&nbsp;

    Web page production28751072018-02-08
  • Regular Expressions-Pocket Edition (Second Edition)

    This concise and easy-to-use reference puts a very powerful tool for manipulating text and data right at your fingertips. Composed of a mixture of symbols and text, regular expressions can be an outlet for creativity, for brilliant programming, and for the elegant solution. Regular Expression Pocket Reference offers an introduction to regular expressions, pattern matching, metacharacters, modes and constructs, and then provides separate sections for each of the language APIs, with complete regex listings including: <br /> Supported metacharacters for each language API <br /> Regular expression classes and interfaces for Ruby, Java, .NET, and C# <br /> Regular expression operators for Perl 5.8 <br /> Regular expression module objects and functions for Python <br /> Pattern-matching functions for PHP and the vi editor <br /> Pattern-matching methods and objects for JavaScript <br /> Unicode Support for each of the languages&nbsp;

    Web page production28752072018-02-08
  • A practical guide to regular expressions

    "A Practical Guide to Regular Expressions" summarizes a set of methods for using regular expressions to solve problems based on the actual problems encountered by the author during development, as well as questions consulted by other developers, and guides readers through specific examples to dismantle, analyse problem. The book is divided into three parts: the first part mainly explains the basic knowledge of regular expressions, covering various functions and structures in common regular expressions; the second part mainly explains more in-depth knowledge about regular expressions, and discusses in detail Coding issues, matching principles, and problem-solving ideas; the third part implements the various knowledge introduced previously into 6 commonly used languages. net, java, javascript, php, python, and ruby. It not only introduces in detail the regular expressions in the language Usage also points out the subtle differences between versions. It can be used as a textbook for specialized study and as a useful reference manual.

    Web page production28748632018-02-08
  • How to learn regular expressions

    Regular expression concepts<br /> <br /> Regular expressions, also known as regular expressions and regular expressions (English: Regular Expression, often abbreviated as regex, regexp or RE in code), are a concept in computer science. Regular expressions use a single string to describe and match a series of strings that match a certain syntax rule. In many text editors, regular expressions are often used to retrieve and replace text that matches a certain pattern. <br /> <br /> In our daily work, we often write regular expressions. For example, in forms, we often use regular expressions to verify whether the format of user input is correct. We can think of regular expressions as a language that can describe problems. It is specially designed for pattern matching<br /> <div> <br /> </div>

    Web page production28748962018-02-08
  • Commonly used regular expression examples

    Regular expressions, also known as regular expressions, are a concept in computer science. Regular expressions are often used to retrieve and replace text that matches a certain pattern. Many programming languages ​​support string manipulation using regular expressions. For example, Perl has a powerful regular expression engine built into it. The concept of regular expressions was originally popularized by tool software in Unix. Regular expressions are often abbreviated as "regex", the singular includes regexp, regex, and the plural includes regexps, regexes, and regexen.

    Web page production28750052018-02-08
  • VB-NET strings and regular expressions

    Chapter 1 How the system processes text<br /> Chapter 2 String and StringBuilder Class<br /> Chapter 3 String Conversion<br /> Chapter 4 Internationalization<br /> Chapter 5 Regular Expressions<br /> Chapter 6 Advanced Concepts of Regular Expressions<br /> Chapter 7 Regular Expression Patterns<br /> Appendix A String<br /> Appendix B StringBuilder<br /> Appendix C Regular Expression Syntax<br /> Appendix D Technical Support, Errata and Code Downloads

    Web page production28773112018-02-08
  • python regular re module

    <p style="text-align:justify;"> The indall function always returns a list of all matching results of the regular expression in the string. Here we mainly discuss the display method of the "results" in the list, that is, findall returns the information contained in each element in the list. </p> <p style="text-align:justify;"> 1. When the given regular expression contains multiple brackets, the elements of the list are tuples composed of multiple strings. The number of strings in the tuple is the same as the number of brackets, and the content of the string is the same as the number in each bracket. Regular expressions correspond to each other, and are arranged in the order in which brackets appear. </p> <p style="text-align:justify;"> 2. When there is a parentheses in the given regular expression, the elements of the list are strings, and the content of this string corresponds to the regular expression in the parentheses (not the matching content of the entire regular expression). </p> <p style="text-align:justify;"> 3. When the regular expression is given without parentheses, the elements of the list are strings, and this string is the content matched by the entire regular expression. </p>

    Web page production28754462018-02-08
  • Traffic aggregation plug-in aggregate

    The AGGREGATE function in EXCEL returns the total in a list or database. <br /> This is because the MIN, MAX, and PERCENTILE functions do not perform calculations when there are errors in the calculation range. For the same reason, the LARGE, SMALL, and STDEVP functions also affect the corresponding functionality of some conditional formatting rules. <br /> By using the AGGREGATE function, these errors are ignored, allowing these functions to be implemented. Additionally, the AGGREGATE function applies different aggregate functions to lists or databases, and provides options to ignore hidden rows and erroneous values. <br /> <div> <br /> </div>

    Web page production28793452018-02-07
  • Design and implementation of mobile programming communication interface based on YII framework

    Data transmission between computers or computers and terminals can be carried out in two ways: serial communication and parallel communication. The serial communication method is widely used because it uses fewer lines and is low-cost, especially in long-distance transmission, because it avoids the inconsistency of the characteristics of multiple lines. In serial communication, both communicating parties are required to use a standard interface so that different devices can be easily connected for communication. The RS-232-C interface (also known as EIA RS-232-C) is currently the most commonly used serial communication interface. It is a standard for serial communications developed in 1970 by the Electronic Industries Association (EIA) in conjunction with the Bell System, modem manufacturers and computer terminal manufacturers. Its full name is "Technical Standard for Serial Binary Data Exchange Interface between Data Terminal Equipment (DTE) and Data Communications Equipment (DCE)." The standard specifies the use of a 25-pin DB25 connector, with each pin of the connector The signal content of the pin is specified, and the levels of various signals are also specified.

    Web page production28794142018-02-07
  • Portal technology

    Portal serves as a gateway to a WEB site on the Internet. Portal is a collection of links, content, and guidance services that provide information that users may find of interest (such as news, weather, entertainment, business sites, chat rooms, etc.). <br /> 1. Portal serves as a WEB site on the Internet as a gateway. Portal is a collection of links, content, and guidance services that provide information that users may find of interest (such as news, weather, entertainment, business sites, chat rooms, etc.). Yahoo, Excite, MSN.com and Netscape NetCenter are all Portals. <br /> 2. In fantasy games, science fiction and some "new era" philosophies, a portal is a passage into another world in the past, present or future, or into an expanded understanding. <br /> 3. In 3D graphics development, Portal is a technology that increases the effect of realism and accelerates display. <br />

    Web page production28793932018-02-07
  • PHP self-study tutorial from easy to deep

    PHP is a general-purpose open source scripting language. The syntax absorbs the characteristics of C language, Java and Perl, which is easy to learn and widely used. It is mainly suitable for the field of Web development. PHP's unique syntax mixes C, Java, Perl, and PHP's own syntax. It can execute dynamic web pages faster than CGI or Perl. Compared with other programming languages, dynamic pages made with PHP embed programs into HTML (an application under the Standard Universal Markup Language) document for execution, and the execution efficiency is much higher than CGI that completely generates HTML tags; PHP can also execute compiled code. Compilation can achieve encryption and optimize code running, making the code run faster.

    Web page production28793952018-02-07
  • Solution to PHP compilation and installation errors in Linux

    Linux is a free-to-use and freely disseminated Unix-like operating system. It is a multi-user, multi-task, multi-thread and multi-CPU operating system based on POSIX and UNIX. It can run major UNIX software tools, applications and network protocols. It supports 32-bit and 64-bit hardware. Linux inherits the network-centric design philosophy of Unix and is a multi-user network operating system with stable performance. <br /> The Linux operating system was born on October 5, 1991 (this is the first time the date was officially announced). There are many different Linux versions of Linux, but they all use the Linux kernel. Linux can be installed on a variety of computer hardware devices, such as cell phones, tablets, routers, video game consoles, desktop computers, mainframes, and supercomputers. <br /> Strictly speaking, the word Linux itself only refers to the Linux kernel, but in fact people are accustomed to using Linux to describe the entire operating system based on the Linux kernel and using various tools and databases of the GNU Project. <br />

    Web page production28791992018-02-07
  • How to develop Joomla

    Joomla! is a world-renowned content management system. Joomla! is a software system developed using PHP language and MySQL database. The latest version is 3.8. It can be executed on various platforms such as Linux, Windows, MacOSX, etc. It is currently developed and supported by the open source organization Open Source Matters (see further reading). This organization has members from all over the world. There are about 150 team members, including developers, designers, system managers, and document writers. , and more than 20,000 participating members.

    Web page production28790722018-02-07
  • How to develop joomla twice

    Joomla! is a world-renowned content management system. Joomla! is a software system developed using PHP language and MySQL database. The latest version is 3.8. It can be executed on various platforms such as Linux, Windows, MacOSX, etc. It is currently developed and supported by the open source organization Open Source Matters (see further reading). This organization has members from all over the world. There are about 150 team members, including developers, designers, system managers, and document writers. , and more than 20,000 participating members.

    Web page production28790982018-02-07
  • Component development for Joomla

    Joomla! is a world-renowned content management system. Joomla! is a software system developed using PHP language and MySQL database. The latest version is 3.8. It can be executed on various platforms such as Linux, Windows, MacOSX, etc. It is currently developed and supported by the open source organization Open Source Matters (see further reading). This organization has members from all over the world. There are about 150 team members, including developers, designers, system managers, and document writers. , and more than 20,000 participating members.

    Web page production28790982018-02-07
  • Joomla learning summary

    Joomla! is a world-renowned content management system. Joomla! is a software system developed using PHP language and MySQL database. The latest version is 3.8. It can be executed on various platforms such as Linux, Windows, MacOSX, etc. It is currently developed and supported by the open source organization Open Source Matters (see further reading). This organization has members from all over the world. There are about 150 team members, including developers, designers, system managers, and document writers. , and more than 20,000 participating members.

    Web page production28791042018-02-07
  • Creation of Dreamweaver table form

    Adobe Dreamweaver, referred to as "DW", the Chinese name is "Dream Weaver", was originally developed by the American company MACROMEDIA and was acquired by Adobe in 2005. DW is a WYSIWYG web code editor that integrates web page production and website management. With support for HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and more, designers and developers can quickly create and build websites virtually anywhere.

    Web page production28794302018-02-07