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  • Introduction to Web Development Classic: Using PHP6, Apache and MySQL

    <p> By studying this book, readers will quickly understand why PHP, Apache, and MySQL will quickly become the most popular ways to develop dynamic websites. This book will lay a good foundation for readers to understand how these three core components work independently and together. Guide readers to take full advantage of the various features they offer. </p> <p> <strong>Introduction to Web Development Classic: Using PHP6, Apache, and MySQL</strong>First, it introduces how to use the important functions of these technologies to create a complete website through two projects. These two projects guide readers through the basics, such as writing PHP code, setting up a MySQL database, populating the database with data, and displaying specific information to visitors. Next, some complex topics using PHP, Apache, and MySQL are discussed while completing the development of each website. </p> <p> After carefully reading this book, readers will fully understand the core concepts needed to become an effective developer and be able to use free tools to create well-designed dynamic websites.​ </p>

    Web page production30124842018-01-05
  • Web interface design-Chinese version

    The current Web has entered a new era! This book covers the topics in <br /> The process of creating rich experiences based on a unique web environment<br /> Best practices, patterns, and principles for designing web interfaces. UI Expert<br /> Bill Scott and Theresa Neil have built upon their years of practical experience and tireless <br /> Based on the exploration, we summarized and refined the six principles of Web interface design<br /> Management - straightforward, simplifying interactions, staying at home, providing invitations, <br /> Use transformation and instant reaction, and rely on these six principles to be <br /> Today, various popular websites that have pioneered the trend on the Web are used as examples to show readers <br /> Demonstrates over 75 patterns for building web interfaces based on rich interactions,<br /> And explains hundreds of proven best practices in simple, clear language. At the same time, the book also provides <br /> There are many anti-patterns, practices that should be avoided during web interface design. This book is the most comprehensive one so far<br /> A classic focused on rich web interface design. <br /> This book is both a Web interface design guide and a Web interface example reference, suitable for Web<br /> Read by interface designers, developers, researchers, enthusiasts, and web project managers. <br /> <br />

    Web page production30122602018-01-05
  • Chinese tutorial for newbies to PHP

    <span style="color:#333333;font-family:Simsun;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">PHP adheres to the GNU style of Linux. With the help of open source code, it has quickly become one of the most widely used website production languages ​​in the world. With the help of C form and the concept of reference class, the reproducible application of code is extremely simple. Coupled with its close cooperation with Linux, Apache and MySql, there is no problem with critical applications (the famous Sina uses Php). At the same time, the official version of the core engine of PHP's fourth generation Zend (PHP4) has also been released. The core of the entire program has been greatly improved, making the execution speed of PHP programs faster. The efficiency of PHP after optimization has been better than that of traditional CGI or ASP and other programs. </span>

    Web page production30124622018-01-05
  • A complete self-study manual for PHP

    Welcome to the world of PHP! <br /> PHP language is one of the most popular web development languages. It is popular in web development because of its easy learning, fast development and stable performance.<br /> Favored by personnel. PHP is not only used by many people and tens of thousands of Web sites are built with it, but also has strong community support, making<br /> Whether you are developing web applications with PHP or learning the PHP language, it will be fast, effective and get twice the result with half the effort. In various web development languages,<br /> Today, with the turmoil of frameworks and concepts, PHP still attracts more web developers to learn and use it with its unique charm. <br />

    Web page production30135632018-01-05
  • Complete PHP coding standards

    <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">1 Identifier naming and definition</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">1.1 General naming rules</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Rule 1.1.1 Do not use Chinese Pinyin</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">1.2 File naming rules</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Rule 1.2.1 Capitalize the first letter of a word (such as UserManage)</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">1.3 Class Naming Rules</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Rule 1.3.1 Capitalize the first letter of a word (such as UserManage)</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">1.4 Function Naming Rules</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Rule 1.4.1 Capitalize the first letter of other words except the first word (such as userManage)</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">1.5 Variable naming rules</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Rule 1.5.1 Use underscores between words (such as user_manage)</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">1.6 Common naming rules</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">Rule 1.6.1 foreach naming rule, adopt the following method (data can be other names, keys must be k, k1, k2, etc., etc. must be v, v1, v2, etc.): </span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">foreach ($data as $k =&gt; $v) {</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">foreach ($v as $k1 =&gt; $v1) {</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">$t[$k1][$k]=$v1;</span><br /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">}</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">}</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> Rule 3.6.2 for naming rule, adopt the following method (the variable must be i, i1): </span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">for ($i=0; $i&lt;8;$i ) {</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">for ($i1=0; $i1&lt;8;$i1 ) {</span><br /><span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">}</span><br /> <span style="color:#333333;font-family:&quot;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">}</span>

    Web page production30147272018-01-05
  • Introductory tutorial for PHP5 and MySQL

    <p> <strong>Introductory tutorial for PHP5 and MySQL</strong>Introduction: </p> <p> "Introduction to PHP5 and MySQL" is intended for beginner and intermediate readers. It aims to enable readers to quickly master the basic and core technologies necessary for web application development with PHP5 and MySQL5. It is suitable as a reference book for self-study by programming enthusiasts and website developers. </p>

    Web page production30126522018-01-05
  • The essence of JS language

    JavaScript was once "the most misunderstood language in the world" because it was burdened with too many features, including poor interaction and failed design. But with the advent of Ajax, JavaScript "evolved from the most misunderstood programming language to the most popular." "Language", this is not only lucky, but also proves that it is actually an excellent language. In this book, Douglas Crockford peels off the tainted coat of JavaScript and extracts a subset of JavaScript with better reliability, readability, and maintainability, allowing you to see an elegant, lightweight language. and very expressive language. The author presents the real essence of this language from 9 aspects: syntax, objects, functions, inheritance, arrays, regular expressions, methods, styles and beautiful features, through which elegant and efficient code can be constructed. The author also lists the bad and useless parts of the language in the appendix and tells you how to avoid them. Finally, JSLint is introduced. Through its inspection, we can effectively protect the quality of our code. <br />

    Web page production30124362018-01-05
  • Advanced programming in JS

    This is the latest edition of JavaScript's super bestseller. ECMAScript5 and HTML5 both won the standard battle, allowing a large number of proprietary implementations and client-side extensions to officially enter the specification, while also adding many new features to JavaScript to adapt to future development. <br /> In addition to adding 5 new chapters to this edition of "Advanced Programming with JavaScript," other chapters have also been significantly supplemented and revised, and the new content accounts for about one-third of the length. <br /> The book starts from the various components of JavaScript language implementation - language core, DOM, BOM, event model, and discusses object-oriented programming, Ajax and Comet server-side communication, HTML5 forms, media, Canvas (including WebGL) and WebWorkers in a simple and easy-to-understand manner. , geolocation, cross-document messaging, client-side storage (including IndexedDB) and other new APIs, it also introduces offline applications and best development practices related to maintenance, performance, and deployment. <br /> The appendix of "Advanced Programming with JavaScript (3rd Edition)" looks forward to future APIs and ECMAScript Harmony specifications. <br /> "Advanced Programming with JavaScript (3rd Edition)" is suitable for web application developers with certain programming experience. It can also be used as a teaching material for professional courses related to practical technical training in universities and society. <br />

    Web page production30123842018-01-05
  • jQuery in action second edition

    For online information and ordering of this and other Manning books, please visit<br /> www.manning.com. The publisher offers discounts on this book when ordered in quantity.<br /> For more information, please contact<br /> Special Sales Department<br /> Manning Publications Co.<br /> 180 Broad St.<br /> Suite 1323<br /> Stamford, CT 06901<br /> Email: orders@manning.com<br /> &copy;2010 by Manning Publications Co. All rights reserved.<br /> No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in<br /> any form or by means electronic, mechanical, photocopying, or otherwise, without prior written<br /> permission of the publisher.<br /> Many of the designations used by manufacturers and sellers to distinguish their products are<br /> claimed as trademarks. Where those designations appear in the book, and Manning<br /> Publications was aware of a trademark claim, the designations have been printed in initial caps<br /> or all caps.<br />

    Web page production30124882018-01-05
  • Enable Gzip compression (HTTP compression) Chinese version on IIS

    1. Summary <br /> This article summarizes how to enable Gzip compression for websites hosted using IIS, thereby reducing the web page network transfer size and increasing the speed at which users display pages. <br /> 2. Preface. <br /> The knowledge points of this article are collected from the Internet, mainly from the Chinese wiki. When using YSlow to detect which optimizations are enabled on the website, Gzip is a very critical item. Enabling Gip compression will immediately reduce the network transmission size of the page. <br /> 3. Overview of HTTP Compression <br /> HTTP compression is a method of transmitting compressed text content between a web server and a browser. HTTP compression uses common compression algorithms such as gzip to compress HTML, JavaScript or CSS files. The biggest benefit of compression is to reduce the amount of data transmitted over the network, thereby improving the access speed of the client browser. Of course, it will also increase the burden on the server a little bit. Gzip is a relatively common HTTP compression algorithm.​

    Web page production30126092018-01-05
  • Introduction to HTML and CSS Classics 8th Edition

    <pre class="pre_description">通过阅读梅洛尼、莫里森编著的《HTML与CSS入门经典(第8版)》,读者将学会如何使用HTML和CSS来设计、创建和维护世界级的网站。本书采用直观、循序渐进的方法,引导读者掌握从基本知识到最新功能的所有内容。本书每章内容都建立在已学的知识之上。即使读者没有任何HTML与CSS知识,也可以通过本书,走向成功的坚实之路。 </pre>

    Web page production30125312018-01-05
  • H5 secrets revealed

    <span style="color:#333333;font-family:arial, 宋体, sans-serif;font-size:14px;background-color:#FFFFFF;">This book provides a comprehensive and in-depth introduction and analysis of HTML5-related technologies. "From the Beginning to Now" tells the bumpy development history of HTML5; "HTML5 Feature Detection" introduces a variety of detection methods for different features; "Local Storage" reveals the mystery of how to move the "database" to the client; " "Offline Application" demonstrates the magical skills of keeping Web applications intact even when offline; "Crazy Form" shows off a cool next-generation Web form</span>

    Web page production30121352018-01-05
  • Search engine optimization advanced programming (including source code)

    The authors would like to thank the following people and companies, listed alphabetically, for their<br /> invaluable assistance with the production of this book. Without their help, this book would not have<br /> been possible in its current form.<br /> Dan Kramer of Volatile Graphix for generously providing his cloaking database to the public — and even<br /> adding some data to make our cloaking code examples work better.<br /> Kim Krause Berg of The Usability Effect for providing assistance and insight where this book references<br /> usability and accessibility topics.<br /> MaxMind, Inc., for providing their free GeoLite geo-targeting data — making our geo-targeting code<br /> examples possible.<br /> Several authors of WordPress plugins including Arne Brachhold, Lester Chan, Peter Harkins, Matt Lloyd,<br /> and Thomas McMahon.<br /> Family and friends of both Jaimie and Cristian — for tolerating the endless trail of empty cans of<br />

    Web page production30173622018-01-04
  • Cross-platform APP-jQuery.Mobile mobile application

    <p> jQuery Mobile is currently the most popular cross-platform mobile development framework. "Building Cross-Platform APP: jQuery Mobile Mobile Application Practice" uses example-driven explanations to allow readers with no basic knowledge to easily master application development under jQuery Mobile. </p> <p> "Building Cross-Platform APP: jQuery Mobile Mobile Application Practice" is divided into 4 articles. The first article is an introduction to mobile development, which introduces some basic knowledge of jQuery Mobile, HTML5 and mobile development, and how to build a development environment; the second article is The basics of jQuery Mobile introduces the use of dialog boxes, toolbars, buttons, forms, layouts and plug-ins in jQuery Mobile; the third is a practical cross-platform APP, which introduces 6 actual APPs developed using jQuery Mobile; the fourth This article is about publishing and promoting applications, which introduces how to publish and promote your own APP after the development is completed. </p> <p> "Building Cross-Platform APPs: jQuery Mobile Mobile Application Practice" is detailed in content and rich in examples. It is a must-have reference book for jQuery Mobile beginners and cross-platform mobile developers. It is also suitable for colleges and universities. </p>

    Web page production30168642018-01-04
  • Empire website management system

    <p class="reader-word-layer reader-word-s1-5" style="font-family:宋体, &quot;font-size:144px;background-color:#FFFFFF;"> As an excellent website management system, Empire Website Management System (ECMS) has continued to show its unique charm and strong vitality in the ever-changing website management systems since its emergence. So far, there are tens of thousands of users using Imperial CMS to build websites, and this number is still increasing at an unprecedented acceleration. Imperial CMS has become the leader in website building systems, and will continue to lead the trend of website building systems. The task of this tutorial is to lead ECMS users from basic entry to flexible application of ECMS. It mainly focuses on the basic application of Imperial CMS in the process of building a website, and explains the use and application of each function through pictures, texts and examples. An in-depth understanding of the content of this tutorial is a convenient way to master ECMS, and it is also a good helper for you to quickly build a website. The main contents of this tutorial include: system introduction, operating environment, installation of ECMS, familiarity with ECMS, getting started with the system, template production, user and member management, collection and use, system model expansion, plug-in use, data backup and recovery, and some common issues, etc. wait<br /> <div> <br /> </div> </p>

    Web page production30170932018-01-04
  • PHP and MySQL Programming (Third Edition)

    <p style="color:#333333;font-family:tahoma, 宋体;font-size:14px;text-align:justify;background-color:#FAFAFC;"> <strong> "PHP and MySQL Programming (3rd Edition)" is a classic work that comprehensively describes PHP and MySQL. The book not only comprehensively introduces the core features of the two technologies, but also explains how to efficiently combine the two technologies. Build robust data-driven applications. This book covers the latest features emerging in new versions of the two technologies. The large number of practical examples and in-depth analysis in the book come from the author's many years of professional experience in this field and can be used to solve various problems faced by developers in practice. challenge. </strong> </p> <p style="color:#333333;font-family:tahoma, 宋体;font-size:14px;text-align:justify;background-color:#FAFAFC;"> <strong>The content of this book is comprehensive and in-depth, suitable for PHP and MySQL developers of all levels to read. It is not only an excellent learning tutorial, but also can be used as a reference manual. </strong> </p>

    Web page production30169922018-01-04
  • Chinese version for newbies to PHP

    <p> Introduction<span></span> </p> <p> <span>PHP</span> is a server-side scripting language that is easy to learn and use. With very little programming knowledge you can use <span>PHP</span> to build a truly interactive <span>WEB</span> site. This tutorial is not intended to give you a complete understanding of the language, but it will enable you to join the ranks of developing dynamic <span>web</span> sites as quickly as possible. I assume you have some basic knowledge of <span>HTML</span> (or <span>HTML</span> editor) and some programming ideas. <span></span> </p> <p> 1 Introduction<span></span> </p> <p> <span>PHP</span> is one of the tools that allows you to generate dynamic web pages. <span>PHP</span> stands for: Hypertext Preprocessor (<span>PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor</span>). <span>PHP</span> is completely free, no need to spend money, you can download it freely from the <span>PHP</span> official site <span>(http://www.php.net)</span>. <span>PHP</span> Complies with the <span>GNU</span> Public License (<span>GPL)</span>, under which many popular software such as <span>Linux</span> and <span class="SpellE"> were born <span>Emacs</span></span>. You have unlimited access to the source code and can even add the features you need. <span>PHP</span> can run on most <span>Unix</span> platforms, <span>GUN/Linux</span> and Microsoft <span>Windows</span> platforms. Information on how to install <span>PHP</span> on a <span>PC</span> machine or a <span>Unix</span> machine in a <span>Windows</span> environment can be found on the <span>PHP</span> official site You can find it on the website, or you can check the special article "<span>PHP</span>Installation with full attack and preparation" on the Tao Bar website. The installation process is simple. <span></span> </p> <p> If your machine solves the <span>2000</span> problem, then <span>PHP</span> will also not have the Y2K problem! <span></span> </p>

    Web page production30170392018-01-04
  • PHP classic example 2

    PHP Classic by Example (2nd Edition) can save you valuable web development time. With these solutions to real problems at hand, most programming challenges will be solved. "PHP Classic Examples (2nd Edition)" combines the features of PHP with the unique format of the Classic Examples series, which is enough to help you successfully build cross-browser Web applications. In this revised edition, you can find solutions to various programming problems more easily. The content of "PHP Classic Examples (2nd Edition)" covers: form processing; Session management; database interaction; using Web services. <br /> From beginner's common questions to advanced web programming techniques, this book contains a wealth of practical examples to meet the needs of anyone using PHP to generate dynamic web content. Each example in the book carefully discusses the logic and ideas behind the solutions provided, using insights from PHP experts to help you master the language easily. The book updates the relevant content of PItP5 and explains in detail how to use new language features, such as huge improvements in object-oriented capabilities and new PD0 data access extensions. The book has specially added sections on classes and objects, including the following basic contents: processing XM; interacting with JavaScript; building Web services with PHP; using SOAP and REST architecture. <br /> There are more than 250 examples in "PHP Classic Examples (2nd Edition)", which provides rich enough solutions for many problems you face every day. Moreover, the discussion section of each example is steeped in ideas that will be extremely beneficial to every PHP developer.

    Web page production30170062018-01-04
  • PHP5 object-oriented programming: THIS, SELF and PARENT <br /> PHP5 object-oriented programming: STATIC and CONST <br /> PEAR Adventure Series PEAR::TEXT_PASSWORD <br /> Destructor simulation of PEAR::PEAR <br /> Simple use of SECTION in SMARTY <br /> XMLHTTP trial notes <br />

    Web page production30168812018-01-04
  • PHP+MORE Fourth Edition

    The goal of the Factory design pattern is to separate the instantiation process of your objects from the application code that uses it. For example, depending on different situations<br /> In this case, you may use different kinds of objects. If you have two rendering classes, HtmlRenderer and WmlRenderer, and<br /> If you want your application to transparently use the correct client based on which type it is connected to, you can simply do this by using Factory<br /> Design patterns are implemented. <br />

    Web page production30169052018-01-04