The authors would like to thank the following people and companies, listed alphabetically, for their
invaluable assistance with the production of this book. Without their help, this book would not have
been possible in its current form.
Dan Kramer of Volatile Graphix for generously providing his cloaking database to the public — and even
adding some data to make our cloaking code examples work better.
Kim Krause Berg of The Usability Effect for providing assistance and insight where this book references
usability and accessibility topics.
MaxMind, Inc., for providing their free GeoLite geo-targeting data — making our geo-targeting code
examples possible.
Several authors of WordPress plugins including Arne Brachhold, Lester Chan, Peter Harkins, Matt Lloyd,
and Thomas McMahon.
Family and friends of both Jaimie and Cristian — for tolerating the endless trail of empty cans of
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