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  • jQuery full window slideshow

    Realization effect: jQuery full-window slideshow, this effect is also very cool, generally used in shopping mall websites, we can add some promotional information of the website, or some other product information, etc. in the window slideshow, PHP Chinese website recommends downloading!

    window effects22062017-01-19
  • jquery follows the floating fixed window on the right side

    Realization effect: The right side of jquery follows a floating fixed window. We often encounter this effect. The pop-up window is fixed and can put some advertisements or the latest products. It is suitable for corporate websites or large shopping mall websites. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading!

    window effects19822017-01-19
  • HTML5 close form window split animation effect

    Realization effect: HTML5 closes the form window cracking animation special effect. The windowing effect is still used a lot, such as corporate websites or shopping mall websites. For member login, a form window can pop up by clicking login and registration. This effect will be more beautiful. PHP Chinese Recommended download!

    window effects20962017-01-19
  • jQuery single page full screen vertical scrolling special effects code

    Realization effect: A very practical jQuery single-page full-screen vertical scrolling special effect code. It is a very popular special effect code nowadays and is often used for product function introduction Or project introduction, this jQuery plug-in scrolls relatively smoothly, some plug-ins require the page to be scrolled in place to switch pages, This special effect is quite smooth. The plug-in has powerful custom parameter functions, supports mobile phone touch screen and supports switching speed, Worth learning to use.

    window effects21032017-01-14
  • Atmospheric green jQuery pop-up box pop-up layer special effects code

    Realization effect: The atmospheric green jQuery pop-up box pop-up layer special effects code supports three pop-up dialog modes, namely prompt information, confirm, alert prompts three pop-up modes. The special effects code is based on jQuery. It is a very good dialog box, but its function is a bit weaker than ArtDialog. effect.

    window effects18462017-01-13
  • Mobile Baidu special page single page full screen scroll switching JS special effects code

    Realization effect: The JS special effects code for single-page full-screen scrolling switching on the mobile Baidu special page is implemented based on the jQuery plug-in fullPage.min.js. It is still a very good special effect.

    window effects21782017-01-13