Home > Download >  JS effects > window effects

  • JS click popup modal window drop-down list code

    Code introduction: JS click pop-up modal window drop-down list code is a drop-down list similar to a modal window that will pop up when the user clicks on the list box. You can also search and filter the options in the list.

    window effects18462017-04-01
  • jQuery responds to browser window size image arrangement code

    Code introduction: The jQuery responsive browser window size image arrangement code is a picture gallery effect similar to Flick and Google Plus. It provides a unified height for all pictures, and the pictures are scaled according to their own proportions.

    window effects18612017-04-01
  • jquery imitates WeChat chat conversation window scrolling style

    Code introduction: jquery imitation WeChat chat conversation window scrolling style is a model that imitates WeChat conversation and supports mobile phone touch screen dragging of the window.

    window effects28872017-03-23
  • js can drag and drop to maximize and minimize the pop-up layer window

    Code introduction: The js draggable max-minimize pop-up layer window is a window that can be dragged, can change the size in eight directions, can be minimized, maximized, restored, and closed, and supports limiting the minimum width and height of the window.

    window effects12682017-03-23
  • jQuery hidden login box window

    Code introduction: Use jquery to implement a hidden login box window

    window effects14822017-03-23
  • jquery stretch login window effect

    Code introduction: Use jquery to achieve the stretch login window effect

    window effects14282017-03-23
  • jQuery page window drag preview effect

    Code introduction: jQuery page window drag preview effect is a simulated page window display drag window preview effect based on jQuery HTML5.

    window effects11172017-03-23
  • jQuery modal window opening animation effect

    Code introduction: The jQuery modal window opening animation effect is based on the Bootstrap modal window and Popover, using velocity.js to create the animation transition effect when the modal window and Popover are opened.

    window effects14402017-03-23
  • Imitation QQ window jitter effect code

    Code introduction: imitation QQ jitter effect code, compatible with mainstream browsers.

    window effects12952017-03-23
  • jQuery modal window login effect

    Code introduction: jQuery modal window login effect is a website login box pop-up special effects code based on jquery.

    window effects19612017-03-23
  • jQuery adaptive window size carousel effect

    Code introduction: jQuery adaptive window size carousel effect is a tool that can dynamically modify the size of the carousel according to the size of the viewport.

    window effects23182017-03-23
  • jQuery with QR code login window pop-up layer special effects

    Code introduction: The jQuery login window pop-up layer effect with QR code supports dragging with the mouse and has a QR code that can be scanned and logged in.

    window effects22402017-03-23
  • jquery+css3 airplane window animation special effects

    Code introduction: jquery css3 airplane window animation special effects is a personalized imitation airplane window opening and closing animation effect download.

    window effects13702017-03-23
  • jquery window vibration effect

    Code introduction: Use jquery to achieve window vibration effects

    window effects10782017-03-23
  • jQuery can drag the lower right corner floating window special effects

    Code introduction: The jQuery draggable lower right corner floating window special effect is a pop-up box that can be moved at will with the mouse. The content can be shrunk and moved to any position. Click to shrink to the lower right corner of the browser window.

    window effects16542017-03-23
  • jQuery+CSS3 transition animation modal window special effects

    Code introduction: jQuery CSS3 transition animation modal window effects are produced based on ModalWindowEffects of Codrops. The effects of various open modal windows are uniformly managed through jQuery plug-ins.

    window effects13452017-03-23
  • jQuery modal popup confirmation window

    Realization effect: jQuery mode pop-up confirmation window, there are several pop-up window styles, very good effect, PHP Chinese website recommends downloading!

    window effects13942017-01-21
  • jQuery right-click the logo to pop up a floating window

    Realization effect: jQuery right-clicks on the logo to pop up a floating window, and right-clicks on the logo to pop up a floating window. The effect is very obvious and outstanding. It is generally used for website member registration. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading!

    window effects12812017-01-21
  • jQuery 3D pop-up window transformation effects

    Realization effect: jQuery 3D pop-up window transformation effects, click will pop up the window, the window also has some small special effects, very beautiful!

    window effects13822017-01-21
  • jQuery modal window user registration code

    Realization effect: jQuery modal window user registration code. Now more and more corporate websites or shopping mall websites have login or registration in the upper right corner. After clicking, a pop-up window will pop up on the page, requiring us to complete the login registration effect. Such a page will display It's more beautiful. PHP Chinese website recommends downloading!

    window effects20022017-01-19