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Can I use vim to view very complex codes in openstack?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:45
646Page View2 answers

How to systematically learn how to configure vim configuration files?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:43
761Page View1 answers

In gVim, if you enter vimtutor in command mode and press Enter, the official vim tutorial cannot be opened and it will enter visual mode.

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:41
1053Page View1 answers

vim - windows vundle encountered a problem "error setting certificate verify locations:"

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:40
721Page View1 answers

gvim - Problems with undoing command line command operations and highlighting the line where the cursor is located in Vim

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:38
1012Page View1 answers

After executing the shell command in vim, how can I return to the editing interface without pressing the enter key?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:37
818Page View1 answers

gvim - Is there a command in vim to undo the last command line operation?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:35
1059Page View2 answers

vim shortcut key to delete function

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:33
662Page View1 answers

gvim - Where can I find out which shortcut key combinations in vim are used by default and which ones are not used yet?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:32
568Page View1 answers

vimrc - How to configure vim to automatically execute a certain command line command when executing the :w save command?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:31
980Page View3 answers

vimrc - How to compare % with string in vim?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:30
508Page View1 answers

vimrc - How does vim map keys based on the file extension?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:29
633Page View1 answers

ubuntu14.04 - vim configuration questions

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:28
705Page View4 answers

vim - How does the autocmd command allow the system to automatically type any key for us?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:27
978Page View1 answers

macos - I would like to ask if everyone's iterm is like this. As long as the .vimrc is created, there will be an empty space on it after entering and exiting vim?

update time:2017-05-16 16:36:26
513Page View2 answers