Charisma backend management template
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laravel-adminlte is a backend template built through the lightweight front-end framework adminLte and laravel framework. It is not as large and complex as the laravel-admin backend. Personally, I also prefer the style design of adminlte, which looks much better than layuiAdmin.
The AdminLTE template is used in PHP's Laravel framework to write the website backend interface, laraveladminlte. The AdminLTE template is used in PHP's Laravel framework to write the website backend interface. laraveladminlte AdminLTE is a free advanced management control panel theme based on Bootstrap 3.x, fully responsive
A good website cannot just look at its appearance. The backend of the website is also very important. You can save a lot of time by using a beautiful management panel. Similarly, a well-designed interface is also suitable for use on mobile terminals, thereby reducing dependence on PCs. and provide management flexibility. Here we collect 5 high-end, elegant, concise, fashionable and international backend management interface templates, and provide them for free download! Hope you enjoy and get inspired!