HomePHP LibrariesOther librariesPHP class to add watermark, date, thumbnail to multi-file upload
PHP class to add watermark, date, thumbnail to multi-file upload
class upload {
var $dir;            //附件存放物理目录
var $time;           //自定义文件上传时间
var $allow_types;    //允许上传附件类型
var $field;          //上传控件名称
var $maxsize;        //最大允许文件大小,单位为KB
var $thumb_width;    //缩略图宽度
var $thumb_height;   //缩略图高度
var $watermark_file; //水印图片地址
var $watermark_pos;  //水印位置
var $watermark_trans;//水印透明度
//$types : 允许上传的文件类型 , $maxsize : 允许大小 ,  $field : 上传控件名称 , $time : 自定义上传时间
function upload($types = 'jpg|png', $maxsize = 1024, $field = 'attach', $time = '') {
$this->allow_types = explode('|',$types);
$this->maxsize = $maxsize * 1024;
$this->field = $field;
$this->time = $time ? $time : time();
//$basedir  : 基目录,必须为物理路径
//$filedir  : 自定义子目录,可用参数{y}、{m}、{d}
function set_dir($basedir,$filedir = '') {
$dir = $basedir;
!is_dir($dir) && @mkdir($dir,0777);
if (!empty($filedir)) {
$filedir = str_replace(array('{y}','{m}','{d}'),array(date('Y',$this->time),date('m',$this->time),date('d',$this->time)),strtolower($filedir));//用string_replace把{y} {m} {d}几个标签进行替换
$dirs = explode('/',$filedir);
foreach ($dirs as $d) {
!empty($d) && $dir .= $d.'/';
!is_dir($dir) && @mkdir($dir,0777);

PHP multi-file upload class that supports watermarks, dates, and thumbnails. Set and create the directory where the files are stored. Picture thumbnail settings. If thumbnails are not generated, no settings are needed. Picture watermark settings. If no watermarks are generated, add watermarks. There is no need to set it, file upload is performed, and after processing, an array of file information containing successful or failed upload is returned.


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