<?php namespace Lurker\Tests; use Lurker\ResourceWatcher; use Lurker\Resource\TrackedResource; use Lurker\Event\FilesystemEvent; use Lurker\Resource\FileResource; use Lurker\Resource\DirectoryResource; class ResourceWatcherTest extends \PHPUnit_Framework_TestCase { private $tracker; private $dispatcher; protected function setUp() { $this->tracker = $this ->getMockBuilder('Lurker\Tracker\TrackerInterface') ->getMock(); $this->dispatcher = $this ->getMockBuilder('Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface') ->getMock(); }
Each file or folder is attached with an RFID resource tag, which contains a unique ID and readable information. When files are placed into an RFID-enabled loan/return tray, a unique ID representing the folder is captured and sent to the database, and a file inventory is maintained at all times. RFID handheld terminals help users quickly find specific documents and perform inventory counts when needed. During the search process, once a file at a specific location is located, an audible and visual alarm is triggered. On the other hand, with WiFi-enabled mobile devices, all collected inventory count data is synchronized and sent to the central database of the document tracking system for verification purposes. This is resource tracking
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