WordPress optimization


In this chapter, we will look at how to optimize a WordPress website.

Here are some simple tips to optimize your WordPress website.

  • Ensure high quality and meaningful content.

  • Have the correct name for the image.

  • Use short permalinks that contain keywords.

  • Optimize the theme.

  • Sitemap should be in XML format.

  • Link posts to social networks.

  • Beware of black hat techniques.

  • Delete your trash.

  • Continue checking your website statistics

  • Continue checking your plugins.

  • Use CSS and JavaScript effectively.

Ensure high quality and meaningful content

The most important thing about any page you create is the content. You must have good keyword content that helps users, not search engines. Content should be understandable and not complex or difficult to read.

Have a Correct Name for Your Image

The name you choose for your image must be unique and use keywords that may be helpful to your users. Give your image some specific name and don’t forget to add alt tags and title tags to the image.

For example - If your image is about chocolate sundae, then instead of naming it DSC12346, name it 'chocolate sundae.jpg''. This will make it easier to search.

Use short permalinks that contain keywords

The permalink you use must be understandable. For example - use http://www.mywebsite.com/tutorialspoint/telangana/ instead of http:// /www.mywebsite.com/page-id?5631456325

Optimize Theme

Use WordPress themes that are fast opening and optimized so that when applied to the website, the opening speed will not be too slow .

Sitemap should be in XML format

Google has a lot of tools available. Tools like Website Optimizer, Webmaster Central and Google XML Sitemap are very easy to use.

Link Posts to Social Media

Social media is a very important aspect today. So make them linked to your blog posts, pages, etc. to have good ranking and popularity. Help promote other people’s posts and pages popularity, they will do the same in return.

Beware of Black Hat Techniques

Don’t trick Google, don’t get yourself into trouble and create problems for your website by using black hat techniques. Be sure to use real SEO techniques.

Delete your Trash

Clear your Trash frequently to increase speed and keep your website getting enough traffic.

Continue checking your website statistics

Page size matters. The more images, Flash, videos or media-related articles you have on your page, the slower it will load. It is recommended to use the Yslowi module plug-in to help you browse the web faster.

Check Plugins

There are a lot of plugins in WordPress that can also be the reason why your page is loading slowly. So please check which plugin you are dealing with. Please consider checking your plugins before adding them.

Use CSS and JavaScript effectively

Always keep CSS at the top of the page and JavaScript at the bottom. Let CSS load first then JavaScript. Here is a plugin that will help you get your JavaScript at the bottom of the page. This is Footer javaScript.