
int(11)Number of hits##ztnum##listtempidList template ID##ztpathvarchar(10)int(11)varchar(200)tinyint(4)tinyint(4)##classidsmallint(6)Affiliation information column IDHot comment information JS display number##firstlineHeadline information JS display numberint(11)Display the total number of records##tidtbnamereorderintroztimgTheme thumbnailjstempidJS Template IDzcidCategory ID##showzt ztpagekeyclasstempid smallint(6)
Field nameTypeExplanationAdditional instructions
ztidsmallint(6)Topic ID
ztnamevarchar(60)Topic name
tinyint (4)Number of records displayed per page
smallint( 6)
varchar(255)Topic storage folder
File extension##newline
The latest topic JS display numberzturl
tie Defined domain namehotline
Hot topic JS display Numbergoodline
Recommended topic JS display number
islisttinyint(1)Page display mode0 is cover style, 1 It is a list format, 2 is the page content format
smallint(6)Data table ID
varchar(60)Data table name
varchar(50)List page sorting methodDefault: newstime DESC
textSpecial introduction
tinyint(1)Whether to display the navigation0 means display, 1 means not display
varchar(255)Webpage Keyword
smallint(6)Cover template ID
nrejstinyint(1)Whether to generate JS calls0 is generated, 1 To not generate
usezttinyint(1) information can be selected0 is available Select, 1 is unselectable
yhidsmallint(6)Use optimization plan ID