
varchar(50)Column name##sonclassis_ztlencordlink_numnewstempidonclicklisttempidfeatherclass##islastclasspathclasstypesmallint(6)Search template IDsmallint(6)Data table IDvarchar(60)Data table nameint(11)Display the total number of recordstinyint(1)Whether the comment needs to be reviewed1 means to be reviewed, 0 means directly Passtinyint(4)Number of download addresses per linetinyint(4)Number of online viewing addresses per linevarchar(50)Management information sorting methodDefault: id DESCvarchar(50)List page sorting methodDefault: newstime DESCtextIntroduction to the column##classimgtinyint(1)Whether the front desk submission needs to be reviewed0 means to be reviewed, 1 means generated directly through tinyint(1) submission List 0 means not generating, 1 means generating the current column, 2 means generating the home page, 3 means generating the parent column, 4 means generating the current column and parent column, 5 means generating the parent column and home page, and 6 means generating the current column. Column, parent column and homepage##qaddgroupid##qaddshowkeyWhether the verification code is enabled for submission1 is on, 0 is offadminqinfoManage submission0 means that information cannot be managed, 1 means that unreviewed information can be managed, 2 means that only unreviewed information can be edited, 3 means that only unreviewed information can be deleted, and 4 means that it can Manage all information, 5 means you can only edit all information, 6 means you can only delete all information doctimeInformation archiving timeclasspagekeypagekeywordtinyint(1)Publish information to generate content page1 is generated, 0 is not generated (backend)tinyint(4)Publish and generate List 0 means not generating, 1 means generating the current column, 2 means generating the home page, 3 means generating the parent column, 4 means generating the current column and parent column, 5 means generating the parent column and home page, and 6 means generating the current column. Column, parent column and homepage (Backend)tinyint(1)Whether to detect title duplication0 is No detection, 1 is detectionsmallint(6)Information default voting ID##wburlsmallint(6)Comment template IDtextColumn page access rightsMultiple members Group IDs are separated by "," half-width commas, for example:,1,2,3,##yhidwfid##cgtoinfoColumn access permissions apply to information1 is yes, 0 is nobdinfoid Column binding information IDFormat: column ID, information ID
Field nameTypeExplanationAdditional instructions
classidsmallint(6)Column ID
bclassidsmallint(6)Parent column ID
textUltimate column ID collectionA collection of all ultimate column IDs under the parent column. Multiple column IDs are separated by "|", for example: |1|5|8|
Predefined fields, temporarily unused, default Value 0
smallint(6)Number of information displayed per page
tinyint(4)Number of related links
smallint(6)Content Template ID
int(11)Number of clicks
smallint(6)List template ID
textParent column ID collectionAll superior parent column ID collections are stored hierarchically. Multiple column IDs are separated by "|" Open, for example: |1|2|3|
##tinyint(1) Is it the ultimate column1 is the ultimate column, 0 is the non-ultimate column
textColumn storage directory
varchar(10)Column file extension
newspathvarchar(20)Content page date directory format
filenametinyint(1) Content page file naming format
filetypevarchar(10)Content page file extension
openpltinyint(1)Whether to turn on comments0 is on, 1 is off
openaddtinyint(1)Whether it is open for submission0 is open, 1 is closed
newlineint(11)Latest information JS display number
hotlineint(11)Hot information JS display number
goodlineint(11)Recommended information JS display number
classurlvarchar(200) Column binding domain name
groupidsmallint(6)Default content page viewing permission
filename_qzvarchar(20)Content file name prefix
hotpllinetinyint(4)Hot comment information JS display number
modidsmallint(6)The system model ID
checkedtinyint(1)Whether the information is reviewed by default1 is direct review. 0 means not reviewed
firstlinetinyint(4)Headline information JS display number
bnamevarchar(50)Column alias
islisttinyint(1)Page display mode0 is cover style, 1 is List type, 2 is page content type
varchar(255)Column thumbnail
jstempidsmallint(6)JS Template ID
addinfofenint(11)Add points for front desk submission
listdttinyint(1)List mode0 is a static list, 1 is a dynamic list
showclasstinyint(1)Whether to display the navigation0 means display, 1 means not display
showdttinyint(1)Content page mode0 is a static page, 1 It is dynamically generated, 2 is a dynamic page
textSubmission permissionMultiple member groups IDs are separated by "," half-width commas, for example:,1,2,3,
tinyint(1 )
dtlisttempidsmallint(6)Dynamic list template ID
classtempidsmallint(6)Cover template ID
nreclasstinyint(1)Whether to generate the column page0 means to generate, 1 means not to generate
nreinfotinyint(1)Whether to generate the content page0 means generate, 1 means not Generate
nrejstinyint(1)Whether to generate JS call0 is generated, 1 means not to generate
nottobqtinyint(1) Whether the label calls 0 means Call, 1 means not to call
ipathvarchar(255)Customized content page storage directory
varchar(255)External column link address
qeditcheckedtinyint(1)Whether the modified submission needs to be reviewed1 means it needs to be re- Review, 0 means not required
wapstyleidsmallint(6)WAP template ID
repreinfotinyint(1)Whether to generate the previous information 1 means generated, 0 means not generated
smallint(6)Use optimization solution ID
smallint(6) Use Workflow ID