
smallint(6)Column ID##onclick##newspathStorage date directory##keyboardchar(255)Multiple information IDs are separated by half-width commas "," int(11)char( 30)##ztidchar(255) Topic IDtinyint(1)Whether to review##istop Top levelchar(60)Information file nameWithout extensionsmallint(6)View member group IDsmallint(6)Content Template ID0 Content template selected for use columnint(11)Number of commentstinyint(1)Whether headline1 is the headline, 0 is normal informationtinyint(1)Whether to issue information1 is Issuance information, 0 is non-issuance information##totaldowntitle
Field nameTypeExplanationAdditional instructions
idint(11)Information ID
int(11)Number of clicks
char (20)
char(160) Keyword
Related link information ID collectionuserid
Publisher User ID##username
Publisher Username
Multiple topic IDs are separated by "|", for example: |1|5|checked
1 means reviewed, 0 means not reviewedtinyint(1)
truetimeint(10)True release timeunix timestamp
ismembertinyint(1)Whether a member publishes0 means backend release, 1 means frontend member Release
dokeytinyint(1)Whether to replace the content keyword0 is no Replace, 1 is to replace
userfensmallint(6)Deduction points
isgoodtinyint(1)Whether it is recommended1 is recommended, 0 is Not recommended
titlefontchar(20)title with color and bold format : "#ff0000,b|i|s|"
titleurlchar(200)External link address
int(11)Number of downloads
char(200)Title field
newstimeint(10)Publishing time fieldunix timestamp
titlepicchar(200)Title picture field
closepltinyint(1)Whether to close the comment1 means to close the comment, 0 means not to close the comment
havehtmltinyint(1)Whether HTML tags have been generated 1 means generated, 0 Not generated
lastdotimeint(10)Information modification timeunix timestamp
haveaddfentinyint(1)Have you ever given a point mark?After submitting an article, you will receive points. Marks that are no longer given away
infopfenint(11)Total number of ratings
infopfennumint(11)Total number of ratings
votenumint(11)Information vote total
stbchar(4)Storage sub-table name
copyidschar(255)ID record of synchronously copied information
ttidsmallint(6)Title Category ID
ispictinyint(1)Whether the title picture is 1 is the title picture information, 0 is the normal information
The following are custom fields

ftitlechar(120)Subtitle field
smalltextchar(255)Introduction field
diggtopint(11)DIGG field