Introduction to common functions of Imperial CMS

1. esub() intercept field function
Syntax: esub (string, number of intercepted words, suffix)
Description: The suffix is ​​the content attached to the intercepted characters, this parameter can be omitted.
Usage example:
<?=esub('12345678',6)?>, the returned result is: 123456
<?=esub('12345678',6 ,'...')?>, the return result is: 123456...

##2. date() time format conversion function
Syntax: date(time format, timestamp)
Instructions: PHP’s own functions, please refer to the instructions for use:
Usage example: <?=date('Y-m-d H:i:s',1277865010)?>, the return result is: 2010-06-30 10:30:10

3. format_datetime() conversion time format function 2## Syntax:
format_datetime (normal time, time format) Note:
The difference between and date() is that format_datetime converts normal time, while date converts unix timestamp.
Usage example: <?=format_datetime('2010-06-30 10:30:10','m/d')?>, the return result is: 06/ 30

4. Obtain column address function through ID## Syntax:
$r is an array containing the column ID, and the variable name can be named arbitrarily. Usage example:
Get the column address of column ID=2. <?php$cr['classid']=2;
echo $classurl;

Other methods of obtaining the column address through ID:
(1), /e/public/ClassUrl/?classid=column ID(2), /<?=$ class_r[column ID]['classpath']?>

5. Get the information page address function Syntax:
$r is an array containing the contents of the "id, classid, newspath, filename, groupid, titleurl" fields. The variable name can be named arbitrarily. Usage example:
Get the news page address with information ID=8<?php$nr=$empire->fetch1("select id,classid,newspath,filename ,groupid,titleurl from {$dbtbpre}ecms_news where id='8' limit 1");
echo $titleurl;

Other methods of obtaining the information content page address through ID:
/e/public/InfoUrl/?classid=column ID&id=information ID

6. Prompt message function 1 Syntax:
$error: Prompt information content, which can be a language pack variable or direct prompt content. $gotourl: Prompt information redirection link address
$ecms: 0 is background prompt information, 1 is foreground prompt information, 8 is background prompt information (alert mode), 9 is foreground prompt information (alert mode)
$noautourl: 0 means automatic redirection to the page, 1 means no automatic redirection to the page.This parameter can be omitted, and the default is 0
$novar: 0 means that the prompt information content uses language package variables, 1 means that the prompt information content is direct prompt content. This parameter can be omitted, and the default is 0
Usage example:
printerror('DbError','',1), front desk prompt, prompt information content For the content of the language package DbError variable, turn to the imperial website
printerror('Database error','',1,0,1), the front desk prompts, and the content of the prompt message is "Database error" , turn to the imperial website
Additional notes:
This function needs to be combined with the $editor variable to determine the directory level. The default $editor variable is 0.
When the program file is in the /e/path/ directory, $editor does not need to be set, that is, the default 0 is used.
When the program file is in the /e/path/path2/ directory, $editor=1.
When the program file is in the /e/path/path2/path3/ directory, $editor=2.
When the program file is in the /e/path/path2/path3/path4/ directory, $editor=3.

7. Prompt information function 2 (direct prompt content)
Syntax: printerror2($error,$gotourl ,$ecms,$noautourl)
$error: Directly prompt the content of the information.
$gotourl: Prompt information redirection link address
$ecms: 0 is the default prompt information mode, 9 is the pop-up prompt information mode (alert mode). This parameter can be omitted, and the default is 0
$noautourl: 0 means automatic redirection to the page, 1 means no automatic redirection to the page. This parameter can be omitted, and the default is 0
Usage example:
printerror2('Added completed',''), the prompt message content is "Added completed" ”, Turn to the Empire website
Additional notes:
This function does not need to be combined with other variables and can be used at any directory level. Using language pack variables is not supported.

8. Set the system COOKIE variable function
Syntax: esetcookie($var,$val,$life, $ecms)
$var: is the variable name
$val: is the variable value
$life: is the COOKIE validity time, in seconds, 0 means not to save . This parameter can be omitted, and the default is not to save.
$ecms: 0 is to set the foreground COOKIE variable, 1 is to set the background COOKIE variable. This parameter can be omitted and defaults to 0.
Usage example:
esetcookie('mybody','Empire'), define the front-end "COOKIE prefix mybody" variable, the variable content is "Empire"
esetcookie('mybody', 'Empire',0,1), define the background "COOKIE prefix mybody" variable, the variable content is "Empire"
Additional notes:
This setting COOKIE function will add COOKIE to the variable name Prefix, you can also directly use PHP's own setcookie to define it.

9. Get the system COOKIE variable function
Syntax: getcvar($var,$ecms)
$var: is the variable name
$ecms: 0 is to set the front COOKIE variable, 1 is to set the background COOKIE variable. This parameter can be omitted and defaults to 0.
Usage example:
getcvar('mlusername'), get the user name of the front-end login member
getcvar('loginusername',1), get the user name of the back-end login administrator
Additional notes:
This COOKIE function is to obtain the variable whose name is prefixed with COOKIE. You can also directly use PHP's own $_COOKIE['variable name'] to obtain it.

10. Obtain IP address function
Syntax: egetip()
Usage example:
echo $ip;

Eleven , Dynamic page display paging function
Syntax: page1($num,$line,$page_line,$start,$page,$search)
Description :
$num: Total number of records
$line: Number displayed per page
$page_line: Number of paging links displayed per page
$start: Default variable, set to 0.
$page: Current page number (0 is the starting page number)
$search: Link additional parameters

12. Get the column name and column alias through the column ID Method:
Column name: <?=$class_r[column ID]['classname']?>
Column alias: <?=$class_r[column ID][' bname']?>