Instructions for using API related tools
1. API testing tool
API testing tool, the data environment is divided into: Test (also called sandbox environment), Official (including application formal test environment, online operation). Test tool link
1. During testing There are three points to note when using API testing tools in the environment:
#1) The data in the test environment are simulated online test data and cannot be compared with online data Confused.
2) When accessing a access level is "user login required", or when accessing private data whose access level is "private data requires user login", sessionkey is required . To obtain the SessionKey in the test environment, see How to obtain the sessionkey?.
3) You can customize the App Key and use the App Key and App Secret you applied for to test.
4) How to obtain a sandbox environment test account?
【Interface Preview】
##2. When using API testing tools in a formal environment, you must pay attention to three points:
1) Formal The data in the environment are real data. 2) When testing with the system's default App Key, click "Bind User" and log in to Taobao with a merchant account to obtain the SessionKey. The SessionKey is valid for half an hour. If you want to change merchants for testing, click "Bind User" again to obtain the SessionKey again. After the binding is successful, click "Submit Test". 3) When testing with customized App Key and App Secret, obtain the SessionKey in the formal environment. SeeHow to obtain the sessionkey?.
【Interface Preview】
3, FAQ:
1) Parameter input error. Generally, the parameters marked with a blue asterisk are not passed in. Parameters marked with a red asterisk are required parameters. It is also possible that the format or type of the parameters passed in is incorrect. Error troubleshooting reference Error code overview document, Quick troubleshooting, Error code troubleshooting tool.
2) No response after clicking submit test. Clear the cache or change the browser, but a few interfaces do take a certain amount of time to generate return results, such as taobao.trades.sold.get searching for transaction data that the current session user has sold as a seller.
3)The interface call restriction can only be called within the tower. How to use the test tool.
Add the nick that needs to be tested in the backend of the Developer Center - Jushi Tower Local Test, and then you can perform IP testing outside the tower.
2. API attribute tool
API attribute tool, its main function is to generate product attributes (props) and sales attributes (sku_properties), custom category attributes (input_pids) and custom attribute values (input_str). First, select the product category, then fill in the attribute form, and finally click "Submit" to generate various attribute strings. Those with * are required attributes of the product, and the generated attribute string can be used as a parameter to access the API. Property tool link //
1. Interface preview
2. Introduction to use
The data environment can choose between test and formal. Test indicates the sandbox environment, and Formal indicates the formal environment. For product categories, you can use taobao.itemcats.get to obtain the standard product categories for sellers to publish products in the backend. Key attributes, sales attributes and non-key attributes can be obtained using taobao.itemprops.get to obtain standard product category attributes. Fill in the relevant parameters and click Submit to generate the relevant parameters. Displayed in the generation parameter area on the right. Generally used to publish products and publish products.
3. Error code troubleshooting tool
#1. Tool introduction
Using the API name and error information, you can quickly locate the cause of the error, which can help ISVs quickly solve the problems they encounter when calling the TOP interface. Access address: // .
2. Operation steps
##Enter the API name (required) and error code (or request TOP to obtain complete error information), click the search button to obtain specific error information
#1) Enter only the API name and return all business error code information under the API.
2) Enter the API name and specific error code (error body), and return the specific error code under the API information.
3) If it is not found, it will prompt an error message not found. TOP will scan regularly and add error code information.
## 4. SpecificExample
1) Enter only the API name and return all business error code information under the API.
##2) Enter the API name and specific error code (error body) ), returns the specific error code information under the API. ##
Enter the API name and error body, that is, the complete error message returned by request top, in json or xml format
## ## 4)Click on the error message link to go to the error code specific explanation page
Note: We will continue to optimize this error message
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4. SpecificExample
1) Enter only the API name and return all business error code information under the API.
##2) Enter the API name and specific error code (error body) ), returns the specific error code information under the API. ##
## #3)
Enter the API name and error body, that is, the complete error message returned by request top, in json or xml format
## ## 4)Click on the error message link to go to the error code specific explanation page Note: We will continue to optimize this error message #FAQ
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