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Eclipse tutorial  update time:2022-04-13 14:09:28

Eclipse perspective (Perspective)

What is perspective?

A perspective is a visual container that contains a series of views and content editors. The default perspective is called java.

Eclipse windows can open multiple perspectives, but only one perspective can be active at the same time.

Users can switch between two perspectives.

Operation Perspective

Open the perspective dialog box through the "Window" menu and select "Open Perspective > Other".


The Perspective dialog box displays the list of available perspectives.

The perspective list can also be opened via the perspective button on the toolbar ().

View switching

In most cases, Java developers will use the Java perspective and the Debug perspective. You can switch freely through the perspective name on the toolbar.


Close perspective view

Right-click the perspective name on the toolbar and select the "Close" item to close the perspective view.


Custom perspective

We can set the perspective we want through the custom perspective window.

  • Click "Windows" on the menu bar => "Customize Perspective" => A pop-up window will pop up, and you can select the content you want to set in "Submenus".

  • "New" => Set your new menu to select the most commonly used file types that you usually need to create.

  • "Show Views" In the layout of this view you customize, that is, what windows will appear after switching to your own view. Set according to your own habits.

  • Open Perspective" => Switch the view menu to see which views can be selected.

  • After you have set everything, save your Custom Perspective. Windows => Save Perspective as, then give your custom perspective a name and save it.