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Ini ialah Dokumentasi kod python yang saya gunakan dan buat , untuk pembelajaran python.
Ianya mudah difahami dan Belajar. Jangan ragu untuk belajar dari sini.
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Atur cara ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan cara perintah print() berfungsi.
# This is a simple "Hello World" program that demonstrates basic print statements # Print the string "Hello world" to the console print("Hello world") # Print the integer 1 to the console print(1) # Print the integer 20 to the console print(20)
Pembolehubah dalam Python ialah lokasi memori terpelihara untuk menyimpan nilai.
Jenis data mentakrifkan jenis data yang boleh disimpan oleh pembolehubah iaitu integer, float, rentetan dll.
# This program demonstrates the use of variables and string concatenation # Assign the string "Dipsan" to the variable _name _name = "Dipsan" # Assign the integer 20 to the variable _age _age = 20 # Assign the string "piano" to the variable _instrument _instrument = "piano" # Print a sentence using string concatenation with the _name variable print("my name is" + _name + ".") # Print a sentence using string concatenation, converting _age to a string print("I'm" + str(_age) + "years old") # Converting int to string for concatenation # Print a simple string print("i dont like hanging out") # Print a sentence using string concatenation with the _instrument variable print("i love " + _instrument + ".")
Jujukan aksara yang digunakan untuk menyimpan dan memanipulasi teks. Ia dicipta dengan melampirkan teks dalam petikan tunggal ('Hello'), petikan berganda ("Hello") atau tiga petikan untuk rentetan berbilang baris ('''Hello'''). Contoh: "Helo, Dunia!".
# This script demonstrates various string operations # Assign a string to the variable 'phrase' phrase = "DipsansAcademy" # Print a simple string print("This is a string") # Concatenate strings and print the result print('This' + phrase + "") # Convert the phrase to uppercase and print print(phrase.upper()) # Convert the phrase to lowercase and print print(phrase.lower()) # Check if the uppercase version of phrase is all uppercase and print the result print(phrase.upper().isupper()) # Print the length of the phrase print(len(phrase)) # Print the first character of the phrase (index 0) print(phrase[0]) # Print the second character of the phrase (index 1) print(phrase[1]) # Print the fifth character of the phrase (index 4) print(phrase[4]) # Find and print the index of 'A' in the phrase print(phrase.index("A")) # Replace "Dipsans" with "kadariya" in the phrase and print the result print(phrase.replace("Dipsans", "kadariya"))
Nombor digunakan untuk pelbagai operasi angka dan fungsi matematik:
# Import all functions from the math module from math import * # Importing math module for additional math functions # This script demonstrates various numeric operations and math functions # Print the integer 20 print(20) # Multiply 20 by 4 and print the result print(20 * 4) # Add 20 and 4 and print the result print(20 + 4) # Subtract 4 from 20 and print the result print(20 - 4) # Perform a more complex calculation and print the result print(3 + (4 - 5)) # Calculate the remainder of 10 divided by 3 and print the result print(10 % 3) # Assign the value 100 to the variable _num _num = 100 # Print the value of _num print(_num) # Convert _num to a string, concatenate with other strings, and print print(str(_num) + " is my fav number") # Converting int to string for concatenation # Assign -10 to the variable new_num new_num = -10 # Print the absolute value of new_num print(abs(new_num)) # Absolute value # Calculate 3 to the power of 2 and print the result print(pow(3, 2)) # Power function # Find the maximum of 2 and 3 and print the result print(max(2, 3)) # Maximum # Find the minimum of 2 and 3 and print the result print(min(2, 3)) # Minimum # Round 3.2 to the nearest integer and print the result print(round(3.2)) # Rounding # Round 3.7 to the nearest integer and print the result print(round(3.7)) # Calculate the floor of 3.7 and print the result print(floor(3.7)) # Floor function # Calculate the ceiling of 3.7 and print the result print(ceil(3.7)) # Ceiling function # Calculate the square root of 36 and print the result print(sqrt(36)) # Square root
Atur cara ini digunakan untuk menunjukkan cara menggunakan fungsi input() untuk mendapatkan input pengguna:
# This script demonstrates how to get user input and use it in string concatenation # Prompt the user to enter their name and store it in the 'name' variable name = input("Enter your name : ") # Prompt the user to enter their age and store it in the 'age' variable age = input("Enter your age. : ") # Print a greeting using the user's input, concatenating strings print("hello " + name + " Youre age is " + age + " .")
Atur cara ini mencipta kalkulator mudah yang menambah dua nombor:
# This script creates a basic calculator that adds two numbers # Prompt the user to enter the first number and store it in 'num1' num1 = input("Enter first number : ") # Prompt the user to enter the second number and store it in 'num2' num2 = input("Enter second number: ") # Convert the input strings to integers and add them, storing the result result = int(num1) + int(num2) # Print the result of the addition print(result)
Program ini mencipta permainan Mad Libs yang mudah:
# This program is used to create a simple Mad Libs game. # Prompt the user to enter an adjective and store it in 'adjective1' adjective1 = input("Enter an adjective: ") # Prompt the user to enter an animal and store it in 'animal' animal = input("Enter an animal: ") # Prompt the user to enter a verb and store it in 'verb' verb = input("Enter a verb: ") # Prompt the user to enter another adjective and store it in 'adjective2' adjective2 = input("Enter another adjective: ") # Print the first sentence of the Mad Libs story using string concatenation print("I have a " + adjective1 + " " + animal + ".") # Print the second sentence of the Mad Libs story print("It likes to " + verb + " all day.") # Print the third sentence of the Mad Libs story print("My " + animal + " is so " + adjective2 + ".")
Senarai ialah koleksi item dalam Python yang disusun dan boleh diubah. Setiap item (atau elemen) dalam senarai mempunyai indeks, bermula dari 0. Senarai boleh mengandungi item jenis data yang berbeza (seperti integer, rentetan atau senarai lain).
Senarai ditakrifkan menggunakan kurungan segi empat sama [], dengan setiap item dipisahkan dengan koma.
# This script demonstrates basic list operations # Create a list of friends' names friends = ["Roi", "alex", "jimmy", "joseph"] # Print the entire list print(friends) # Print the first element of the list (index 0) print(friends[0]) # Print the second element of the list (index 1) print(friends[1]) # Print the third element of the list (index 2) print(friends[2]) # Print the fourth element of the list (index 3) print(friends[3]) # Print the last element of the list using negative indexing print(friends[-1]) # Print a slice of the list from the second element to the end print(friends[1:]) # Print a slice of the list from the second element to the third (exclusive) print(friends[1:3]) # Change the second element of the list to "kim" friends[1] = "kim" # Print the modified list print(friends)
Skrip ini mempamerkan pelbagai kaedah senarai:
# This script demonstrates various list functions and methods # Create a list of numbers numbers = [4, 6, 88, 3, 0, 34] # Create a list of friends' names friends = ["Roi", "alex", "jimmy", "joseph", "kevin", "tony", "jimmy"] # Print both lists print(numbers) print(friends) # Add all elements from 'numbers' to the end of 'friends' friends.extend(numbers) # Add "hulk" to the end of the 'friends' list friends.append("hulk") # Insert "mikey" at index 1 in the 'friends' list friends.insert(1, "mikey") # Remove the first occurrence of "Roi" from the 'friends' list friends.remove("Roi") # Print the index of "mikey" in the 'friends' list print(friends.index("mikey")) # Remove and print the last item in the 'friends' list print(friends.pop()) # Print the current state of the 'friends' list print(friends) # Remove all elements from the 'friends' list friends.clear() # Print the empty 'friends' list print(friends) # Sort the 'numbers' list in ascending order numbers.sort() # Print the sorted 'numbers' list print(numbers)
Tuple ialah koleksi item dalam Python yang dipesan tetapi tidak boleh diubah (tidak boleh diubah). Sebaik sahaja anda membuat tupel, anda tidak boleh menambah, mengalih keluar atau menukar elemennya. Seperti senarai, tupel boleh mengandungi item jenis data yang berbeza.
Tuple ditakrifkan menggunakan kurungan (), dengan setiap item dipisahkan dengan koma.
# This script introduces tuples and their immutability # Create a tuple with two elements values = (3, 4) # Print the entire tuple print(values) # Print the second element of the tuple (index 1) print(values[1]) # The following line would cause an IndexError if uncommented: # print(values[2]) # This would cause an IndexError # The following line would cause a TypeError if uncommented: # values[1] = 30 # This would cause a TypeError as tuples are immutable # The following line would print the modified tuple if the previous line worked: # print(values)
Fungsi ialah blok kod boleh guna semula yang melaksanakan tugas tertentu. Fungsi boleh mengambil input (dipanggil argumen), memprosesnya, dan mengembalikan output. Fungsi membantu menyusun kod, menjadikannya lebih modular dan mengelakkan pengulangan.
n Python, fungsi ditakrifkan menggunakan kata kunci def, diikuti dengan nama fungsi, kurungan (), dan titik bertindih :. Kod di dalam fungsi itu diinden.
Kod ini menunjukkan cara mentakrif dan memanggil fungsi:
# This script demonstrates how to define and call functions # Define a function called 'greetings' that prints two lines def greetings(): print("HI, Welcome to programming world of python") print("keep learning") # Print a statement before calling the function print("this is first statement") # Call the 'greetings' function greetings() # Print a statement after calling the function print("this is last statement") # Define a function 'add' that takes two parameters and prints their sum def add(num1, num2): print(int(num1) + int(num2)) # Call the 'add' function with arguments 3 and 4 add(3, 4)
penyataan pemulangan digunakan dalam fungsi untuk menghantar kembali (atau "mengembalikan") nilai kepada pemanggil. Apabila pemulangan dilaksanakan, ia menamatkan fungsi dan nilai yang ditentukan selepas pemulangan dihantar semula ke tempat fungsi itu dipanggil.
Atur cara ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan pernyataan pulangan dalam fungsi:
# This script demonstrates the use of return statements in functions # Define a function 'square' that returns the square of a number def square(num): return num * num # Any code after the return statement won't execute # Call the 'square' function with argument 2 and print the result print(square(2)) # Call the 'square' function with argument 4 and print the result print(square(4)) # Call the 'square' function with argument 3, store the result, then print it result = square(3) print(result)
Pernyataan if menilai keadaan (ungkapan yang mengembalikan Betul atau Salah).
Jika keadaannya Benar, blok kod di bawah pernyataan if dilaksanakan.
elif : Pendek untuk "else if," ia membolehkan anda menyemak berbilang syarat.
Ia digunakan apabila anda mempunyai berbilang syarat untuk dinilai dan anda mahu melaksanakan blok kod untuk syarat Benar yang pertama.
else: Pernyataan else menjalankan blok kod jika tiada syarat if atau elif sebelumnya adalah Benar.
# This script demonstrates the use of if-elif-else statements # Set boolean variables for conditions is_boy = True is_handsome = False # Check conditions using if-elif-else statements if is_boy and is_handsome: print("you are a boy & youre handsome") print("hehe") elif is_boy and not (is_handsome): print("Youre a boy but sorry not handsome") else: print("youre not a boy")
Kod ini menunjukkan operasi perbandingan dalam pernyataan if:
# This script demonstrates comparison operations in if statements # Define a function to find the maximum of three numbers def max_numbers(num1, num2, num3): if num1 >= num2 and num1 >= num3: return num1 elif num2 >= num1 and num2 >= num3: return num2 else: return num3 # Test the max_numbers function with different inputs print(max_numbers(20, 40, 60)) print(max_numbers(30, 14, 20)) print(max_numbers(3, 90, 10)) print("For min_number") # Define a function to find the minimum of three numbers def min_numbers(num1, num2, num3): if num1 <= num2 and num1 <= num3: return num1 elif num2 <= num1 and num2 <= num3: return num2 else: return num3 # Test the min_numbers function with different inputs print(min_numbers(20, 40, 60)) print(min_numbers(30, 14, 20)) print(min_numbers(3, 90, 10))
Skrip ini menambah baik permainan meneka dengan lebih banyak ciri:
# This script improves the guessing game with more features import random # Generate a random number between 1 and 20 secret_number = random.randint(1, 20) # Initialize the number of attempts and set a limit attempts = 0 attempt_limit = 5 # Loop to allow the user to guess the number while attempts < attempt_limit: guess = int(input(f"Guess the number (between 1 and 20). You have {attempt_limit - attempts} attempts left: ")) if guess == secret_number: print("Congratulations! You guessed the number!") break elif guess < secret_number: print("Too low!") else: print("Too high!") attempts += 1 # If the user does not guess correctly within the attempt limit, reveal the number if guess != secret_number: print(f"Sorry, the correct number was {secret_number}.")
Gelung for digunakan untuk mengulangi jujukan elemen, seperti senarai, tuple, rentetan atau julat.
Kod ini memperkenalkan gelung untuk:
# List of numbers numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5] # Iterate over each number in the list for number in numbers: # Print the current number print(number) # Output: # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4 # 5 # List of friends friends = ["Roi", "alex", "jimmy", "joseph", "kevin", "tony", "jimmy"] # Iterate over each friend in the list for friend in friends: # Print the name of the current friend print(friend) # Output: # Roi # alex # jimmy # joseph # kevin # tony # jimmy # Use range to generate numbers from 0 to 4 for num in range(5): print(num) # Output: # 0 # 1 # 2 # 3 # 4
Fungsi eksponen ialah fungsi matematik di mana asas malar dinaikkan kepada eksponen berubah.
Skrip ini menunjukkan cara menggunakan fungsi math.pow:
# This script demonstrates the use of the exponential function def exponentialFunction(base,power): result = 1 for index in range(power): result = result * base return result print(exponentialFunction(3,2)) print(exponentialFunction(4,2)) print(exponentialFunction(5,2)) #or you can power just by print(2**3) #number *** power
A 2D list (or 2D array) in Python is essentially a list of lists, where each sublist represents a row of the matrix. You can use nested for loops to iterate over elements in a 2D list. Here’s how you can work with 2D lists and for loops:
# This script demonstrates the use of 2D List and For Loops # Define a 2D list (list of lists) num_grid = [ [1, 2, 3], # Row 0: contains 1, 2, 3 [4, 5, 6], # Row 1: contains 4, 5, 6 [7, 8, 9], # Row 2: contains 7, 8, 9 [0] # Row 3: contains a single value 0 ] # Print specific elements in num_grid print(num_grid[0][0]) # Print value in the zeroth row, zeroth column (value: 1) print(num_grid[1][0]) # Print value in the first row, zeroth column (value: 4) print(num_grid[2][2]) # Print value in the second row, second column (value: 9) print("using nested for loops") for row in num_grid : for col in row: print(col)
This is how we can use 2D List and For Loops.
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