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Sesetengah pemiutang menerima pampasan satu demi satu. Bagaimanakah "kejatuhan" ini akan ditangani? Lebih separuh daripada orang memilih...

2024-07-19 15:04:30285semak imbas




“经过十多年,我都不确定这是否真的会发生,但我们终于做到了!这是一个漫长的旅程,我很高兴看到我们终于接近目标了,只剩一点点路程了……”Mt. Gox前首席执行官Mark Karpelès在本月初发文表示。

进入七月后,Mt. Gox已开始向债权人以BTC和BCH的形式进行偿还。但根据托管人文件,不同加密交易所的付款时间有所不同,其中Kraken的付款时间可能需要90天、Bitstamp可能需要60天、BitGo则会在20天内显示付款,以及SBI VC Trade和Bitbank将在14天内完成付款,因此Mt. Gox债权人可能最多需要等待三个月才能收到BTC或BCH。而根据Reddit上发起的投票调查,在这些托管交易所中,Kraken是债权人的主要选择,获得了64.7%参与者的投票。

当前,部分托管人已收到债权人的赔偿资金。比如,日本加密交易所Bitbank在收到比特币赔款后,于数小时内就将Mt. Gox赔付的比特币转给债权人,而无需等待14天;Kraken近期也发布通知称,平台已成功收到来自Mt. Gox托管人的债权人资金(BTC和BCH)。虽然Kraken将尽快分配这些资金,但预期需要7-14天才能将资金记入债权人的账户。债权人将收到的金额由托管人确定,Kraken将根据其指示进行分配。

根据Mt.Gox受托人Nobuaki Kobayashi近日发布的通知,截至7月16日,受托人已向超过 13,000名债权人偿还了BTC和BCH,该数据超过此前披露约2.4万名债权人的一半。而CryptoQuant分析师Maartunn近日也发文披露,已有36%的Mt. Gox比特币分配至债权人。截至7月17日,托管人仍持有14万枚BTC,将在未来逐步分配。

对于其他未收到赔偿的债权人,Nobuaki Kobayashi近期也提醒道,这部分债权人需要确认账户有效性、交易所接受协议意向、完成托管人与交易所的讨论及确认偿还款可以安全进行。

Sesetengah pemiutang menerima pampasan satu demi satu. Bagaimanakah kejatuhan ini akan ditangani? Lebih separuh daripada orang memilih...

<em><span style="font-size: 14px;">某债权人在Reddit上反映账户出现未经授权的登录尝试</span></em>

不过,多位Mt. Gox债权人反映其账户近期出现大量未经授权的登录尝试,他们在Reddit平台Mt. Gox债权人子版块“r/mtgoxinsolvency”中透露在Mt. Gox网站上登录时遇到的问题,截图中显示其账户出现了大量未经授权的登录尝试。有部分用户担心这可能是对Mt. Gox债权人的“暴力”攻击,但也有人认为这可能只是网站故障。在相关事件发生后,Mt. Gox网站已进入维护模式。邮件写道:“感谢您的耐心等待。请稍后再回来查看”。


随着Mt. Gox高达90亿美元的赔付计划开启,市场也对巨量比特币的流入担忧。不过,CryptoQuant创始人Ki Young Ju发文表示,与德国政府出售不同,Mt.Gox的债权人并没有被迫出售,因此这不是纯粹的卖方流动性。这种分配不会结束看涨趋势,因为这些比特币预计会像现有供应一样对市场情绪做出反应。而从近期比特币的反弹走势来看,Mt.Gox赔付事件并未对比特币看涨趋势带来过多影响。

根据Reddit发起的“现金支付还是加密支付“投票中,有69.3%的参与者选择了加密货币支付。而由于比特币价格已较Mt. Gox破产时有着较大的涨幅,债权人被动锁仓的收益可谓是非常可观,如何处理这笔赔偿款是外界非常关心的话题。



Sesetengah pemiutang menerima pampasan satu demi satu. Bagaimanakah kejatuhan ini akan ditangani? Lebih separuh daripada orang memilih...


Of course, many creditors choose to "take it easy" to purchase houses, cars and other items. "As the payment gets closer, I become more and more nervous. I hope to buy a beach house as soon as possible and go there for vacation." , "I have begun to pay attention to Tesla and the house that I have been waiting for a few years." ...and many creditors are struggling with the timing of the sale. "Trump supports cryptocurrency. Is it okay to wait until he is elected president of the United States before selling?" Better? "

For creditors who sell assets and need to pay crypto taxes, how to pay taxes is a thorny issue, and it is also a big expense. This is also a question that appears frequently on Reddit. For example, “I am a resident of Germany and therefore do not have to pay capital gains tax on crypto assets held for more than a year, but I may soon move to a country that does. Should I sell my crypto assets now or continue? Hold?", "Can I sell Bitcoins in the EU? After such a long time, I have no evidence to record the time when I got these Bitcoins."

In addition, there are anxious messages from creditors because they have not received compensation." Which exchanges have received funds, and which exchanges have remaining funds? Is there a list that can be announced? "When the price of Bitcoin reaches 250,000 US dollars, 500,000 US dollars, and 1 million US dollars, some people will regret it. Is it too early to sell?" Someone else left a message asking, how many selling stories will there be then?

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