iteration is used to display the current loop iteration.
iteration 用于显示循环的次数.
NOTE: This is not affected by the section properties start, step and max, unlike
the index property. Iteration also starts with 1 instead of 0 like index.
rownum is an alias to iteration, they work identical.
注意:iteration 不像index属性受start、step和max属性的影响,该值总是从1开始(index是从0开始的).rownum 是iteration的别名,两者等同.
Example 7-24. section property iteration
例 7-24. section 的 iteration 属性演示
{section name=customer loop=$custid start=5 step=2}
current loop iteration: {$smarty.section.customer.iteration}<br>
{$smarty.section.customer.index} id: {$custid[customer]}<br>
{* FYI, $custid[customer.index] and $custid[customer] are identical in meaning *}
{if $custid[customer.index_next] ne $custid[customer.index]}
The customer id will change<br>
current loop iteration: 1
5 id: 1000<br>
The customer id will change<br>
current loop iteration: 2
7 id: 1001<br>
The customer id will change<br>
current loop iteration: 3
9 id: 1002<br>
The customer id will change<br>