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리눅스 명령: 종료

2016-12-13 15:43:171778검색

명령어 소개:

이 명령은 시스템을 안전하게 종료하거나 다시 시작할 수 있습니다. 읽으신 대로, shutdown 명령은 시스템을 종료할 뿐만 아니라 Linux 시스템을 다시 시작할 수도 있습니다.

명령 구문:

/sbin/shutdown [-t 초] [- arkhncfFHP] time [warning-message]

명령 매개변수:

리눅스 명령: 종료

사용 예:

1: 재부팅 명령에 대한 도움말 정보 보기

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown --help
shutdown: 잘못된 옵션 -- -
사용법: shutdown [- akrhHPfnc] [-t 초] 시간 [경고 메시지]
                                                                                                                                      종료 후 재부팅
                                                                                                          -f: '빠른' 재부팅을 수행합니다(fsck 건너뛰기).
-F: 재부팅 시 fsck를 강제 실행합니다.
-n: "초기화"를 진행하지 않고 매우 빠르게 종료됩니다.
-c: 실행 중인 종료를 취소합니다.
-t 초: 경고와 종료 신호 사이의 지연.
                                                      ~                                     '시간' 인수는 다음과 같습니다. 필수!: Linux 시스템을 즉시 종료합니다. 여기서는 시간이 0인 상태와 같습니다.

3: 시스템은 2분 후에 다시 시작됩니다. 여기서 +m은 몇 분 후에 종료 또는 시작을 의미합니다. .

4: 해당 시점에 시스템이 종료되도록 설정

[root@db-server ~]# man shutdown
SHUTDOWN(8)           Linux System Administrator鈥檚 Manual          SHUTDOWN(8)
       shutdown - bring the system down
       /sbin/shutdown [-t sec] [-arkhncfFHP] time [warning-message]
       shutdown  brings  the  system  down in a secure way.  All logged-in users are notified that the system is going
       down, and login(1) is blocked.  It is possible to shut the system down immediately or after a specified  delay.
       All processes are first notified that the system is going down by the signal SIGTERM.  This gives programs like
       vi(1) the time to save the file being edited, mail and news processing programs a chance to exit cleanly,  etc.
       shutdown  does its job by signalling the init process, asking it to change the runlevel.  Runlevel 0 is used to
       halt the system, runlevel 6 is used to reboot the system, and runlevel 1 is used to put to system into a  state
       where administrative tasks can be performed; this is the default if neither the -h or -r flag is given to shut-
       down.  To see which actions are taken on halt or reboot see the appropriate entries for these runlevels in  the
       file /etc/inittab.
       -a     Use /etc/shutdown.allow.
       -t sec Tell  init(8)  to  wait  sec  seconds  between sending processes the warning and the kill signal, before
              changing to another runlevel.
       -k     Don鈥檛 really shutdown; only send the warning messages to everybody.
       -r     Reboot after shutdown.
       -h     Halt or poweroff after shutdown.
       -H     Halt action is to halt or drop into boot monitor on systems that support it.
       -P     Halt action is to turn off the power.
       -n     [DEPRECATED] Don鈥檛 call init(8) to do the shutdown but do it ourself.  The use of this  option  is  dis-
              couraged, and its results are not always what you鈥檇 expect.
       -f     Skip fsck on reboot.
       -F     Force fsck on reboot.
       -c     Cancel an already running shutdown. With this option it is of course not possible to give the time argu-
              ment, but you can enter a explanatory message on the command line that will be sent to all users.
       time   When to shutdown.
              Message to send to all users.
       The time argument can have different formats.  First, it can be an absolute time in the format hh:mm, in  which
       hh is the hour (1 or 2 digits) and mm is the minute of the hour (in two digits).  Second, it can be in the for-
       mat +m, in which m is the number of minutes to wait.  The word now is an alias for +0.
       If shutdown is called with a delay, it creates the advisory file /etc/nologin which  causes  programs  such  as
       login(1)  to  not  allow new user logins. Shutdown removes this file if it is stopped before it can signal init
       (i.e. it is cancelled or something goes wrong).  It also removes it before calling init to change the runlevel.
       The  -f flag means 鈥榬eboot fast鈥?  This only creates an advisory file /fastboot which can be tested by the sys-
       tem when it comes up again.  The boot rc file can test if this file is present, and decide not to  run  fsck(1)
       since the system has been shut down in the proper way.  After that, the boot process should remove /fastboot.
       The  -F flag means 鈥榝orce fsck鈥?  This only creates an advisory file /forcefsck which can be tested by the sys-
       tem when it comes up again.  The boot rc file can test if this file is present, and decide to run fsck(1)  with
       a  special  鈥榝orce鈥?flag so that even properly unmounted filesystems get checked.  After that, the boot process
       should remove /forcefsck.
       The -n flag causes shutdown not to call init, but to kill all running processes  itself.   shutdown  will  then
       turn off quota, accounting, and swapping and unmount all filesystems.
       shutdown  can  be  called from init(8) when the magic keys CTRL-ALT-DEL are pressed, by creating an appropriate
       entry in /etc/inittab. This means that everyone who has physical access to the console keyboard  can  shut  the
       system  down.  To prevent this, shutdown can check to see if an authorized user is logged in on one of the vir-
       tual consoles. If shutdown is called with the -a argument (add this to the invocation of shutdown in /etc/init-
       tab),  it  checks  to see if the file /etc/shutdown.allow is present.  It then compares the login names in that
       file with the list of people that are logged in on a virtual console (from /var/run/utmp). Only if one of those
       authorized users or root is logged in, it will proceed. Otherwise it will write the message
       shutdown: no authorized users logged in
       to  the (physical) system console. The format of /etc/shutdown.allow is one user name per line. Empty lines and
       comment lines (prefixed by a #) are allowed. Currently there is a limit of 32 users in this file.
       Note that if /etc/shutdown.allow is not present, the -a argument is ignored.
       The -H option just sets the init environment variable INIT_HALT to HALT, and the -P option just sets that vari-
       able  to  POWEROFF.  The  shutdown  script that calls halt(8) as the last thing in the shutdown sequence should
       check these environment variables and call halt(8) with the right options for these options  to  actually  have
       any effect.  Debian 3.1 (sarge) supports this.
       A  lot  of  users forget to give the time argument and are then puzzled by the error message shutdown produces.
       The time argument is mandatory; in 90 percent of all cases this argument will be the word now.
       Init can only capture CTRL-ALT-DEL and start shutdown in console mode.  If the system is running the  X  window
       System, the X server processes all key strokes. Some X11 environments make it possible to capture CTRL-ALT-DEL,
       but what exactly is done with that event depends on that environment.
       Shutdown wasn鈥檛 designed to be run setuid. /etc/shutdown.allow is not used to find out who is  executing  shut-
       down, it ONLY checks who is currently logged in on (one of the) console(s).
       Miquel van Smoorenburg, miquels@cistron.nl
       fsck(8), init(8), halt(8), poweroff(8), reboot(8)
                               November 12, 2003                   SHUTDOWN(8)

백그라운드에서 종료 명령을 처리하려면 & 명령을 사용하는 것이 가장 좋습니다. 다른 현재 작업에는 영향을 미치지 않습니다.

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -h now
Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Sat Jan 10 18:51:34 2015):
The system is going down for system halt NOW!
종료 명령이 실행될 시간을 설정합니다. 시간 매개변수에는 hh: mm 또는 +m의 두 가지 모드가 있습니다. hh:mm 형식은 종료 명령이 실행되는 시간을 나타냅니다. 예를 들어, "shutdown 10:45"는 종료가 10시 45분에 실행됨을 의미하고, +m은 종료가 m분 후에 실행됨을 의미합니다. 매개변수에서 이 부분은 생략할 수 없다는 점에 유의할 필요가 있습니다. 또한 이미 22시 30분인 경우 shutdown -h 22:00 &를 실행하면 다음 날까지 컴퓨터가 종료되지 않는다는 점에 유의해야 합니다.

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -r +2
Broadcast message from root (pts/2) (Sat Jan 10 19:56:00 2015):
The system is going DOWN for reboot in 2 minutes!

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -h 12:30
[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -h 12:30 &
[1] 4578
5: 이전 종료 명령에서 메시지를 가져오고

아래와 같이 다음 명령을 실행하여 Linux는 12:30에 Shut down을 실행하지만, 이 시간이 적합하지 않다고 판단되면 CTRL+C를 사용하여 취소할 수 있습니다

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -h 12:30

종료가 취소되었습니다.

[root@db-server ~]#

다른 명령 창에서 다음 명령을 실행할 수도 있습니다

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -c

6: 로그인한 모든 사용자에게 메시지 보내기

추가로 로그인한 세션 창에서 이를 수신합니다. 다음 정보

는 일반적으로 아래와 같은 구문을 사용합니다.

7: 다시 시작할 때 디스크 감지가 수행되지 않습니다.

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -k "now"
Broadcast message from root (pts/2) (Sat Jan 10 20:09:14 2015):
The system is going down to maintenance mode NOW!
Shutdown cancelled.

8: 몇 초 후 시스템을 종료하고 사용자에게 프롬프트 메시지를 보냅니다.

[root@db-server ~]# 
[root@db-server ~]# 
Broadcast message from root (pts/2) (Sat Jan 10 20:11:34 2015):
The system is going down to maintenance mode NOW!

[root@db-server ~]# shutdown -k now "The Server will shutdown now"
Broadcast message from root (pts/1) (Sat Jan 10 20:14:54 2015):
The Server will shutdown now 
The system is going down to maintenance mode NOW!
Shutdown cancelled.
본 글의 내용은 네티즌들의 자발적인 기여로 작성되었으며, 저작권은 원저작자에게 있습니다. 본 사이트는 이에 상응하는 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 표절이나 침해가 의심되는 콘텐츠를 발견한 경우 admin@php.cn으로 문의하세요.