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vim PHP 코드 사양

2016-08-08 09:22:131380검색

vim 코드 사양 도구 php-cs-fixer.phar
(https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer 참고)

<code>curl http:<span>//get.sensiolabs.org/php-cs-fixer.phar -o php-cs-fixer</span>
  sudo chmod a<span>+</span>x php<span>-cs</span><span>-fixer</span>
  sudo mv php<span>-cs</span><span>-fixer</span> /usr/<span>local</span>/bin/php<span>-cs</span><span>-fixer</span></code>

이때 php-cs-fixer를 이용해 직접 코드 포맷을 하시면 됩니다


(현재 지원되는 레벨은 psr0, psr1, psr2, Symfony, contrib)

<code>  php<span>-cs</span><span>-fixer</span> fix test<span>.</span>php <span>--</span>level<span>=</span>psr2
   php<span>-cs</span><span>-fixer</span> fix <span>.</span><span>/</span><span>--</span>level<span>=</span>psr2</code>

이것은 vimer의 작은 마음을 만족시키지 않습니다

vim -php-cs-fixer

<code>Bundle <span>'stephpy/vim-php-cs-fixer</span></code>

.vimrc (참조: https://github.com/stephpy/vim-php-cs-fixer)

<code><span>" If php-cs-fixer is in $PATH, you don't need to define line below
"</span><span>let</span> g:php_cs_fixer_path = <span>"~/php-cs-fixer.phar"</span><span>" define the path to the php-cs-fixer.phar
let g:php_cs_fixer_level = "</span>psr2<span>"              "</span> which level ?(psr0, psr1, psr2, symfony)
<span>let</span> g:php_cs_fixer_config = <span>"default"</span><span>" configuration
let g:php_cs_fixer_php_path = "</span>php<span>"               "</span> Path <span>to</span> PHP
<span>" If you want to define specific fixers:
"</span><span>let</span> g:php_cs_fixer_fixers_list = <span>"linefeed,short_tag,indentation"</span><span>let</span> g:php_cs_fixer_enable_default_mapping = <span>1</span><span>" Enable the mapping by default (<leader>pcd)
let g:php_cs_fixer_dry_run = 0                    "</span> Call command <span>with</span> dry-run <span>option</span><span>let</span> g:php_cs_fixer_verbose = <span>0</span><span>" Return the output of command if 1, else an inline information.</span></code>

위 구성에서 이 구성의 단축키는

<code><span><span><span>let g:php_cs_fixer_enable_default_mapping = 1     "</span> Enable the mapping by <span>default</span> (<leader>pcd)</span></span></code>

실제 작업에서는 pcd가 오류가 발생하기 쉽고 너무 길다는 것을 알 수 있습니다

<code>if(g:php_cs_fixer_enable_default_mapping == 1)
    nnoremap <span><<span>silent</span>></span><span><<span>leader</span>></span>pcd :call PhpCsFixerFixDirectory()<span><<span>CR</span>></span>
    nnoremap <span><<span>silent</span>></span><span><<span>leader</span>></span>pcf :call PhpCsFixerFixFile()<span><<span>CR</span>></span>

찾을 수 있습니다
pcd는 형식 디렉터리입니다
pcf는 형식 파일입니다
이제 pcd 및 pcf를 즐겨 사용하는 단축키로 바꿀 수 있습니다.

ps: 명목 모드이며 단축키의 접두사는 기본적으로 vim에서 map 명령을 사용하여 볼 수 있습니다.


<code>psr0 [PSR-<span>0</span>] Classes must be <span>in</span> a path <span>that</span> matches their namespace, be <span>at</span> least one namespace deep, <span>and</span><span>the</span><span>class</span><span>name</span> should match <span>the</span><span>file</span><span>name</span>.

encoding [PSR-<span>1</span>] PHP code MUST use only UTF-<span>8</span><span>without</span> BOM (remove BOM).

short_tag [PSR-<span>1</span>] PHP code must use <span>the</span> long <?php ?> tags <span>or</span><span>the</span> short-echo <?= ?> tags; <span>it</span> must <span>not</span> use <span>the</span> other tag variations.

braces [PSR-<span>2</span>] The body <span>of</span> each structure MUST be enclosed <span>by</span> braces. Braces should be properly placed. Body <span>of</span> braces should be properly indented.

elseif [PSR-<span>2</span>] The keyword elseif should be used <span>instead of</span><span>else</span><span>if</span> so <span>that</span> all control keywords looks like single <span>words</span>.

eof_ending [PSR-<span>2</span>] A <span>file</span> must always <span>end</span><span>with</span> a single empty line feed.

function_call_space [PSR-<span>2</span>] When making a method <span>or</span> function call, there MUST NOT be a <span>space</span><span>between</span><span>the</span> method <span>or</span> function <span>name</span><span>and</span><span>the</span> opening parenthesis.

function_declaration [PSR-<span>2</span>] Spaces should be properly placed <span>in</span> a function declaration.

indentation [PSR-<span>2</span>] Code MUST use an indent <span>of</span><span>4</span> spaces, <span>and</span> MUST NOT use tabs <span>for</span> indenting.

line_after_namespace [PSR-<span>2</span>] There MUST be one blank line <span>after</span><span>the</span> namespace declaration.

<span>linefeed</span> [PSR-<span>2</span>] All PHP files must use <span>the</span> Unix LF (<span>linefeed</span>) line ending.

lowercase_constants [PSR-<span>2</span>] The PHP constants <span>true</span>, <span>false</span>, <span>and</span> null MUST be <span>in</span> lower case.

lowercase_keywords [PSR-<span>2</span>] PHP keywords MUST be <span>in</span> lower case.

method_argument_space [PSR-<span>2</span>] In method arguments <span>and</span> method call, there MUST NOT be a <span>space</span><span>before</span> each comma <span>and</span> there MUST be one <span>space</span><span>after</span> each comma.

multiple_use [PSR-<span>2</span>] There MUST be one use keyword per declaration.

parenthesis [PSR-<span>2</span>] There MUST NOT be a <span>space</span><span>after</span><span>the</span> opening parenthesis. There MUST NOT be a <span>space</span><span>before</span><span>the</span> closing parenthesis.

php_closing_tag [PSR-<span>2</span>] The closing ?> tag MUST be omitted <span>from</span> files containing only PHP.

single_line_after_imports [PSR-<span>2</span>] Each namespace use MUST go <span><span>on</span></span><span>its</span> own line <span>and</span> there MUST be one blank line <span>after</span><span>the</span> use statements block.

trailing_spaces [PSR-<span>2</span>] Remove trailing whitespace <span>at</span><span>the</span><span>end</span><span>of</span> non-blank lines.

visibility [PSR-<span>2</span>] Visibility MUST be declared <span><span>on</span></span> all properties <span>and</span> methods; abstract <span>and</span> final MUST be declared <span>before</span><span>the</span> visibility; static MUST be declared <span>after</span><span>the</span> visibility.

blankline_after_open_tag [symfony] Ensure there <span>is</span> no code <span><span>on</span></span><span>the</span> same line <span>as</span><span>the</span> PHP open tag <span>and</span><span>it</span><span>is</span> followed <span>by</span> a blankline.

concat_without_spaces [symfony] Concatenation should be used <span>without</span> spaces.

double_arrow_multiline_whitespaces [symfony] Operator => should <span>not</span> be arounded <span>by</span> multi-line whitespaces.

duplicate_semicolon [symfony] Remove duplicated semicolons.

empty_return [symfony] A <span>return</span> statement wishing <span>to</span><span>return</span> nothing should be simply <span>"return"</span>.

extra_empty_lines [symfony] Removes extra empty lines.

include [symfony] Include <span>and</span><span>file</span> path should be divided <span>with</span> a single <span>space</span>. File path should <span>not</span> be placed under brackets.

join_function [symfony] Implode function should be used <span>instead of</span> join function.

list_commas [symfony] Remove trailing commas <span>in</span><span>list</span> function calls.

multiline_array_trailing_comma [symfony] PHP multi-line arrays should have a trailing comma.

namespace_no_leading_whitespace [symfony] The namespace declaration line shouldn't <span>contain</span> leading whitespace.

new_with_braces [symfony] All instances created <span>with</span> new keyword must be followed <span>by</span> braces.

no_blank_lines_after_class_opening [symfony] There should be no empty lines <span>after</span><span>class</span> opening brace.

no_empty_lines_after_phpdocs [symfony] There should <span>not</span> be blank lines <span>between</span> docblock <span>and</span><span>the</span> documented element.

object_operator [symfony] There should <span>not</span> be <span>space</span><span>before</span><span>or</span><span>after</span> object T_OBJECT_OPERATOR.

operators_spaces [symfony] Binary operators should be arounded <span>by</span><span>at</span> least one <span>space</span>.

phpdoc_indent [symfony] Docblocks should have <span>the</span> same indentation <span>as</span><span>the</span> documented subject.

phpdoc_no_access [symfony] @access annotations should be omitted <span>from</span> phpdocs.

phpdoc_no_empty_return [symfony] @<span>return</span> void <span>and</span> @<span>return</span> null annotations should be omitted <span>from</span> phpdocs.

phpdoc_no_package [symfony] @package <span>and</span> @subpackage annotations should be omitted <span>from</span> phpdocs.

phpdoc_params [symfony] All items <span>of</span><span>the</span> @param, @throws, @<span>return</span>, @var, <span>and</span> @type phpdoc tags must be aligned vertically.

phpdoc_scalar [symfony] Scalar types should always be written <span>in</span><span>the</span> same form. <span>"int"</span>, <span>not</span><span>"integer"</span>; <span>"bool"</span>, <span>not</span><span>"boolean"</span>; <span>"float"</span>, <span>not</span><span>"real"</span><span>or</span><span>"double"</span>.

phpdoc_separation [symfony] Annotations <span>in</span> phpdocs should be grouped together so <span>that</span> annotations <span>of</span><span>the</span> same type immediately follow each other, <span>and</span> annotations <span>of</span> a different type are separated <span>by</span> a single blank line.

phpdoc_short_description [symfony] Phpdocs short descriptions should <span>end</span><span>in</span> either a full stop, exclamation mark, <span>or</span> question mark.

phpdoc_to_comment [symfony] Docblocks should only be used <span><span>on</span></span> structural elements.

phpdoc_trim [symfony] Phpdocs should start <span>and</span><span>end</span><span>with</span> content, excluding <span>the</span> very <span>first</span><span>and</span><span>last</span> line <span>of</span><span>the</span> docblocks.

phpdoc_type_to_var [symfony] @type should always be written <span>as</span> @var.

phpdoc_var_without_name [symfony] @var <span>and</span> @type annotations should <span>not</span><span>contain</span><span>the</span> variable <span>name</span>.

pre_increment [symfony] Pre incrementation/decrementation should be used <span>if</span> possible.

remove_leading_slash_use [symfony] Remove leading slashes <span>in</span> use clauses.

remove_lines_between_uses [symfony] Removes line breaks <span>between</span> use statements.
return</span> [symfony] An empty line feed should precede a <span>return</span> statement.

self_accessor [symfony] Inside a classy element <span>"self"</span> should be preferred <span>to</span><span>the</span><span>class</span><span>name</span> itself.

single_array_no_trailing_comma [symfony] PHP single-line arrays should <span>not</span> have trailing comma.

single_blank_line_before_namespace [symfony] There should be exactly one blank line <span>before</span> a namespace declaration.

single_quote [symfony] Convert double quotes <span>to</span> single quotes <span>for</span> simple strings.

spaces_before_semicolon [symfony] Single-line whitespace <span>before</span> closing semicolon are prohibited.

spaces_cast [symfony] A single <span>space</span> should be <span>between</span> cast <span>and</span> variable.

standardize_not_equal [symfony] Replace all <> <span>with</span> !=.

ternary_spaces [symfony] Standardize spaces <span>around</span> ternary operator.

trim_array_spaces [symfony] Arrays should be formatted like function/method arguments, <span>without</span> leading <span>or</span> trailing single line <span>space</span>.

unalign_double_arrow [symfony] Unalign double arrow symbols.

unalign_equals [symfony] Unalign <span>equals</span> symbols.

unary_operators_spaces [symfony] Unary operators should be placed adjacent <span>to</span> their operands.

unused_use [symfony] Unused use statements must be removed.

whitespacy_lines [symfony] Remove trailing whitespace <span>at</span><span>the</span><span>end</span><span>of</span> blank lines.

align_double_arrow [contrib] Align double arrow symbols <span>in</span> consecutive lines.

align_equals [contrib] Align <span>equals</span> symbols <span>in</span> consecutive lines.

concat_with_spaces [contrib] Concatenation should be used <span>with</span><span>at</span> least one whitespace <span>around</span>.

ereg_to_preg [contrib] Replace deprecated ereg regular expression functions <span>with</span> preg. Warning! This could change code behavior.

header_comment [contrib] Add, replace <span>or</span> remove header comment.

long_array_syntax [contrib] Arrays should use <span>the</span> long syntax.

multiline_spaces_before_semicolon [contrib] Multi-line whitespace <span>before</span> closing semicolon are prohibited.

newline_after_open_tag [contrib] Ensure there <span>is</span> no code <span><span>on</span></span><span>the</span> same line <span>as</span><span>the</span> PHP open tag.

no_blank_lines_before_namespace [contrib] There should be no blank lines <span>before</span> a namespace declaration.

ordered_use [contrib] Ordering use statements.

php4_constructor [contrib] Convert PHP4-style constructors <span>to</span>
__construct. Warning! This could change code behavior.

phpdoc_order [contrib] Annotations <span>in</span> phpdocs should be ordered so <span>that</span> param annotations come <span>first</span>, <span>then</span> throws annotations, <span>then</span><span>return</span> annotations.

phpdoc_var_to_type [contrib] @var should always be written <span>as</span> @type.

short_array_syntax [contrib] PHP arrays should use <span>the</span> PHP <span>5.4</span> short-syntax.

short_echo_tag [contrib] Replace short-echo <?= <span>with</span> long format <?php echo syntax.

strict [contrib] Comparison should be strict. Warning! This could change code behavior.

strict_param [contrib] Functions should be used <span>with</span> $strict param. Warning! This could change code behavior.</code>

위 내용은 내용의 측면을 포함하여 vim PHP 코드 사양을 소개한 내용이 PHP 튜토리얼에 관심이 있는 친구들에게 도움이 되기를 바랍니다.

본 글의 내용은 네티즌들의 자발적인 기여로 작성되었으며, 저작권은 원저작자에게 있습니다. 본 사이트는 이에 상응하는 법적 책임을 지지 않습니다. 표절이나 침해가 의심되는 콘텐츠를 발견한 경우 admin@php.cn으로 문의하세요.