/** PHP替换文章内链* by bbs.it-home.org*/function _base64_encode($t,$str) { return $t.""".base64_encode($str).""";}function _base64_decode($t,$str) { return $t.""".base64_decode($str).""";} function _keylinks($txt, $replacenum = '',$link_mode = 1) { /* 屏蔽原始的 a */ $replace_a = "_base64_encode('ori_a=',' ')"; $replace1_a = "stripslashes(base64_decode(''))"; $search_a = "/.*?/isxe"; $search1_a = "/ori_a=(".*?")/isxe"; $txt = preg_replace($search_a, $replace_a, $txt); /* 屏蔽alt title src */ $search = "/(alts*=s*|titles*=s*|srcs*=s*) # find (["'])?(.*?) # find single or double quote (?(2)|s ?) # if quote found, match up to next matching # quote, otherwise match up to next space /isxe"; $replace = "_base64_encode('','')"; $replace1 = "_base64_decode('','')"; $txt = preg_replace($search, $replace, $txt); echo $txt; echo "http://bbs.it-home.org/"; /* $keywords = $this->data['keywords']; if($keywords) $keywords = strpos(',',$keywords) === false ? explode(' ',$keywords) : explode(',',$keywords); if($link_mode && !empty($keywords)) { foreach($keywords as $keyword) { $linkdatas[] = $keyword; } } else { $linkdatas = getcache('keylink','commons'); } if($linkdatas) { $word = $replacement = array(); foreach($linkdatas as $v) { if($link_mode && $keywords) { $word1[] = '/'.preg_quote($v, '/').'/'; $word2[] = $v; $replacement[] = ''.$v.''; } else { $word1[] = '/'.preg_quote($v[0], '/').'/'; $word2[] = $v[0]; $replacement[] = ''.$v[0].''; } } if($replacenum != '') { $txt = preg_replace($word1, $replacement, $txt, $replacenum); } else { $txt = str_replace($word2, $replacement, $txt); } } */ /* 还原原始 a */ $txt = preg_replace($search1_a, $replace1_a, $txt); /* 还原alt title src */ $txt = preg_replace($search, $replace1, $txt); echo $txt; return $txt; } $con = " 性生活过度伤害前列腺。和谐美满的性生活,是男女生理的天然需要,是夫妻感情的粘合剂之一,是夫妻生活必不少的重要组成部分。但是有此想法的夫妻可要注意了。因为做x爱时间并非越长越好,夫妻的性生活的和谐与美满也不由性xai时间的长短来决定。反而,超时性XZ爱,还会影响到夫妻的健康,甚至引发各种疾病。 "; _keylinks($con); ?> 复制代码