집 >데이터 베이스 >MySQL 튜토리얼 >Hadoop Pig Udf Scheme
hadoop pig udf scheme 如果不指定 scheme 当你返回一个tuple里面有大于1个fields的时候, 就必须指定schemea 不然多个field就当作一个field register myudfs.jar; A = load 'student_data' as (name: chararray, age: int, gpa: float); B = foreach A gene
如果不指定 scheme 当你返回一个tuple里面有大于1个fields的时候,
就必须指定schemea 不然多个field就当作一个field
<code> register myudfs.jar; A = load 'student_data' as (name: chararray, age: int, gpa: float); B = foreach A generate flatten(myudfs.Swap(name, age)), gpa; C = foreach B generate $2; D = limit B 20; dump D </code>
This script will result in the following error cause by line 4 ( C = foreach B generate $2;).
<code>java.io.IOException: Out of bound access. Trying to access non-existent column: 2. Schema {bytearray,gpa: float} has 2 column(s). </code>
This is because Pig is only aware of two columns in B while line 4 is requesting the third column of the tuple. (Column indexing in Pig starts with 0.) The function, including the schema, looks like this:
下面实现了一个schema,输出为4个参数,输出为两个参数,在android上面要用imei和mac去生成一个ukey,在ios平台上,要用 mac和openudid去生成一个ukey
<code> package kload; import java.io.IOException; import org.apache.pig.EvalFunc; import org.apache.pig.data.Tuple; import org.apache.pig.data.TupleFactory; import org.apache.pig.impl.logicalLayer.schema.Schema; import org.apache.pig.data.DataType; /** *translate mac,imei,openudid to key */ public class KoudaiFormateUkey extends EvalFunc<tuple>{ private String ukey = null; private String platform = null; public Tuple exec(Tuple input) throws IOException { if (input == null || input.size() == 0) return null; try{ String platform = (String)input.get(0); String mac = (String)input.get(1); String imei= (String)input.get(2); String openudID = (String)input.get(3); this.getUkey(platform,mac,imei,openudID); if(this.platform == null || this.ukey == null){ return null; } Tuple output = TupleFactory.getInstance().newTuple(2); output.set(0, this.platform); output.set(1, this.ukey); return output; }catch(Exception e){ throw new IOException("Caught exception processing input row ", e); } } private String getUkey(String platform, String mac, String imei, String openudID){ String tmpStr = null; String ukey = null; int pType=-1; if(platform == null){ return null; } tmpStr = platform.toUpperCase(); if(tmpStr.indexOf("IPHONE") != -1){ this.platform = "iphone"; pType = 1001; }else if(tmpStr.indexOf("ANDROID") != -1){ this.platform = "android"; pType = 1002; }else if(tmpStr.indexOf("IPAD") != -1){ this.platform = "ipad"; pType = 1003; }else{ this.platform = "unknow"; pType = 1004; } switch(pType){ case 1001: case 1003: if(mac == null && openudID == null){ return null; } ukey = String.format("%s_%s",mac,openudID); break; case 1002: if(mac == null && imei== null){ return null; } ukey = String.format("%s_%s",mac,imei); break; case 1004: if(mac == null && imei== null && openudID == null){ return null; } ukey = String.format("%s_%s_%s",mac,imei,openudID); break; default: break; } if (ukey == null || ukey.length() == 0){ return null; } this.ukey = ukey.toUpperCase(); return this.ukey; } public Schema outputSchema(Schema input) { try{ Schema tupleSchema = new Schema(); tupleSchema.add(input.getField(0)); tupleSchema.add(input.getField(1)); return new Schema(new Schema.FieldSchema(getSchemaName(this.getClass().getName().toLowerCase(), input),tupleSchema, DataType.TUPLE)); }catch (Exception e){ return null; } } } </tuple></code>
原文地址:Hadoop Pig Udf Scheme, 感谢原作者分享。