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How to access Distinguished fields and Promoted properties i

2016-06-07 15:44:081078검색

How to access Distinguished fields and Promoted properties in BizTalk Server Distinguished fields are accessed through a reference to the name of the message, the name of the record structure containing the distinguished field (which could

How to access Distinguished fields and Promoted properties in BizTalk Server


Distinguished fields are accessed through a reference to the name of the message, the name of the record structure containing the distinguished field (which could include multiple levels of child records), and the name of the distinguished field, with each named item separated by periods:



Promoted properties, on the other hand, are accessed through a reference to the name of the message, the name of the property schema and a name of the promoted property, via the following format:



Other relevant blogs:

1. Distinguished Fields vs. Promoted Properties in Biztalk,




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