oncut event

oncut Event


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<input type="text" oncut="myFunction()" value="尝试剪切该文本">
<p id="demo"></p>
function myFunction() {
    document.getElementById("demo").innerHTML = "你剪切了文本!";


Run Instance»

Click "Run Instance" button to view online examples

See more examples at the bottom of this article.

Definition and Usage

The oncut event is triggered when the user cuts the content of an element.

Note: Although the HTML elements used all support the oncut event, not all elements are actually supported, such as the <p> element. Unless contenteditable is set to "true" (see below for more examples).

Tips: The oncut event is usually applied in the <input> element of type="text".

Tips: There are three ways to cut content:

  • Press CTRL + X
  • and select " from the browser's edit menu Cut"
  • Right-click the mouse button and select the "Cut" command in the context menu.

Browser support




< ;element oncut="myScript">Try it

In JavaScript:

object.oncut=function(){myScript}; Try it

In JavaScript, use the addEventListener() method:

object .addEventListener("cut", myScript); Try it

Note: Internet Explorer 8 and earlier IE versions do not support addEventListener( ) method.

Technical details
Whether bubbling is supported:Yes
Can be canceled:Yes
Event type:ClipboardEvent
Supported HTML tags: All HTML elements

##More examples


<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">

<p contenteditable="true" oncut="myFunction()">尝试剪切该文本</p>
function myFunction() {


Run Instance»Click the "Run Instance" button to view the online instance

Related pages

HTML DOM Reference Manual: oncopy event

HTML DOM Reference Manual: onpaste event