jEasyUI adds auto-playing tabs
This tutorial will show you how to create an auto-playing Tabs. The Tabs component displays the first tab panel, then the second, third... We'll write some code to automatically switch tabs, and then let it loop.
Step 1: Create Tabs
<div id="tt" class="easyui-tabs" style="width:330px;height:270px;"> <div title="Shirt1" style="padding:20px;"> <img src="../style/images/shirt1.gif"> </div> <div title="Shirt2" style="padding:20px;"> <img src="images/shirt2.gif"> </div> <div title="Shirt3" style="padding:20px;"> <img src="images/shirt3.gif"> </div> <div title="Shirt4" style="padding:20px;"> <img src="images/shirt4.gif"> </div> <div title="Shirt5" style="padding:20px;"> <img src="images/shirt5.gif"> </div> </div>
Step 2: Write the autoplay code
var index = 0; var t = $('#tt'); var tabs = t.tabs('tabs'); setInterval(function(){ t.tabs('select', tabs[index].panel('options').title); index++; if (index >= tabs.length){ index = 0; } }, 3000);
As you can see, we call the 'tabs' method to get All tab panels and use the 'setInterval' function to switch them.
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