jEasyUI creates an accordion panel

In this tutorial, you will learn about the easyui folding panel (Accordion). An accordion contains a series of panels. The headers of all panels are visible, but only the body content of one panel is displayed at a time. When the user clicks on the header of a panel, the body content of the panel will be visible, while the body content of other panels will be hidden.


We will create three panels, the third panel contains a tree menu.

	<div class="easyui-accordion" style="width:300px;height:200px;">
		<div title="About Accordion" iconCls="icon-ok" style="overflow:auto;padding:10px;">
			<h3 style="color:#0099FF;">Accordion for jQuery</h3>
			<p>Accordion is a part of easyui framework for jQuery. It lets you define your accordion component on web page more easily.</p>
		<div title="About easyui" iconCls="icon-reload" selected="true" style="padding:10px;">
			easyui help you build your web page easily
		<div title="Tree Menu">
			<ul id="tt1" class="easyui-tree">
							<span>Sub Folder 1</span>
								<li><span>File 11</span></li>
								<li><span>File 12</span></li>
								<li><span>File 13</span></li>
						<li><span>File 2</span></li>
						<li><span>File 3</span></li>

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