?Hey fellow Angular Addict This is the 29th issue of the Angular Addicts Newsletter, a monthly collection of carefully selected Angular resources that caught my attention. (Here are the 28th, 27th and 26th issues) ?Release announceme
В данной статье рассмотрим создание нового приложения Angular 18. В документации Angular советуют установить ng глобально: angular.dev/tools/cli/setup-local#install-the-angular-cli sudo npm install -g @angular/cli После запустить команду: ng
React and Angular are two of the most popular frameworks/libraries for building web applications, but they differ in key aspects. Here's a breakdown of the main differences between React and Angular: 1. Type: Library vs. Framework React
Добавим в приложение eslint, prettier, env. Жалко, что Angular по дефолту не генерирует все это сам. Изменение схематик может привести к улучшению качества нескольких тысяч проектов на Angular. Настройка eslint 9 Подключим eslint: ya
Недавно была выпущена 18 версия популярного фреймворка Angular. Динамичное развитие, а также интерес сообщества, помогли стать Angular одним из лидеров. В цикле статей, я расскажу про последнюю версию на примере приложения по поиску и бронированию ав
Change detection is a fundamental aspect of Angular, responsible for identifying and updating parts of the DOM that have changed in response to data modifications or user interactions. This process ensures that the UI remains consistent with the unde
Ранее рассматривалось создание и настройка нового проекта Angular. В данной статье разберем базовую структуру. Напомню, что цикл посвящен разработке веб-приложения для поиска авиабилетов и отелей. За основу взят проект от Альфа Тревел - travel.al
Pipes in Angular are simple functions used to transform data in templates without modifying the underlying data. Pipes take in a value, process it, and return a formatted or transformed output. They are often used for formatting dates, numbers, strin
Before I start, a small backstory. So, a few weeks back, there was a requirement in an angular project I was working on, wherein I had to keep a piece of data intact so that several other components could use it. My React instinct suggested me of usi
State management in Angular ensures that data is consistently and efficiently shared across all parts of an application. Instead of each component managing its own data, a central store holds the state. This centralization ensures that when data cha
Front-end developers are always faced with the big question: Angular or React? Both frameworks are powerful, but which one truly fits your development needs? ? In this comprehensive comparison, I break down the key differences, strengths, and weakne
In the ever-evolving world of web development, choosing between Angular and React can be daunting. Both are powerful tools, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Let's dive into the key differences and help you decide which is the best fit for your
If you're developing websites, you're likely writing a lot of text in the component templates: Writing text like this is not broken or buggy but rather tiresome to maintain for long-running projects. To improve this, you can create a file containi
Создадим несколько компонентов нашего приложения. В данном случае, нам нужны следующие UI: accordion — аккордеон; autocomplete — input с автозаполнением; buttons — кнопки; cards — карточки; checkbox — чекбоксы; container - центрирует контент
In recent years, frontend web development has gained significant interest and popularity, with many JavaScript frameworks available for developers to choose from, such as ReactJs, Angular, VueJs, Svelte, and more. In this topic, we will discuss VueJs
The Tesla Cybertruck made headlines when it first made an appearance at a Los Angeles event in 2019 - not only because of its angular, unconventional design, but because of the demonstration that followed. During said demo, the truck’s "armored
Core - это набор функций, конфигов и утилит, которые используются в приложении. Обычно, core - то, что вы тащите из проекта в проект. В данном случае, я пытался взять только необходимое. Коротко о всем core: api/params.ts — утилита для привед
DeshiJS is a new, lightweight JavaScript framework that is designed to be fast, intuitive, and scalable. At just 10KB, **DeshiJS **focuses on providing developers with a minimal, reactive core, making it ideal for small to medium-sized projects where
A long time ago in exactly the same galaxy I started to try to make Freecell, as a way to learn Angular 1.3. I got so far and then I got distracted by other things, as is the way of side projects. I had some free time recently (I know, I wasn't exp
Перейдем к созданию формы поиска билетов и жилья. Посмотрим пример на сайте - travel.alfabank.ru Там представлены следующие поля: origin - откуда; destination - куда; direct - прямой маршрут; currency - валюта; departure_at - дата вылета/отп