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jQuery iScroll.js モバイル スクロール バー美化プラグイン ページ 1/5_jquery

2016-05-16 15:13:311340ブラウズ

jQuery iScroll.js モバイル スクロール バー美化プラグイン ページ 1/5_jquery

公式 Web サイト: http://cubiq.org/iscroll-5


スクロール更新: http://cubiq.org/dropbox/iscroll4/examples/pull-to-refresh/

'Carousel' デモ

iScroll は非常に強力です、現在はスクロールバーのカスタマイズにのみ使用しています。モバイル端末でスクロールバーをカスタマイズする際のiscrollの使い方と注意点を簡単に紹介します。

1. 使用法

iScroll はスクロールされる要素を初期化し、iScroll の使用を制限しません。 1 ページの要素数。

iScroll を使用する場合、DOM ツリーの構造は十分に単純であり、不要なタグを削除し、過度のタグのネストを避ける必要があります。

1. HTML 部分

1.1. 最もシンプルな iScroll 構造

<div id="wrapper">

この例では、ul タグがスクロールされます。 iScroll を有効にするには、スクロール コンテンツの外側のラッパーと連携する必要があります。

1.2. ラッパー内の最初の子要素のみをスクロールできます。


<div id="wrapper">
<div id="scroller">

2 つの ul 要素が含まれている場合でも、scroller 要素はスクロールできます。

2. js 呼び出し部分

2.1、onDomContentLoaded イベントを使用してスクロールを実装します

テキストと画像のみを含むスクロール コンテンツに適用され、すべての画像は固定サイズです

<script src="iscroll.js"></script>
var myscroll; //myscroll是全局变量,可以在任意地方调用
function loaded(){
myscroll=new iScroll("wrapper");
} window.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",loaded,false);

2.2. onLoad イベントを使用してスクロールを実装します

DOMContentLoaded のためこのイベントは DOM 構造が読み込まれた後に呼び出されるため、画像などの要素が読み込まれる前にスクロール領域の長さと幅が決定されない場合があります。この場合、onLoad イベントを使用してこれを実現できます。

<script src="iscroll.js"><script>
var myscroll;
function loaded(){
myscroll=new iScroll("wrapper");
},100 );

この場合、iScroll はページ リソース (画像を含む) がロードされてから 100 ミリ秒後に初期化されます。これは、iScroll を呼び出すより安全な方法です。

2.3. ポップアップ フレームでのスクロール バーの読み込み

ポップアップ フレームは通常、display:none と display:block を切り替えることで実装されます。

display:none を指定した要素ブラウザはレンダリングされないため、スクロールするコンテンツの高さを計算できません。

したがって、ポップアップ ボックスが show() を呼び出して表示した後、スクロール バー領域がインスタンス化されます。以下のように:

new iScroll(&#39;tc-wrapper2&#39;, {
scrollbarClass: &#39;myScrollbar&#39; ,
hideScrollbar: false //是否隐藏滚动条 

ヒント: スライディング スクリーンが表示される場合、ページ全体のスライディングの互換性の問題は次のとおりです:

document.addEventListener(&#39;touchmove&#39;, function (e) { e.preventDefault(); }, false);

2.4. iScroll にパラメータを渡す

iScroll の 2 番目のパラメータを使用すると、コンテンツを非表示にするかどうかなど、一部のコンテンツをカスタマイズできます。スクロールバーなど。一般的に使用されるパラメータは次のとおりです。

hScroll false 水平スクロールを無効にする true 水平スクロールのデフォルトは true
vScroll false 繊細な垂直スクロール true 垂直スクロールのデフォルトは true
hScrollbar false スクロール バーを非表示にする水平方向の
vScrollbar false は垂直方向のスクロール バーを非表示にします
fixedScrollbar iOS では、要素がスクローラーの境界を越えてドラッグされると、スクロール バーが縮小します。これを true に設定すると、スクロールを防ぐことができます。バーが
スクローラーの境界を超えないようにします。デフォルトは、Android では true、iOS では false です。
fadeScrollbar false フェード効果がない場合にスクロール バーを非表示にします。
hideScrollbar ユーザー操作がない場合にスクロール バーを非表示にします。 デフォルトは true です。
bounce 有効または無効にします。境界線 バウンス、デフォルトは true
momentum 慣性を有効または無効にします、デフォルトは true、このパラメータはリソースを節約したい場合に非常に便利です
lockDirection false はドラッグ方向のロックをキャンセルします、true はドラッグ方向のロックを解除します一方向上 (上/下または左/右)


refresh DOM ツリーが変更されたときにこのメソッドを呼び出す必要があります

例: setTimeout(function () { myScroll.refresh(); }, 0);

3. スクロール バーをカスタマイズする場合、CSS 部分

はスクロールする必要があります。 style 次のように、クラス パラメータをバーに追加します。

var myscroll=new iScroll("wrapper",{
  scrollbarClass: "myScrollbar"

スクロール バーは、コンテナと表示の 2 つの要素で構成されます。コンテナーはラッパーと同じ高さで、ディスプレイはスクロール バー自体を表します。

html の結果は次のとおりです:

<div class="myScrollbarV">

css は次のとおりです。自分で変更できます:

@charset "utf-8";
/* CSS Document */
* Horizontal Scrollbar
.myScrollbarH {
.myScrollbarH > div {
/* The following is probably what you want to customize */
background-image:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 100% 0, from(#a00), to(#f00));
background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
border:1px solid #900;
-webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-o-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
* Vertical Scrollbar
.myScrollbarV {
.myScrollbarV > div {
/* The following is probably what you want to customize */
background:-webkit-gradient(linear, 0 0, 100% 0, from(#f00), to(#900));
background-image:-moz-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
background-image:-o-linear-gradient(top, #f00, #900);
border:1px solid #900;
-webkit-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-moz-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
-o-box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);
box-shadow:inset 1px 1px 0 rgba(255,255,255,0.5);

2. 例

1. html+js


* iScroll v4.2.5 ~ Copyright (c) 2012 Matteo Spinelli, http://cubiq.org
* Released under MIT license, http://cubiq.org/license
(function(window, doc){
var m = Math,
dummyStyle = doc.createElement(&#39;div&#39;).style,
vendor = (function () {
var vendors = &#39;t,webkitT,MozT,msT,OT&#39;.split(&#39;,&#39;),
i = 0,
l = vendors.length;
for ( ; i < l; i++ ) {
t = vendors[i] + &#39;ransform&#39;;
if ( t in dummyStyle ) {
return vendors[i].substr(0, vendors[i].length - 1);
return false;
cssVendor = vendor ? &#39;-&#39; + vendor.toLowerCase() + &#39;-&#39; : &#39;&#39;,
// Style properties
transform = prefixStyle(&#39;transform&#39;),
transitionProperty = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionProperty&#39;),
transitionDuration = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionDuration&#39;),
transformOrigin = prefixStyle(&#39;transformOrigin&#39;),
transitionTimingFunction = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionTimingFunction&#39;),
transitionDelay = prefixStyle(&#39;transitionDelay&#39;),
// Browser capabilities
isAndroid = (/android/gi).test(navigator.appVersion),
isIDevice = (/iphone|ipad/gi).test(navigator.appVersion),
isTouchPad = (/hp-tablet/gi).test(navigator.appVersion),
has3d = prefixStyle(&#39;perspective&#39;) in dummyStyle,
hasTouch = &#39;ontouchstart&#39; in window && !isTouchPad,
hasTransform = vendor !== false,
hasTransitionEnd = prefixStyle(&#39;transition&#39;) in dummyStyle,
RESIZE_EV = &#39;onorientationchange&#39; in window ? &#39;orientationchange&#39; : &#39;resize&#39;,
START_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchstart&#39; : &#39;mousedown&#39;,
MOVE_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchmove&#39; : &#39;mousemove&#39;,
END_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchend&#39; : &#39;mouseup&#39;,
CANCEL_EV = hasTouch ? &#39;touchcancel&#39; : &#39;mouseup&#39;,
TRNEND_EV = (function () {
if ( vendor === false ) return false;
var transitionEnd = {
&#39;&#39; : &#39;transitionend&#39;,
&#39;webkit&#39; : &#39;webkitTransitionEnd&#39;,
&#39;Moz&#39; : &#39;transitionend&#39;,
&#39;O&#39; : &#39;otransitionend&#39;,
&#39;ms&#39; : &#39;MSTransitionEnd&#39;
return transitionEnd[vendor];
nextFrame = (function() {
return window.requestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||
function(callback) { return setTimeout(callback, 1); };
cancelFrame = (function () {
return window.cancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitCancelAnimationFrame ||
window.webkitCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.mozCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.oCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
window.msCancelRequestAnimationFrame ||
// Helpers
translateZ = has3d ? &#39; translateZ(0)&#39; : &#39;&#39;,
// Constructor
iScroll = function (el, options) {
var that = this,
that.wrapper = typeof el == &#39;object&#39; ? el : doc.getElementById(el);
that.wrapper.style.overflow = &#39;hidden&#39;;
that.scroller = that.wrapper.children[0];
// Default options
that.options = {
hScroll: true,
vScroll: true,
x: 0,
y: 0,
bounce: true,
bounceLock: false,
momentum: true,
lockDirection: true,
useTransform: true,
useTransition: false,
topOffset: 0,
checkDOMChanges: false, // Experimental
handleClick: true,
// Scrollbar
hScrollbar: true,
vScrollbar: true,
fixedScrollbar: isAndroid,
hideScrollbar: isIDevice,
fadeScrollbar: isIDevice && has3d,
scrollbarClass: &#39;&#39;,
// Zoom
zoom: false,
zoomMin: 1,
zoomMax: 4,
doubleTapZoom: 2,
wheelAction: &#39;scroll&#39;,
// Snap
snap: false,
snapThreshold: 1,
// Events
onRefresh: null,
onBeforeScrollStart: function (e) { e.preventDefault(); },
onScrollStart: null,
onBeforeScrollMove: null,
onScrollMove: null,
onBeforeScrollEnd: null,
onScrollEnd: null,
onTouchEnd: null,
onDestroy: null,
onZoomStart: null,
onZoom: null,
onZoomEnd: null
// User defined options
for (i in options) that.options[i] = options[i];
// Set starting position
that.x = that.options.x;
that.y = that.options.y;
// Normalize options
that.options.useTransform = hasTransform && that.options.useTransform;
that.options.hScrollbar = that.options.hScroll && that.options.hScrollbar;
that.options.vScrollbar = that.options.vScroll && that.options.vScrollbar;
that.options.zoom = that.options.useTransform && that.options.zoom;
that.options.useTransition = hasTransitionEnd && that.options.useTransition;
// translate3d and scale doesn&#39;t work together!
// Ignoring 3d ONLY WHEN YOU SET that.options.zoom
if ( that.options.zoom && isAndroid ){
translateZ = &#39;&#39;;
// Set some default styles
that.scroller.style[transitionProperty] = that.options.useTransform ? cssVendor + &#39;transform&#39; : &#39;top left&#39;;
that.scroller.style[transitionDuration] = &#39;0&#39;;
that.scroller.style[transformOrigin] = &#39;0 0&#39;;
if (that.options.useTransition) that.scroller.style[transitionTimingFunction] = &#39;
if (that.options.useTransform) that.scroller.style[transform] 
= &#39;translate(&#39; + that.x + &#39;px,&#39; + that.y + &#39;px)&#39; + translateZ;
else that.scroller.style.cssText += &#39;;position:absolute;top:&#39; + that.y + &#39;px;left:&#39; + that.x + &#39;px&#39;;
if (that.options.useTransition) that.options.fixedScrollbar = true;
that._bind(RESIZE_EV, window);
if (!hasTouch) {
if (that.options.wheelAction != &#39;none&#39;) {
if (that.options.checkDOMChanges) that.checkDOMTime = setInterval(function () {
}, 500);
// Prototype
iScroll.prototype = {
enabled: true,
x: 0,
y: 0,
steps: [],
scale: 1,
currPageX: 0, currPageY: 0,
pagesX: [], pagesY: [],
aniTime: null,
wheelZoomCount: 0,
handleEvent: function (e) {
var that = this;
switch(e.type) {
case START_EV:
if (!hasTouch && e.button !== 0) return;
case MOVE_EV: that._move(e); break;
case END_EV:
case CANCEL_EV: that._end(e); break;
case RESIZE_EV: that._resize(); break;
case &#39;DOMMouseScroll&#39;: case &#39;mousewheel&#39;: that._wheel(e); break;
case TRNEND_EV: that._transitionEnd(e); break;
_checkDOMChanges: function () {
if (this.moved || this.zoomed || this.animating ||
(this.scrollerW == this.scroller.offsetWidth 
* this.scale && this.scrollerH == this.scroller.offsetHeight * this.scale)) return;
_scrollbar: function (dir) {
var that = this,
if (!that[dir + &#39;Scrollbar&#39;]) {
if (that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;]) {
if (hasTransform) that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[transform] = &#39;&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].parentNode.removeChild(that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;]);
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;] = null;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;] = null;
if (!that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;]) {
// Create the scrollbar wrapper
bar = doc.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
if (that.options.scrollbarClass) bar.className = that.options.scrollbarClass + dir.toUpperCase();
else bar.style.cssText = &#39;position:absolute;z-index:100;&#39; + (dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;height:7px;bottom:1px;
left:2px;right:&#39; + (that.vScrollbar ? &#39;7&#39; : &#39;2&#39;) + &#39;px&#39; : &#39;width:7px;bottom:&#39; + 
(that.hScrollbar ? &#39;7&#39; : &#39;2&#39;) + &#39;px;top:2px;right:1px&#39;);
bar.style.cssText += &#39;;pointer-events:none;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-property:opacity;&#39; + 
cssVendor + &#39;transition-duration:&#39; + (that.options.fadeScrollbar ? &#39;350ms&#39; : &#39;0&#39;) + &#39;;
overflow:hidden;opacity:&#39; + (that.options.hideScrollbar ? &#39;0&#39; : &#39;1&#39;);
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;] = bar;
// Create the scrollbar indicator
bar = doc.createElement(&#39;div&#39;);
if (!that.options.scrollbarClass) {
bar.style.cssText = &#39;position:absolute;z-index:100;background:rgba(0,0,0,0.5);
border:1px solid rgba(255,255,255,0.9);&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;background-clip:padding-box;&#39; + cssVendor + 
&#39;box-sizing:border-box;&#39; + (dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;height:100%&#39; : &#39;width:100%&#39;) + &#39;;&#39; +
 cssVendor + &#39;border-radius:3px;border-radius:3px&#39;;
bar.style.cssText += &#39;;pointer-events:none;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-property:&#39; +
 cssVendor + &#39;transform;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.33,0.66,0.66,1);&#39;
  + cssVendor + &#39;transition-duration:0;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transform: translate(0,0)&#39; + translateZ;
if (that.options.useTransition)
 bar.style.cssText += &#39;;&#39; + cssVendor + &#39;transition-timing-function:cubic-bezier(0.33,0.66,0.66,1)&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].appendChild(bar);
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;] = bar;
if (dir == &#39;h&#39;) {
that.hScrollbarSize = that.hScrollbarWrapper.clientWidth;
that.hScrollbarIndicatorSize = m.max(m.round(that.hScrollbarSize * that.hScrollbarSize / that.scrollerW), 8);
that.hScrollbarIndicator.style.width = that.hScrollbarIndicatorSize + &#39;px&#39;;
that.hScrollbarMaxScroll = that.hScrollbarSize - that.hScrollbarIndicatorSize;
that.hScrollbarProp = that.hScrollbarMaxScroll / that.maxScrollX;
} else {
that.vScrollbarSize = that.vScrollbarWrapper.clientHeight;
that.vScrollbarIndicatorSize = m.max(m.round(that.vScrollbarSize * that.vScrollbarSize / that.scrollerH), 8);
that.vScrollbarIndicator.style.height = that.vScrollbarIndicatorSize + &#39;px&#39;;
that.vScrollbarMaxScroll = that.vScrollbarSize - that.vScrollbarIndicatorSize;
that.vScrollbarProp = that.vScrollbarMaxScroll / that.maxScrollY;
// Reset position
that._scrollbarPos(dir, true);
_resize: function () {
var that = this;
setTimeout(function () { that.refresh(); }, isAndroid ? 200 : 0);
_pos: function (x, y) {
if (this.zoomed) return;
x = this.hScroll ? x : 0;
y = this.vScroll ? y : 0;
if (this.options.useTransform) {
this.scroller.style[transform] = &#39;translate(&#39; + x + &#39;px,&#39; + y + &#39;px) scale(&#39; + this.scale + &#39;)&#39; + translateZ;
} else {
x = m.round(x);
y = m.round(y);
this.scroller.style.left = x + &#39;px&#39;;
this.scroller.style.top = y + &#39;px&#39;;
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
_scrollbarPos: function (dir, hidden) {
var that = this,
pos = dir == &#39;h&#39; ? that.x : that.y,
if (!that[dir + &#39;Scrollbar&#39;]) return;
pos = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarProp&#39;] * pos;
if (pos < 0) {
if (!that.options.fixedScrollbar) {
size = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicatorSize&#39;] + m.round(pos * 3);
if (size < 8) size = 8;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;width&#39; : &#39;height&#39;] = size + &#39;px&#39;;
pos = 0;
} else if (pos > that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;]) {
if (!that.options.fixedScrollbar) {
size = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicatorSize&#39;] - m.round((pos - that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;]) * 3);
if (size < 8) size = 8;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[dir == &#39;h&#39; ? &#39;width&#39; : &#39;height&#39;] = size + &#39;px&#39;;
pos = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;] + (that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicatorSize&#39;] - size);
} else {
pos = that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarMaxScroll&#39;];
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].style[transitionDelay] = &#39;0&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarWrapper&#39;].style.opacity = hidden && that.options.hideScrollbar ? &#39;0&#39; : &#39;1&#39;;
that[dir + &#39;ScrollbarIndicator&#39;].style[transform] 
= &#39;translate(&#39; + (dir == &#39;h&#39; ? pos + &#39;px,0)&#39; : &#39;0,&#39; + pos + &#39;px)&#39;) + translateZ;
_start: function (e) {
var that = this,
point = hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e,
matrix, x, y,
c1, c2;
if (!that.enabled) return;
if (that.options.onBeforeScrollStart) that.options.onBeforeScrollStart.call(that, e);
if (that.options.useTransition || that.options.zoom) that._transitionTime(0);
that.moved = false;
that.animating = false;
that.zoomed = false;
that.distX = 0;
that.distY = 0;
that.absDistX = 0;
that.absDistY = 0;
that.dirX = 0;
that.dirY = 0;
// Gesture start
if (that.options.zoom && hasTouch && e.touches.length > 1) {
c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX-e.touches[1].pageX);
c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY-e.touches[1].pageY);
that.touchesDistStart = m.sqrt(c1 * c1 + c2 * c2);
that.originX = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX + e.touches[1].pageX - that.wrapperOffsetLeft * 2) / 2 - that.x;
that.originY = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY + e.touches[1].pageY - that.wrapperOffsetTop * 2) / 2 - that.y;
if (that.options.onZoomStart) that.options.onZoomStart.call(that, e);
if (that.options.momentum) {
if (that.options.useTransform) {
// Very lame general purpose alternative to CSSMatrix
matrix = getComputedStyle(that.scroller, null)[transform].replace(/[^0-9\-.,]/g, &#39;&#39;).split(&#39;,&#39;);
x = +(matrix[12] || matrix[4]);
y = +(matrix[13] || matrix[5]);
} else {
x = +getComputedStyle(that.scroller, null).left.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, &#39;&#39;);
y = +getComputedStyle(that.scroller, null).top.replace(/[^0-9-]/g, &#39;&#39;);
if (x != that.x || y != that.y) {
if (that.options.useTransition) that._unbind(TRNEND_EV);
else cancelFrame(that.aniTime);
that.steps = [];
that._pos(x, y);
if (that.options.onScrollEnd) that.options.onScrollEnd.call(that);
that.absStartX = that.x; // Needed by snap threshold
that.absStartY = that.y;
that.startX = that.x;
that.startY = that.y;
that.pointX = point.pageX;
that.pointY = point.pageY;
that.startTime = e.timeStamp || Date.now();
if (that.options.onScrollStart) that.options.onScrollStart.call(that, e);
that._bind(MOVE_EV, window);
that._bind(END_EV, window);
that._bind(CANCEL_EV, window);
_move: function (e) {
var that = this,
point = hasTouch ? e.touches[0] : e,
deltaX = point.pageX - that.pointX,
deltaY = point.pageY - that.pointY,
newX = that.x + deltaX,
newY = that.y + deltaY,
c1, c2, scale,
timestamp = e.timeStamp || Date.now();
if (that.options.onBeforeScrollMove) that.options.onBeforeScrollMove.call(that, e);
// Zoom
if (that.options.zoom && hasTouch && e.touches.length > 1) {
c1 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageX - e.touches[1].pageX);
c2 = m.abs(e.touches[0].pageY - e.touches[1].pageY);
that.touchesDist = m.sqrt(c1*c1+c2*c2);
that.zoomed = true;
scale = 1 / that.touchesDistStart * that.touchesDist * this.scale;
if (scale < that.options.zoomMin) scale = 0.5 * that.options.zoomMin * Math.pow(2.0, 
scale / that.options.zoomMin);
else if (scale > that.options.zoomMax) scale = 2.0 * that.options.zoomMax * 
Math.pow(0.5, that.options.zoomMax / scale);
that.lastScale = scale / this.scale;
newX = this.originX - this.originX * that.lastScale + this.x,
newY = this.originY - this.originY * that.lastScale + this.y;
this.scroller.style[transform] = &#39;translate(&#39; + newX + &#39;px,&#39; + newY + &#39;px) scale(&#39; + scale + &#39;)&#39; + translateZ;
if (that.options.onZoom) that.options.onZoom.call(that, e);
that.pointX = point.pageX;
that.pointY = point.pageY;
// Slow down if outside of the boundaries
if (newX > 0 || newX < that.maxScrollX) {
newX = that.options.bounce ? that.x + (deltaX / 2) : newX >= 0 || that.maxScrollX >= 0 ? 0 : that.maxScrollX;
if (newY > that.minScrollY || newY < that.maxScrollY) {
newY = that.options.bounce ? that.y + (deltaY / 2) : newY >= that.minScrollY || that.maxScrollY >= 0 ? 
that.minScrollY : that.maxScrollY;
that.distX += deltaX;
that.distY += deltaY;
that.absDistX = m.abs(that.distX);
that.absDistY = m.abs(that.distY);
if (that.absDistX < 6 && that.absDistY < 6) {
// Lock direction
if (that.options.lockDirection) {
if (that.absDistX > that.absDistY + 5) {
newY = that.y;
deltaY = 0;
} else if (that.absDistY > that.absDistX + 5) {
newX = that.x;
deltaX = 0;
that.moved = true;
that._pos(newX, newY);
that.dirX = deltaX > 0 ? -1 : deltaX < 0 ? 1 : 0;
that.dirY = deltaY > 0 ? -1 : deltaY < 0 ? 1 : 0;
if (timestamp - that.startTime > 300) {
that.startTime = timestamp;
that.startX = that.x;
that.startY = that.y;
if (that.options.onScrollMove) that.options.onScrollMove.call(that, e);
_end: function (e) {
if (hasTouch && e.touches.length !== 0) return;
var that = this,
point = hasTouch ? e.changedTouches[0] : e,
target, ev,
momentumX = { dist:0, time:0 },
momentumY = { dist:0, time:0 },
duration = (e.timeStamp || Date.now()) - that.startTime,
newPosX = that.x,
newPosY = that.y,
distX, distY,
that._unbind(MOVE_EV, window);
that._unbind(END_EV, window);
that._unbind(CANCEL_EV, window);
if (that.options.onBeforeScrollEnd) that.options.onBeforeScrollEnd.call(that, e);
if (that.zoomed) {
scale = that.scale * that.lastScale;
scale = Math.max(that.options.zoomMin, scale);
scale = Math.min(that.options.zoomMax, scale);
that.lastScale = scale / that.scale;
that.scale = scale;
that.x = that.originX - that.originX * that.lastScale + that.x;
that.y = that.originY - that.originY * that.lastScale + that.y;
that.scroller.style[transitionDuration] = &#39;200ms&#39;;
that.scroller.style[transform] = &#39;translate(&#39; + that.x + &#39;px,&#39; + that.y + &#39;px) 
scale(&#39; + that.scale + &#39;)&#39; + translateZ;
that.zoomed = false;
if (that.options.onZoomEnd) that.options.onZoomEnd.call(that, e);
if (!that.moved) {
if (hasTouch) {
if (that.doubleTapTimer && that.options.zoom) {
// Double tapped
that.doubleTapTimer = null;
if (that.options.onZoomStart) that.options.onZoomStart.call(that, e);
that.zoom(that.pointX, that.pointY, that.scale == 1 ? that.options.doubleTapZoom : 1);
if (that.options.onZoomEnd) {
setTimeout(function() {
that.options.onZoomEnd.call(that, e);
}, 200); // 200 is default zoom duration
} else if (this.options.handleClick) {
that.doubleTapTimer = setTimeout(function () {
that.doubleTapTimer = null;
// Find the last touched element
target = point.target;
while (target.nodeType != 1) target = target.parentNode;
if (target.tagName != &#39;SELECT&#39; && target.tagName != &#39;INPUT&#39; && target.tagName != &#39;TEXTAREA&#39;) {
ev = doc.createEvent(&#39;MouseEvents&#39;);
ev.initMouseEvent(&#39;click&#39;, true, true, e.view, 1,
point.screenX, point.screenY, point.clientX, point.clientY,
e.ctrlKey, e.altKey, e.shiftKey, e.metaKey,
0, null);
ev._fake = true;
}, that.options.zoom ? 250 : 0);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
if (duration < 300 && that.options.momentum) {
momentumX = newPosX ? that._momentum(newPosX - that.startX, duration, -that.x,
 that.scrollerW - that.wrapperW + that.x, that.options.bounce ? that.wrapperW : 0) : momentumX;
momentumY = newPosY ? that._momentum(newPosY - that.startY, duration, -that.y, 
(that.maxScrollY < 0 ? that.scrollerH - that.wrapperH + that.y - that.minScrollY : 0), that.options.bounce ? 
that.wrapperH : 0) : momentumY;
newPosX = that.x + momentumX.dist;
newPosY = that.y + momentumY.dist;
if ((that.x > 0 && newPosX > 0) || (that.x < that.maxScrollX && newPosX < that.maxScrollX))
 momentumX = { dist:0, time:0 };
if ((that.y > that.minScrollY && newPosY > that.minScrollY) || (that.y < that.maxScrollY && newPosY 
< that.maxScrollY)) momentumY = { dist:0, time:0 };
if (momentumX.dist || momentumY.dist) {
newDuration = m.max(m.max(momentumX.time, momentumY.time), 10);
// Do we need to snap?
if (that.options.snap) {
distX = newPosX - that.absStartX;
distY = newPosY - that.absStartY;
if (m.abs(distX) < that.options.snapThreshold && m.abs(distY) < that.options.snapThreshold) 
{ that.scrollTo(that.absStartX, that.absStartY, 200); }
else {
snap = that._snap(newPosX, newPosY);
newPosX = snap.x;
newPosY = snap.y;
newDuration = m.max(snap.time, newDuration);
that.scrollTo(m.round(newPosX), m.round(newPosY), newDuration);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
// Do we need to snap?
if (that.options.snap) {
distX = newPosX - that.absStartX;
distY = newPosY - that.absStartY;
if (m.abs(distX) < that.options.snapThreshold && m.abs(distY) < that.options.snapThreshold) 
that.scrollTo(that.absStartX, that.absStartY, 200);
else {
snap = that._snap(that.x, that.y);
if (snap.x != that.x || snap.y != that.y) that.scrollTo(snap.x, snap.y, snap.time);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
if (that.options.onTouchEnd) that.options.onTouchEnd.call(that, e);
_resetPos: function (time) {
var that = this,
resetX = that.x >= 0 ? 0 : that.x < that.maxScrollX ? that.maxScrollX : that.x,
resetY = that.y >= that.minScrollY || that.maxScrollY > 0 ? that.minScrollY : that.y 
< that.maxScrollY ? that.maxScrollY : that.y;
if (resetX == that.x && resetY == that.y) {
if (that.moved) {
that.moved = false;
if (that.options.onScrollEnd) that.options.onScrollEnd.call(that); // Execute custom code on scroll end
if (that.hScrollbar && that.options.hideScrollbar) {
if (vendor == &#39;webkit&#39;) that.hScrollbarWrapper.style[transitionDelay] = &#39;300ms&#39;;
that.hScrollbarWrapper.style.opacity = &#39;0&#39;;
if (that.vScrollbar && that.options.hideScrollbar) {
if (vendor == &#39;webkit&#39;) that.vScrollbarWrapper.style[transitionDelay] = &#39;300ms&#39;;
that.vScrollbarWrapper.style.opacity = &#39;0&#39;;
that.scrollTo(resetX, resetY, time || 0);
_wheel: function (e) {
var that = this,
wheelDeltaX, wheelDeltaY,
deltaX, deltaY,
if (&#39;wheelDeltaX&#39; in e) {
wheelDeltaX = e.wheelDeltaX / 12;
wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDeltaY / 12;
} else if(&#39;wheelDelta&#39; in e) {
wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = e.wheelDelta / 12;
} else if (&#39;detail&#39; in e) {
wheelDeltaX = wheelDeltaY = -e.detail * 3;
} else {
if (that.options.wheelAction == &#39;zoom&#39;) {
deltaScale = that.scale * Math.pow(2, 1/3 * (wheelDeltaY ? wheelDeltaY / Math.abs(wheelDeltaY) : 0));
if (deltaScale < that.options.zoomMin) deltaScale = that.options.zoomMin;
if (deltaScale > that.options.zoomMax) deltaScale = that.options.zoomMax;
if (deltaScale != that.scale) {
if (!that.wheelZoomCount && that.options.onZoomStart) that.options.onZoomStart.call(that, e);
that.zoom(e.pageX, e.pageY, deltaScale, 400);
setTimeout(function() {
if (!that.wheelZoomCount && that.options.onZoomEnd) that.options.onZoomEnd.call(that, e);
}, 400);
deltaX = that.x + wheelDeltaX;
deltaY = that.y + wheelDeltaY;
if (deltaX > 0) deltaX = 0;
else if (deltaX < that.maxScrollX) deltaX = that.maxScrollX;
if (deltaY > that.minScrollY) deltaY = that.minScrollY;
else if (deltaY < that.maxScrollY) deltaY = that.maxScrollY;
if (that.maxScrollY < 0) {
that.scrollTo(deltaX, deltaY, 0);
_transitionEnd: function (e) {
var that = this;
if (e.target != that.scroller) return;
* Utilities
_startAni: function () {
var that = this,
startX = that.x, startY = that.y,
startTime = Date.now(),
step, easeOut,
if (that.animating) return;
if (!that.steps.length) {
step = that.steps.shift();
if (step.x == startX && step.y == startY) step.time = 0;
that.animating = true;
that.moved = true;
if (that.options.useTransition) {
that._pos(step.x, step.y);
that.animating = false;
if (step.time) that._bind(TRNEND_EV);
else that._resetPos(0);
animate = function () {
var now = Date.now(),
newX, newY;
if (now >= startTime + step.time) {
that._pos(step.x, step.y);
that.animating = false;
if (that.options.onAnimationEnd) that.options.onAnimationEnd.call(that); 
// Execute custom code on animation end
now = (now - startTime) / step.time - 1;
easeOut = m.sqrt(1 - now * now);
newX = (step.x - startX) * easeOut + startX;
newY = (step.y - startY) * easeOut + startY;
that._pos(newX, newY);
if (that.animating) that.aniTime = nextFrame(animate);
_transitionTime: function (time) {
time += &#39;ms&#39;;
this.scroller.style[transitionDuration] = time;
if (this.hScrollbar) this.hScrollbarIndicator.style[transitionDuration] = time;
if (this.vScrollbar) this.vScrollbarIndicator.style[transitionDuration] = time;
_momentum: function (dist, time, maxDistUpper, maxDistLower, size) {
var deceleration = 0.0006,
speed = m.abs(dist) / time,
newDist = (speed * speed) / (2 * deceleration),
newTime = 0, outsideDist = 0;
// Proportinally reduce speed if we are outside of the boundaries
if (dist > 0 && newDist > maxDistUpper) {
outsideDist = size / (6 / (newDist / speed * deceleration));
maxDistUpper = maxDistUpper + outsideDist;
speed = speed * maxDistUpper / newDist;
newDist = maxDistUpper;
} else if (dist < 0 && newDist > maxDistLower) {
outsideDist = size / (6 / (newDist / speed * deceleration));
maxDistLower = maxDistLower + outsideDist;
speed = speed * maxDistLower / newDist;
newDist = maxDistLower;
newDist = newDist * (dist < 0 ? -1 : 1);
newTime = speed / deceleration;
return { dist: newDist, time: m.round(newTime) };
_offset: function (el) {
var left = -el.offsetLeft,
top = -el.offsetTop;
while (el = el.offsetParent) {
left -= el.offsetLeft;
top -= el.offsetTop;
if (el != this.wrapper) {
left *= this.scale;
top *= this.scale;
return { left: left, top: top };
_snap: function (x, y) {
var that = this,
i, l,
page, time,
sizeX, sizeY;
// Check page X
page = that.pagesX.length - 1;
for (i=0, l=that.pagesX.length; i<l; i++) {
if (x >= that.pagesX[i]) {
page = i;
if (page == that.currPageX && page > 0 && that.dirX < 0) page--;
x = that.pagesX
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