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jQuery Pagination Ajax ページング プラグイン (ページング切り替え時の更新と遅延なし) 中国語翻訳 version_jquery

2016-05-16 17:43:461137ブラウズ



  • 此jQuery插件为Ajax分页插件,一次性加载,故分页切换时无刷新与延迟,如果数据量较大不建议用此方法,因为加载会比较慢。
  • 原插件CSS不太合理,使用浮动,故无法方便实现左右方向的定位,且未清除浮动,在中文修改版中我对其进行了优化,使其支持text-align的定位。
  • 对原js文件注释进行了中文翻译,demo页面也是汉化了的,demo页面的js与原demo有一些出入,但核心不变。

分页效果图 张鑫旭-鑫空间-鑫生活



参数名 描述 参数值
maxentries 总条目数 必选参数,整数
items_per_page 每页显示的条目数 可选参数,默认是10
num_display_entries 连续分页主体部分显示的分页条目数 可选参数,默认是10
current_page 当前选中的页面 可选参数,默认是0,表示第1页
num_edge_entries 两侧显示的首尾分页的条目数 可选参数,默认是0
link_to 分页的链接 字符串,可选参数,默认是"#"
prev_text “前一页”分页按钮上显示的文字 字符串参数,可选,默认是"Prev"
next_text “下一页”分页按钮上显示的文字 字符串参数,可选,默认是"Next"
ellipse_text 省略的页数用什么文字表示 可选字符串参数,默认是"…"
prev_show_always 是否显示“前一页”分页按钮 布尔型,可选参数,默认为true,即显示“前一页”按钮
next_show_always 是否显示“下一页”分页按钮 布尔型,可选参数,默认为true,即显示“下一页”按钮
callback 回调函数 默认无执行效果

5. Usage examples

For example, the following usage code:
Copy code The code is as follows:

$("#Pagination").pagination(56, {
num_edge_entries: 2,
num_display_entries: 4,
callback: pageselectCallback,

The meaning of this code is: there are a total of 56 (maxentries) list items, 2 (num_edge_entries) are displayed on both sides of the first and last pages, and the main body of continuous paging The number is displayed as 4 (num_display_entries), the callback function is pageselectCallback (callback), and the list items displayed on each page are 1 (items_per_page). You can modify the parameters configured here according to the parameter table. 6. Some notes about the demo

There are three demos in total. The first demo is static data written directly on HTML; the second demo uses Ajax to load HTML data and then displays it in pages; the third demo can dynamically modify some parameters to observe the corresponding Pagination effect.

I changed the js comments on all demo pages to Chinese annotations. The difficulty lies in the callback function. The callback function in the demo has two parameters, one is page_index and the other is jq. The former one represents the paging page you are currently clicking. Index value, the latter parameter represents the loading container. The page index value here is the key. We need to find the corresponding (for example) HTML element based on this index value, and then display it in the specified container. The demo provides methods for loading single elements and multiple elements. I believe there will be no Too big a problem.
一些参数 张鑫旭-鑫空间-鑫生活

Okay, that’s it!

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(End of this article)

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