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DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性

2024-07-27 12:01:34911ブラウズ

原題:「DeSec? Where Crypto Meets Security, Surveillance, and Defense」

執筆者:Luffistotle、Zee Prime Capital

編集者:Tia、Techub News

最近、西側諸国の安全保障秩序の問題が表面化し始めている。多くの場合、私たちが秩序を測る方法は、昼と夜に街や公園を歩き回ることで(安全かどうかを確認するため)行われます。しかし現在、この測定方法の信頼性はますます低くなりつつあります。社会秩序は 3 つの要素によって構築され維持されます:

  1. 法律と社会規範

  2. 法執行 (警察、監視など)

  3. 正義 (法の適用)

DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性

これら 3 つの間の相互作用は複雑であり、深く統合されています。人々が公園を歩くのを恐れ始めたり、店が移転し始めて元の街で営業しなくなったりした場合(通常は非常に明白な兆候)、それはガバナンスに問題があることを示しています。実際、現在の政策にはいくつかの問題があります。実際、私たちは暗号通貨が法執行を改善し、社会構造の改善に役立つ可能性を理解しようとすることができます。これについては、監視ツールでの暗号の使用に焦点を当てて、以下で説明します。


DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性




暗号通貨は経済的自由の可能性をもたらします - それは通貨に対する国の独占を排除し、国の金融行動に抑制と均衡を課します。同様に、新しい監視ツールのチェックとバランスを提供できます。ユビキタスで安価なロボット、カメラ、センサーを信頼性の高い中立的なコラボレーション ネットワークと組み合わせることで、国家監視の独占を相殺することができます。

私たちが DeSec と呼ぶプロジェクトのカテゴリーでは、素晴らしい人々との興味深い会話を通して深く掘り下げます。セキュリティ分野は、顧客(政府、コミュニティ)が保険の形で支払うことをいとわない数少ない分野の1つであるため、暗号通貨にとってもう1つのチャンスです(防衛側は冗長性に対して喜んで支払います)。冗長手数料は暗号通貨に固有の機能です。この特性は、多くの暗号製品が他のソリューションと競合できないことが多い理由でもあり、暗号はより高いレベルのセキュリティ/冗長性/検証に対して常にお金を払う必要があります。


DePIN Meets DeSec: NeighborhoodWatchDAO

Much of DePIN’s value comes from shifting the burden of capex from the company/protocol to the node operators in exchange for a percentage of revenue. This opens up the possibility of expansion for many types of networks that would otherwise be unachievable.

Using these features, some instant applications can be launched to the market. As an example, Dempsey is a DePIN-style SoundThinking (formerly ShotSpotter) node network that either sells to ShotSpotter itself or has its own protocol. For those unfamiliar, ShotSpotter is a network of building-mounted microphones that triangulate the location of a shooting and alert law enforcement or first responders for faster/immediate deployment of resources.

DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性

With node operators deployed to their respective cities, such protocols can scale globally much faster than the internal reinvestment cycles of companies like SoundThinking.

Similarly, there is an increasing risk of small drones invading potentially important airspace. As the recent invasion of Langley Air Force Base showed us. While the U.S. military may have a classified solution to such attacks, another solution may be needed for other, less secure airspaces. Small radar or visual observation networks in relevant airspace can be incentivized to help law enforcement understand what is happening at the launch point.

Similar models can also be used to observe signal strength. (While typically this is provided by wireless providers to ensure network quality, wireless providers have the disadvantage that their signals are typically more ephemeral.) DePIN can provide ongoing signal quality monitoring for these networks (as some projects like ROAM already planned to do). This is a simpler execution solution.

In recent years, the number of cheap mobile phone signal jamming devices in the hands of thieves has increased dramatically. These devices are scary because you may find that when someone breaks into your house, your phone, wifi, or radio is unable to contact the police.

DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性

Criminals can put it in their belt and rob your house or steal your car. Signal monitoring in cities and other areas can easily detect such interference events. Similar to ShotSpotter, authorities can also be alerted.

We could also create similar protocols to provide regular incentives for small drones conducting surveillance in problem areas (Patrol2earn), or we could leverage existing DePIN projects to support surveillance agencies. Projects like Frodobots or DIMO use cameras to capture key events.

DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性


Similar to the monitoring part, DePIN networks can also be used to enhance the robustness of network transmissions, whether electrical or digital. The benefit is that such networks can remain stable even in the event of a disaster.

Mesh edge networks can withstand today’s highly centralized CDN-centric Internet traffic, while decentralized power plants can coordinate small-scale energy production, making these energy equipment the target of attacks in major production centers , can still provide backup power.

This logic also applies to modern warfare. In fact, modern frontier forces need decentralization even more. As we have seen in Ukraine, the use of FPV drones is a major development in the field of warfare. Small, low-cost (even cardboard drones) and fast precision strikes are now possible. Any critical facility on the battlefield (i.e. logistics hubs, transmission/command bunkers, etc.) will be targeted. This results in these small facilities being called points of failure, and the best way to deal with them is to use distributed communications.

DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性

In this economic situation, do you still want to use missiles?


Multi-party verification can be applied to robot manufacturing. Entering malicious instructions into a manufacturing robot could pose serious risks to the entire manufacturing chain. One way to solve this kind of problem could be to perform multi-party verification on the code while it is running. Catch malicious changes to the manufacturing process by reaching a consensus on the code to be executed.

Similar to authentication, STAEX provides a public network to facilitate trustless communication between IoT devices. This provides a novel way for these devices to communicate and reduces the risk of interference using traditional channels. Given the increasing risk of wrongdoing, this is an important technology that can build robust networks where these devices can transmit valuable data.

Other uses for verification include citizen submission of evidence (snitch2earn) as described above by Palmer Luckey. Highly complex operations such as concealed identities and decoy cars may be difficult to carry out within the current legal framework, but nevertheless, in this day and age there are still plenty of ways to record criminal behavior, a simple venue can be set up to deploy the data, and even Contextualize location/time verification via encryption (ZK!!!).

DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性


DeSci is another way cryptography is merging with the defense/intelligence industry. For example, DeSci DAO funds projects in otherwise underappreciated areas such as materials science, biofabrication (like valleyDAO), cryogenics (CryoDAO) or longevity (Vita)/human performance enhancement (anyone wants to do a peptide DAO with me?) Research. These DAOs can actually have a meaningful impact on these areas of research. HairDAO, for example, is now one of the largest funders of non-hair loss research in the world.

I believe that as more and more scientists are abandoning traditional research avenues, more innovations in cutting-edge research will come from this type of DAO.

Why is the agreement important?

Why is the agreement needed? Many of the ideas proposed above are clearly attempts to increase surveillance by state rule. However, assume these monitoring tools are brought to market and governed by a protocol. In this case, decentralized governance can check whether the authorities using them are enforcing the law properly, and whether the values ​​of those monopolistic governors are consistent with the people they govern? If inconsistent, the protocol could vote to no longer provide value-added information to law enforcement agencies (perhaps they would choose to support private police forces or private intelligence agencies).

Comments from Skeptics

DeSec: 監視と法執行における分散型プロトコルの応用の可能性

Increased surveillance capabilities could have a negative impact on society regardless of who is in control. Don’t overly question the actual possibility of decentralized governance because, similar to Bitcoin, such a protocol must rely on the absolute permissionless principle of minimal governance. That is, maximizing the need for no trust.

Society is constantly evolving and the ability to enforce the absolute rule of law may weaken our ability to adapt. Progress can be made through disobedience, albeit a very specific form of disobedience (not a street crime). How can certain types of crime be eliminated? This can become a slippery slope if surveillance technology is used to its maximum potential.

Therefore, we must be careful to protect privacy when implementing technologies that help maintain the established order. We humans must have the ability to speak outrageous ideas and stand up to tyranny. If the asymmetry between law enforcement and resistance capabilities becomes too great, we are only fueling Minority Report -style tyranny.

If we look deeper into this asymmetry, we can see that gun rights in the United States are meaningless. When they were established, their goal was to ensure the possibility of potential resistance, but once we invented the missile (let alone nuclear weapons), this possibility no longer exists. The right of individuals to defend their property remains, of course, but it is ineffective against government resistance.

Crypto technology has the unique ability to take the market to a new level. Will the future be MerceneryDAO, crypto-funded defense technology, community-owned drones, or libertarian pacifism? No one knows. Maybe the answer lies in more niche parts, like decentralized micro-nuclear power plant monitors and drone protection networks. Maybe the answer lies in places we haven’t even considered.

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