Summarize any article into 5 key points with TLDR.Dec-12,2024
AppAI ツールディレクトリ
What is TLDR?
TLDR is an AI-powered app that allows users to summarize articles into the top 5 key points in just 2 clicks. It also breaks through news site paywalls.
How to use TLDR?
To use TLDR, simply input the URL link or paste the text you want to summarize into the app. Click the 'Summarize' button and you will get the TLDR version of the article.
TLDR's Core Features
AI-powered text summarization
Breaks through news site paywalls
Summarize any URL link or chunk of text
TLDR's Use Cases
Quickly get the key points from long articles
Save time by bypassing news site paywalls
Efficiently summarize research papers or documents
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