What is SkillMil ai chrome extension?
An AI powered All-in-One Hiring, Job Searching, and Personalized Career Development Platform that streamlines the hiring and recruiting journey for job seekers, veterans, and employers.
How to use SkillMil ai chrome extension?
Sign up on SkillMil, upload your resume or job description, utilize AI tools to match skills, save job postings and contacts, collaborate with your team.
SkillMil ai chrome extension's Core Features
Organize job search & candidate profiles
Bookmark job postings, candidates & contacts
Utilize AI for job searches & create ATS ready resumes
Save full LinkedIn profiles for future research
Share progress with team or advisor
Keep track of hiring journey
SkillMil ai chrome extension's Use Cases
Try the FREE resume builder tool
Improve job search efficiency with AI tools
Streamline recruiting process for employers
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