What is ChatGuru?
ChatGuru is a personal AI conversation assistant companion for Mac, iPhone, and iPad that remembers what you said up to 1 day, week, month, or year ago.
How to use ChatGuru?
To use ChatGuru, simply download and install the app on your Mac, iPhone, or iPad. Once installed, open the app and start a conversation. ChatGuru will automatically remember and recall your previous conversations.
ChatGuru's Core Features
Personal AI conversation assistant
Memory of past conversations
Multi-device support
ChatGuru's Use Cases
Keeping track of important conversations
Reminiscing past conversations
Enhancing productivity
AI がこれら 7 つのことをやってくれるとは決して信じない
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ChatGPT を使用して週間スケジュールを計画する方法を紹介します
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ChatGPT に自分自身についての楽しい質問をしてみてください
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