Component overview

There are three types of MIP components: built-in components, personalized components and advertising components.

  • Built-in components

    • Image component (mip-img)
    • Video component (mip-video)
    • mip -pix component (mip-pix)
    • Carousel component (mip-carousel)
    • iframe component (mip-iframe)
  • Personalized component

    • Collapse node component (mip-according)
    • Animation component (mip-anim)
    • app download component (mip-appdl)
    • Audio component (mip-audio)
    • Baidu statistics component (mip-stats-baidu)
    • Filter component (mip-filter)
    • Suspended component (mip -fixed)
    • Form component (mip-form)
    • System differentiation component (mip-html-os)
    • Page jump component (mip-link)
    • Menu component (mip-nav-slidedown)
    • Share component (mip-share)
    • Sidebar component (mip-sidebar)
    • Tianrun statistics component (mip-stats-tianrun)
  • Advertising component

    • Advertising component (mip-ad)

If you need other components, such as advertising components and statistical components, you can refer to the component development specifications to develop and submit them to us.