Module organization

Module Organization

Any CSS code that exceeds 1000 lines, you have experienced this experience:

1. What is this class? What does it mean?

2. Where is this class used?

3. If I create a xxoo class, will it cause a conflict?

Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure The goal is to solve the above problems. It is not a framework, but allows you to build more robust and maintainable CSS code through specifications.

Components (Components)


Think from the perspective of Components, treat the modules of the website as an independent Components .

Naming components

Components Name with at least two words, separated by -, for example:

  • Like button(.like-button)
  • Search box(.search-form)
  • Article Card (.article-card)

Elements (Element)


Elements Yes Elements in Components

Naming elements The class name of

Elements should be as short as one word.

 .search-form {
    > .field { /* ... */ }
    > .action { /* ... */ }

On multiple words (multiple words)

For Elements class names that require two or more words to express, underscores and underlines should not be used to connect them , should directly connect.

  .profile-box {
    > .firstname { /* ... */ }
    > .lastname { /* ... */ }
    > .avatar { /* ... */ }

Avoid tag selectors

Use classnames whenever possible. The tag selector is fine to use, but its performance is slightly weaker and its meaning is unclear.

  .article-card {
    > h3    { /* ✗ avoid */ }
    > .name { /* ✓ better */ }

Variants (variants)


Components and Elements may both have Variants.

Naming variants (variant naming)

Variants’s classname should be prefixed with a dash -

  .like-button {
    &.-wide { /* ... */ }
    &.-short { /* ... */ }
    &.-disabled { /* ... */ }

Element variants (element variants)

  .shopping-card {
    > .title { /* ... */ }
    > .title.-small { /* ... */ }

Dash prefixes (dash prefix)

Why use dash as the prefix of the variant?

  • It can avoid ambiguity with Elements
  • CSS class can only start with the word and _ or -
  • Middle lines are easier to output than underlines

Layout (layout)


Avoid positioning properties (avoid positioning properties)

Components should be reusable in different contexts, so avoid setting the following properties:

  • Positioning (position, top, left, right, bottom)

  • Floats (float, clear)

  • Margins (margin)

  • ##Dimensions (width, height) *

Fixed dimensions (fixed dimensions)

Avatars and logos These elements should have fixed dimensions (width, height...).

Define positioning in parents (setting positioning in parent elements)

If you need to set positioning for a component, it should be processed in the context of the component (parent element), such as in the following example , apply

widths and floats in list component(.article-list) instead of component(.article-card) itself.

  .article-list {
    & {
      @include clearfix;

    > .article-card {
      width: 33.3%;      float: left;

  .article-card {
    & { /* ... */ }
    > .image { /* ... */ }
    > .title { /* ... */ }
    > .category { /* ... */ }

Avoid over-nesting (Avoid excessive nesting)

It is easy to lose control when there are multiple nestings. You should keep no more than one nesting.

  /* ✗ Avoid: 3 levels of nesting */
  .image-frame {
    > .description {      /* ... */

      > .icon {        /* ... */
  }  /* ✓ Better: 2 levels */
  .image-frame {
    > .description { /* ... */ }
    > .description > .icon { /* ... */ }

Apprehensions (concerns)

  • #underline- is a piece of bad stuff: Actually you can choose To use it specifically, just keep Components, Elements, Variants in mind.

  • Sometimes I can’t think of two words: Some components do use one word to express their meaning, such as aleter. But you can actually use suffixes to make it more explicit.

For example, block-level elements:

  • .alert-box

  • .alert -card

  • .alert-block

or inline-level element

  • .link-button

  • .link-span


RSCSS is similar to other CSS module organization systems Concept


Summary (Summary)

  • Thinking from the perspective of

    Components, named with two words ( .screenshot-image)

  • Components in Elements, named with one word (.blog -post .title)

  • Variants, with dash- as the prefix (.shop-banner.-with-icon)

  • Components can be nested inside each other

  • Remember, you can make things easier through inheritance

    • *

Translated from:Reasonable System for CSS Stylesheet Structure